I Refused To Be A Substitute, And Shot To Fame On A Variety Show With My Mother-In-Law - Chapter 163

Chapter 163

Chapter 163 The memory is fluctuating, and the past is presented

Ding Wei also comforted: "Ms. Li will wake up. The doctor said that he will wake up tomorrow. It's not a big problem. Don't make up a bunch of scary things by yourself."

at the same time.

Xue Jinzhu, who was in the same ward with Min Hanrong and Tao Jing, was sitting on the hospital bed taking pictures of various leg and foot injuries.

She is a person who shares when she is happy, and cries when she has grievances. She never holds back herself. He frantically took pictures of his injured foot, and then sent the injured photo to Chen Xin via WeChat

Xue Jinzhu: [Brother, I was injured. A small car accident caused my leg to hurt. ]

Xue Jinzhu: [I want my brother to hug me. ]

Xue Jinzhu: [Wronged GIF~]

Chen Xin is still working hard overtime in the company. If he worked overtime yesterday, he will also work overtime today, and will continue to do so tomorrow. What is it like to have an authoritarian boss? !

Anyway, the money is enough.

The phone was vibrating. Seeing that it was a WeChat message from Xue Jinzhu, he clicked on WeChat when he was busy.

After seeing the photos sent by Xue Jinzhu, Chen Xin immediately called Xue Jinzhu.

Xue Jinzhu was waiting for the call, picked it up immediately, and shouted aggrievedly: "Brother, I miss you."

Tao Jing and Min Hanrong from the next bed looked over at the same time.

Xue Jinzhu didn't care about other people's eyes at all. Anyway, she always called Brother Chen Xin, so she wasn't afraid of revealing anything.

Chen Xin asked her: "What happened?"

Xue Jinzhu told Chen Xin the general situation of the matter, and he felt wronged when he said it. If he wanted to cry or not, Chen Xin coaxed him several times before he felt better.

Tao Jing next door said to her mother-in-law Min Hanrong: "Jin Zhu and her boyfriend have a really good relationship."

Min Hanrong glanced back and looked back: "It's all about love, it's like this."

Tao Jing smiled, indeed, love is like this.

She was like this when she and Jiacheng were in love, but after getting married, it became flat. All the surprises and happiness recently are thanks to the blessing of the show of Grandma Huanxi.

This way.

Chen Xin coaxed Xue Jinzhu well, and then asked: "What about Miss Li? Has something happened to Miss Li?"

Xue Jinzhu replied in a low voice: "No, Sister Li didn't go with us tonight. I made it up and insisted on leaving, but something happened later, and Sister Li came to rescue us."

Chen Xin heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that Li Xiwu was fine: "Rest well, don't stay up late, I'll come pick you up tomorrow morning."

In Xue Jinzhu's heart, he definitely hoped that Chen Xin would come here now.

But she also knows that this is too unreasonable to make trouble, after all, it is so late, and her brother has been working overtime recently and has not had a good rest, so it can't be too hard.

The next day.

Tang Xian got up early and heard that the mountain was not closed due to the heavy snow last night, so she packed her luggage and called Shang Xianglan and Xu Muzhen, and rushed down the mountain to the county hospital.

It was almost nine o'clock when we arrived at the county hospital.

Han Qianye chatted with Min Hanrong in that big ward. She first cared about Min Hanrong's injury. Min Hanrong didn't expect Han Qianye to care about her so much, and said with a smile, "It's fine."

Han Qianye said: "Last night, I saw that you were all on the first aid stretcher, so I thought it was serious."

Emergency stretcher?

Where did she get on the emergency stretcher?

Min Hanrong was about to ask Han Qianye when she saw her on the emergency stretcher, when Tang Xian knocked on the door and came in.

Followed by Xiang Lan and Xu Muzhen's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Han Qianye got up: "You are here."

Tang Xian nodded, stepped forward and asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

Han Qianye smiled: "I just touched my head, it's a small matter, there is no problem."

Min Hanrong answered, "It's all about luck and destiny."

Xiang Lan said: "It's not that Fu Da's life is too big, the car overturned, we were so worried that we didn't sleep well all night, and we were afraid of causing trouble if we wanted to follow."

Han Qianye looked behind the three of them, but he didn't see Li Xiwu coming in, but he held back and didn't ask.

It was Xue Jinzhu who asked: "Where is Sister Li? Why hasn't Sister Li come yet?"

Tang Xian, Xiang Lan and Xu Muzhen were startled.

Tang Xian spoke first: "Xiwu followed her to find you last night, didn't you see her?"

Xue Jinzhu said: "I know, I just asked why Sister Li hasn't come in yet, and I haven't seen her since I arrived at the hospital last night."

Min Hanrong also said: "Last night I also saw Xiwu, she has been helping, our car was full and left first, Xiwu seemed to be looking for Qianye."

Tao Jing was in a coma and didn't know anything about it, so she couldn't talk to her.

Han Qianye was stunned: "Then why don't I know?"

Tang Xian was also stunned for a moment: "Could it be that after Xiwu went down the mountain last night, he went to book a hotel to stay?"

If that's the case, it's understandable why he hasn't come this morning.

Han Qianye's face collapsed when he heard it.

Last night, she went for the checkup by herself, lived alone in an empty ward, and from time to time thought about Li Xiwu, who was run by the village commune, wondering if she would sleep well at night.

As a result, after she followed her down last night, she went to book a hotel.

She didn't insist that Li Xiwu accompany her, even if she didn't say hello, she would feel uncomfortable. It turned out that Li Xiwu really didn't care about her at all...

Thinking of this, Han Qianye was sullen with a little sadness.

It seems that the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is really coming to an end after the variety show ends.

Meanwhile another general ward.

Ayo stayed in the ward all night, and Li Xiwu didn't wake up all night. When the sky was slightly bright, his eyelids finally couldn't hold back, and he lay down on the bedside and began to sleep soundly.

Actually, Li Xiwu, who was in a coma, woke up once in the middle of the night.

She didn't open her eyes, she was too tired to open them, and then she fell from a coma to a sleepy exhaustion, and fell asleep again.

This sleep is very long.

She also had a dream.

A strange person appeared in the dream. He was wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses and standing in front of her in a formal suit.

After staring at her for a moment, he stretched out his hand and shouted to her, "Xiaoyou."

Li Xiwu stared blankly at that strange face, not knowing why his heart ached suddenly to the extreme.

She was crying silently in her dream, but she didn't know why she was crying, just looking at that strange face made her heart ache to the point of crying. He approached her, stretched out his hand to touch her tearful face, and comforted her softly: "Xiaoyou, don't be afraid."

Li Xiwu threw himself into his arms instinctively.

He hugged her, patted her on the back and said, "Xiaoyou, I am not your prequel, and you are not my sequel, you are just yourself, go forward boldly, Dad is behind you..."

Why is this sentence so familiar?

It seems that I have remembered it thousands of times.

And that daddy...

Li Xiwu's tear-filled eyes suddenly froze.

By the time she let go of this embrace and wanted to see the person in front of her clearly again, everything had vanished into thin air, unable to be touched or grasped...

She had never been so sad as at that moment.

Sadness came from the bottom of my heart, silently.


The same voice as before appeared again.

She raised her head suddenly, and that person appeared again, but this time he was far away from her, just looked at her with a smile, and called Xiaoyou.

Li Xiwu rushed over recklessly, but passed through his body.

When she woke up crying, she cried out


Good night, oh Sidisi

(end of this chapter)