I Am The Corpse King - Chapter 308

Chapter 308

Chapter 308 Not Human Eyes

The aura on the woman's body is chaotic, sometimes weak, sometimes normal, sometimes with the powerful blood of a first-order new human being!

Feng Quan didn't know what was going on with this woman, but he didn't have anything to fear. Now, with sufficient food, he has become a second-order new human being. Dealing with a first-order new human is like an adult. People beat babies!

"What are we going to do? Of course, we're going to arrest you. Are you doing this? There are rules here. If you want to live here, you must abide by the rules here! No matter what you are doing, you can't kill or **** at will! "

"And now, if you kill someone, you will come with us."

"Will you die?"

The woman looked timid and asked weakly, but that neutral voice really showed no mercy in life.

"I don't know, but the boss wants to see you. If you behave well, you may not need to die, but if you behave badly, hey, the way to die is ugly. Okay, get up quickly and come with us, otherwise, I will personally Get started!"

said, Feng Quan's tone became gloomy and cold, and the frightened woman shivered violently.

Feng Quan looked annoyed, and felt that this woman was just pretending, and he was going to pull her up when he stepped forward.

"Don't, I'll do it myself!"

The woman hurriedly stood up with a look of fear on her face.

"Go... let's go."

Feng Quan was not talking nonsense, he took her to the direction of Tang Ye.


The door was pushed open, and Tang Ye, who was wearing a mask and couldn't see his expression, walked in, sat on a soft chair, and looked at the woman who was **** with five flowers on the opposite side.

He has Erlang's legs crossed, and his tall and strong body is in sharp contrast to the petite body on the other side!

"What is your name."

The woman raised her head blankly. When she saw Tang Ye, she was so frightened that she couldn't say a word, and her whole body trembled uncontrollably.

Tang Ye frowned, at first he thought the woman was pretending, but he saw the unease in her eyes!

This unease is about something unknown, deeply imprinted in her pupils!

This is distrust of the world, resulting in disgust, but it is unable to change, and can only choose to retreat, just like a weak person who can't move a strong person will choose to escape.

This kind of look is impossible to pretend, at least Tang Ye thinks so.

Tang Ye just sat, watching her trembling vigorously, waiting for her to finish trembling before talking to himself.

After a long time, the woman finally suppressed the fear in her heart and reluctantly looked at Tang Ye, at his mask, and at those strange eyes!

"I... my name is Lu Xiaojie."

"Lu Xiaojie..." Tang Ye repeated the name, then stared at her.

"Do you know why I brought you here?"

"I...I know..."

"Since you know it, you should also understand that there are rules I set here, why do you still break it?" Tang Ye said in a sullen voice.

Lu Xiaojie's body trembled again, subconsciously trying to get tired, but she was tied to a chair and couldn't move at all.

"I...I don't know, I didn't mean to! You don't kill me! I..."

She roared loudly, her eyes filled with fear of death, but she suddenly calmed down and looked at Tang Ye dazedly.

"Will... die?"

Tang Ye also stared at her eyes, those eyes did not fluctuate, and there was no emotion at all.

However, Lu Xiaojie saw something strange in his eyes.

Those eyes seemed to be indistinguishable from human beings, but there were very few expressions in them. His eyes were very deep, but this word couldn't describe his eyes at all. She couldn't describe the feeling. I can't describe it, anyway, the word "profound" is not suitable for his eyes at all!

Finally, Lu Xiaojie kept thinking about the word that could describe Tang Ye's eyes and found it, that is the abyss!

Those eyes are the abyss, at first glance, the bottom is bottomless, and it is pitch black!

Bo Liang and the faint bloodthirsty inside, including the violence trapped by the appearance, are all clearly seen by her!

At this moment, she was shocked! These are not human eyes! It must not be human eyes!

These are not the eyes that people should have!

Through Tang Ye's black eyes, she saw the bright white inside!

Before Tang Ye could speak, Lu Xiaojie struggled frantically, her hair spread out in a mess, revealing her face, which was very ordinary, and did not have any outstanding colors. Those turbid eyes even lowered her appearance to another grade!

"No! I'm leaving here, you...you're horrible! I don't want to see you, I'm leaving!"

A trembling voice spit out from her mouth. As her body struggled, her strength exploded again, and the rope tied to her body was squeezed tight!

The rope is made of fibrous material, it is not thick, it has chopsticks, and it will not be easily broken at all, but even so, in Tang Ye's eyes, the aura of the woman in front of him has reached the peak, almost to the line of the first-order new human being, and it is about to be To the level of second-order new human beings.

"I'm leaving!"

shouted, Lu Xiaojie was full of fear, under the huge force, the rope stuck directly into her flesh and blood, and the blood that flowed out turned her into a **** person in a short while!

"Ah, ah, I'm leaving, you are so scary, I don't want to see you! You let me go!"


As soon as 's words fell, Tang Ye didn't do anything at all, and Lu Xiaojie broke the rope on his body, ran out like crazy, and bumped into the guards outside.

"Catch her!"

's men immediately shouted to catch Lu Xiaojie, but at this moment, Tang Ye's voice came.

"No need to chase, let her go, she can't escape."

As soon as Tang Ye's voice came out, the men outside stopped one after another, glanced at Lu Xiaojie's back, and then returned to their posts.

After a while, Tang Ye also went out, just casually glanced in the direction where Lu Xiaojie left, and walked back to his room.

The sun went down quickly, and after a while, darkness enveloped the rotting city. Around the gathering place, the zombies receded like a tide, as if they were threatened by some kind of existence. After retreating about three kilometers, they all stopped, and no zombie dared to take a step to the previous place.

At this time, it was already late at night. Due to tomorrow's tasks, everyone went to bed early tonight. In order to nourish their spirits, there was not a single person who used to guard outside.

The entire gathering place is empty, like a ghost town!

Suddenly, a red light appeared in the south, and there was a slight vibration. The red light in the south was very small at first, but it was very thin, but as time passed, the red light spread to the left and right sides. The sky in the south is bright red!


(end of this chapter)