I Am The Corpse King - Chapter 309

Chapter 309

Chapter 309 Killing each other

A slightly dull voice came from a distance, very small, and did not wake up the entire gathering place. Only a few people with strong vigilance in their hearts were awakened. After seeing that there was nothing abnormal around them, they continued to fall back to sleep. .

In another place, in the dark, Xu Haihui stood on Ah Fu's back, staring at the red light that illuminated the city like daytime not far away, and whispered in his mouth, "Looks like, what happened? It's a matter, I don't know that that force is so powerful that it dares to compete with the army?"

That movement also awakened Tang Ye, he suddenly opened his eyes, stood up from the bed, glanced at Nan Nan on the sleeping basket, ignored her, opened the door, and his eyes locked on the red light in the distance!

The red light was dazzling, and Tang Ye could see at a glance that it was fire! It is the flame of fire burning!

He took off his clothes and threw them into the room at will. Tang Ye jumped and jumped out of the building. Before his body fell to the ground, the flesh and blood on his back ripped apart, and a pair of big wings that covered the sky stretched out, and he suddenly jumped out. Shocked, a violent wind blew up and flew towards the place where the red light was shining!

After flying for a while, Tang Ye saw the place where the red light was emerging. It was a survivor base that was half constructed. Only the lower body of the anti-corpse wall was repaired, but the upper body was still a reinforced iron frame. The perfect anti-corpse wall protects the small city inside, but the scene inside is like hell!

The fire was soaring into the sky, the abandoned discharge tower in the distance rumbled down, and the flames on the ground exploded one after another like a splash, taking the lives of countless people!

Tang Ye didn't get too far, just felt it a little, and found the location of Xu Haihui and Ah Fu, and he came to Xu Haihui's side in a flash.


"What's going on?" Tang Ye said lightly, looking at the tragic situation below.

"The conflict between the survivors is really ridiculous. There are still so many zombies outside, and humans are still killing each other, hehe... people."

Xu Haihui was full of sighs, with mockery on his face. He didn't know whether he was melancholy because he was once a human being or whether he hated that people didn't know the seriousness of the matter.

"I saw a joke on the Internet a few days ago, and there was a person who said it correctly. Humans will never get serious until the last moment." Tang Ye said this grimly.

"I see it too, but, so what? Boss, you hate ugly human nature, but human nature also saves you, everything has two sides, human nature is dark, but also bright, if there is no human nature, you are not My boss is."

Tang Ye was silent and did not immediately respond to Xu Haihui's words. After half a paycheck, he said, "Indeed, although human nature is hateful, it has also pulled me many times, but what about you?"

"Me? I've long been inhumane, so I don't have to regard myself as a human, I'm just a zombie, the boss said, isn't it?"

Tang Ye smiled with satisfaction. He liked Xu Haihui's words very much, which showed his loyalty.

The three-headed zombie no longer made any movement, and watched everything that happened below like watching a play.

The fire of Xunan Base, which has not yet been built in Linshi, is like a giant dragon, devouring everything!

The road on the side was artificially blasted through a hole, and there were countless people with guns rushing out. Although there was no military uniform, their quality was comparable to an army. They were full of murderous energy, advancing and retreating in an orderly manner. Divide each into three routes, run to this other place, and quickly control the guard soldiers on both sides of the anti-corpse wall!

The people in the middle of the line are attacking the military base and robbing the heavy weapons of the army!

When Tang Ye arrived here, the armored vehicles collided with each other regardless of whether they were enemy or foe. They only caused the damage to the buildings next to them. Occasionally, two vehicles collided with each other.

The survivors dressed in various clothes held firearms and continued to attack the military base in the distance. Due to the sudden incident, the soldiers were retreating, and the death of each soldier would provide the other with a good firearms!

The soldiers facing the north and moving the two corpse walls have been killed by seven, seven or eight. The survivors who came out of the hole controlled the two walls. Although the remaining soldiers guarding the two walls were on the way to support, they did not. Give them some time.

The survivors are of high quality. You can tell they were trained at first sight, and they don't know who did it. They left half of their troops, and the remaining half went down the high wall and ran to the periphery of the base!

There is a lot of noise here, and it has attracted the zombies outside. Under the searchlight, piles of zombies in the distance have flocked here, but the survivors who have left the city are welcoming them!

In the face of zombies, such behavior is undoubtedly sending death, but it is not the case. They retracted their guns, took off their shovels, and started digging. They dug a one-meter-deep hole in front of them, and others piled them from the side. The badly decomposed corpses were thrown into the pit.

Someone came over carrying boxes of vinegar, and without saying a word, opened the box and poured vinegar over the corpses. The survivors had enough hands, and after a while, the corpses that were piled up in front of them were blocked. Vinegar was poured over the corpse, and an unpleasant smell came out.

Inside the gate of the anti-corpse wall, there were also people carrying soldiers' corpses here and piled them up.

"This is at"

Tang Ye frowned, the smell coming from below made Tang Ye a little unbearable, but looking at their behavior, Tang Ye knew what they were doing almost instantly!

This is driving away zombies. I can't stand the smell, let alone the zombies that are close by!

Sure enough, as he expected, the zombies running below smelled this smell from afar, and stopped immediately, standing dumbfounded one by one, not knowing how to go, after a while, the zombies in front began to start. move back.

"These people are a bit difficult to deal with, and they can even have a head-on conflict with the army." Xu Haihai stared at the situation below.

"Oh?" Tang Ye became interested. The survivors who came out of the cave had not stopped, and people kept coming out of the cave. Tang Ye counted them, at least there were five or six hundred people before!

"Boss, they are really better than us. Look, there are already two third-order new humans among the people who come out now, there are also a dozen second-order new humans, and there are more first-order ones!"

Tang Ye was stunned for a moment, and looked at Xu Haihui suspiciously.

As if he knew what Tang Ye was thinking, Xu Haihui raised his hand and saw a small black bug crawling on his fingertips.

"Boss, you have your ability, of course, I also have mine!"

(end of this chapter)