282 Ill tear them off
In the end, the boobian didnt attempt to make a move on me before vampire girl finished exterminating the monkeys. It seems that even she could sense that it wouldnt be a smart move to start a fight with a close associate of the Demon King with such timing. Going one step beyond that, given that the 10th Army are rumoured to be a force specialising in intelligence, it would be good if she understood the significance of their commander coming alone to visit her, but I wonder. It should be implicitly saying what youre up to is being leaked though. Well, I dont know whether or not she understood to that extent, but maybe I should get her to send out some monkey extermination reinforcements? I almost asked that, but it seems she intends to behave for now. Incidentally, I gave up on the reinforcements. After all, if the reinforcements are done badly then theyd just suffer damage anyway. Vampire girl would gain less experience as well.
Once vampire girl has finished the monkey extermination, Ill inform the boobian of that and leave the cleaning up of the fort to her. The fort is becoming full of monkey corpses anyway. Cleaning that up will be a major pain. If it was me Id be able to toss them all into another dimension though, but after I weighed up the options of gaining some food versus forcing some work onto the 2nd Army, I decided to give up on the food and and have the 2nd Army work hard. After this the members of the 2nd Army will be required to work hard on tidying up the corpses of the monkeys, clean up the fort and then occupy it. Work is on the increase! Yet, its with the pattern that a bonus wont be paid.
I teleport ahead to the fort, collecting vampire girl who has been covered in monkey blood. It somehow seems that her eyes have become like that of a dead fish, but Im sure shes okay. First of all, I tossed her into the baths at the Demon Kings Castle. Ive got my own cleaning up to do huh.
And thats what happened.
Okay. I had wanted you to report such things properly though.
Its been several days since the vampire girl enabled monkey extermination operation was carried out. I received a summons from the Demon King for some reason, and an explanation was demanded for the monkey extermination operation.
Say, Shiro-chan. Just when did this happen again?
A little while ago.
It was a long while ago! Why did you keep quiet about that!? Put yourself in my place I suddenly received a report of the results of an order I dont remember giving! Consider my feelings of having to keep a poker face while saying sorry for the trouble over something I have no clue about!
Did you actually say sorry for the trouble?
I didnt actually.
It seems that the boobian came to the castle to report to the Demon King about the monkey extermination battle and what happened after that. It seems she decided that since the monkeys are gone, that she couldnt keep using the excuse of Im stuck with doing this so I cant come to report forever. It appears that theyve mostly finished incinerating the corpses of the monkeys, and that the fort has just about recovered enough to be habitable.
So? Shiro-chan, from your point of view, whats the likelihood of that woman resorting to violence?
If she believes that she doesnt have a good chance of winning then she wont move to action. Even without that, if we can keep putting pressure onto her, then I think shell put it off with the excuse that the time isnt right yet.
That boobian is a piddling and extreme coward. She wont fight without a good chance of winning, and because shes a coward she will slink back and stop taking action with just a mere hint that shes being monitored. To be blunt, its enough to only take half-measures against her. In practice, just by making inspection-like quick visits on her, shes become unable to sleep day or night. Shes just too gutless.
Umm, well if a big gun who is capable of killing the Hero keeps teleporting in for surprise inspections day and night, then of course she couldnt get any sleep.
Yeah, but if I specified the times in advance then it wouldnt be a surprise would it. If I teleport then shes not able to destroy any suspicious evidence from before I moved either. Well, everythings being leaked via my clones beforehand anyway though.
Currently the boobian isnt making any particularly suspicious moves, apart from some light contact with the elves. Or rather, it would be more correct to say that she doesnt have time to. Going further, you could also say that what Im doing is just killing time though.
Sigh. Well, whatever. For now, the next time you do anything report it properly. Reporting, communicating and consulting is important. Got it?
The Demon King emphasises the last part a bit, so I have no choice but to nod my head. Dammit. The NEET is acting like a company president. Spouting shit like a proper member of society and all.
Okay, next is some good news! Shiro-chan, that special something is due to arrive today.
The Demon King makes a rotten muhaha laugh. That special something is perhaps!?
Yo, you dont mean!?
I mean exactly that. The finest kurikuta set!
I clap my hands for no particular reason. The finest kurikuta set, is the sweets that I had requested from the Demon King. The kurikuta is a comparatively commonplace fruit. However, unlike common kurikuta, the finest kurikuta is the king amongst kurikuta, a specially selected variety with a chosen environment and fertiliser. Because of that its a high-class item with limited production output, to the extent that even the Demon King cant easily get hold of them.
This aint the time to be hanging around! Lets go!
Aye! Ill follow you anywhere, anego!
After the Demon King rushed out from the room in a somewhat incomprehensible mood, I chased after her in a similarly strange mood. The place that were heading for is the delivery entrance for goods. On arriving in high spirits, it appears that Balto is fortunately here already, processing the confirmation of the imported goods.
Oh-ho? If it isnt Balto. Whats up?
The Demon King cheerfully addresses Balto. On the moment when he turns around to face her, I dont fail to notice that a flash of tension runs through Baltos body. Rather than it being because hes guiltily trying to conceal something, I believe its because hes genuinely afraid of the Demon King.
Hey there. You sure are labouring hard eh. Keep up the good work.
If you think so then please lend a hand.
But I refuse.
The Demon King laughs mockingly at the worn out looking Balto. Thinking that it wouldnt be right to waste any more of Baltos precious time with pointless chatter, I pull on the Demon Kings sleeve to prompt her to get down to business. Its all because Im worried about Baltos welfare, and absolutely not because I want to quickly get hold of the finest kurikuta. Definitely not, okay?
Oh, thats right. Balto, was the package delivered?
A package? If you are referring to the imported goods then that was completed just now though.
Ooh! Shiro-chan, this aint the time to be hanging around! Balto, among those was a package for me, yeah?
Hm? Somehow, I got a bad feeling.
Incidentally, what are the contents?
The finest kurikuta set.
Towards the Demon Kings inquiry, Balto makes an uncharacteristically dumb-sounding raised voice. It appears that he happens to know something.
Ahh? It was there, right? So, where is it now?
In response to the Demon Kings cross-examination, the poker face that Balto normally keeps up turns into an uneasy expression. Is it just me who has somehow gotten a horrible premonition?
Erm, I passed them on to Sanatoria.
I apologise. Since Sanatoria has always enjoyed eating kurikuta fruit, I mistook them for being hers.
Say what?
The instant I heard that, I broke into a run. Also leaving the Demon King behind, I charged towards my destination. I know where she is. Actually, shes in a nearby room. Arriving at my destination almost instantaneously, I kick down the door to the room.
Eh!? What!?
On kicking down the door the first thing that I catch sight of is an empty plate. With my keen sense of smell, I catch the faint sweet fragrance still remaining. Secondly, there is an empty box that apparently had contained something.
Ah, ahh
I just cant believe it
It was just so much of a shock, that I lost consciousness.