I Am The Corpse King - Chapter 1521

Chapter 1521

Chapter 1521 Don't come here

Hearing the captain's words, Dolin seemed to be refreshed. He smiled at the captain and walked out of the warehouse that had been converted into an office. As soon as he went out, he bumped into a **** man walking towards him.

"Lance, do you want to go in?"

"Yes, I'm going crazy!"

The **** man replied Duolin briefly, and then rushed into the warehouse in a hurry.

"I haven't spoken yet, I have to remind you that there is no more food in it...!"

Dolin hurriedly said to Lance's back, but he didn't know if the other party heard his voice, so he rushed into the warehouse, and the next second, he heard the captain greeting him.

"Hey, Lance!"

"Captain? Why are you here...No no no! I need food so much right now! Food! Food!"

The black man named Lance shouted, and then came the captain's reminder, and then, the black Lance, who had just entered, let out a roar. It could be heard from the voice that this guy needs food very much now. It didn't take long, Dolin saw him running out in a hurry again.

Having been with him for so long, Duolin already knew this man very well. This guy is a fitness freak. Two hundred horizontal bars a day is a must. Protein powder is eaten as a meal, which makes Lance's body smaller than Other teammates are much more exaggerated.

In the same way, this daily must-do makes Lance's demand for food much higher than others, and the supply is gone, probably Lance consumes most of it.

To say how crazy he is about fitness, it has to be said that even if there is a shortage of things, he will still continue, although in the end he will starve to death from exhaustion!


Seeing Lance coming out again, Dolin hurriedly greeted him and wanted to stop him and tell him what the captain just said.

But the other party didn't pay attention to him at all. He trotted towards the door. When he passed by him, he heard him say, "I'm going crazy now. I'll tell you later."

Before he could finish speaking, Lance ran out the door in one breath, leaving Dolin helpless.

"Okay, I'll put you last." After muttering to himself, Dolin was about to walk to the second floor to inform the other teammates about the action tonight.

But just after taking a step, there was a very strange sound from outside the city hall. He had been a soldier for many years and immediately smelled a smell called danger!

He turned his head sharply to look at the door, and saw Lance standing blankly on the steps, his arms slightly raised upwards.


He called out the name of a **** man, but he didn't get a response. This time, his heart jumped up, and the sense of danger became stronger and stronger. Since he joined the army, he has experienced large and small in the Middle East. The battle, and let's not talk about what happened after he joined the army, that is, before he joined the army, he didn't know how to fight with Benner's gangster dozens of times with a ma4 in hand!

After all this experience, he is still standing here, which can already be said to be God's love for him, but at this moment, he feels the danger is more than any battle he has encountered before, and his muscles are instantly tense, vigilant. Looking at Lance's back, his right hand has already touched his waist, holding the handle of the gun, ready to draw and shoot at any time!

"Who? Come out!"

He shouted in English, and with his voice, Lance's figure at the door fell backwards, and in front of Lance, stood an overly inhuman and coquettish young Asian man, holding a A sword that is nearly two meters long, it looks like a samurai sword from Dongying. Duolin also likes this kind of weapon, but after a closer look, he finds that it is not the samurai sword he is familiar with. Compared with the traditional sword with a curved spine Dongying samurai sword, the sword in the young man's hand is straight and the ridge is wide and thick, and the blade is a shocking dark red!

The moment Lance fell, Duolin's eyes immediately collided with the opponent's. The opponent slowly put away the long knife in his hand and slammed it backwards on the ground. Knife smashed apart! Gravel splash!

The young man dragged the knife, which was longer than his height, with every step he took, and the sharp blade made a straight scratch on the ground, as if someone had cut it with a machine.

"Stop for me! Or I'll shoot!" Dolin raised the gun in his hand quickly and aimed the dark muzzle at the young man, but the next second, Dolin was stunned. His words did not stop because of the gun pointed at the opponent's forehead in his hand, and he still walked by himself step by step without panic!

"Don't come here! Stop! I ordered you to stop! Did you hear me! Damn it!"

The aura coming from the opponent almost suffocated Duolin. He felt that he was not facing a single person at all, but a beast that was much bigger than himself!

"do not come!"

After taking deep breaths several times in a row, Dolin did not calm down his extremely bad state of mind. In a panic, he glanced at Lance's corpse. He seemed to see a blood hole on the neck of Lance's corpse. In time, a question flashed through his mind: "How did Lance die?"

The cause of Lance's death is now clearly laid out in front of him. What really puzzled Doolin is not these, but what Lance experienced before his death. Although Lance was much later than he joined the army, he He is also an out-and-out veteran, and even in the face of a company of cyborg infantry, it is impossible to be killed without a reaction!

And just now, he didn't hear Lance making a single sound, not even screaming. The most incredible thing was that the opponent's weapon to kill him was not a gun, but a backward cold weapon!

However, although it is a cold weapon, isn't that sharpness too exaggerated? The ground is cut to give people a kind of like cutting tofu, and it will be separated after wiping.

"Don't come over, I warn you not to come over, I'll shoot if you dare to come over!"

After a while, Doolin finally couldn't bear the pressure from his heart and began to withdraw. His voice also caught the attention of the captain of the warehouse. He hurriedly ran out of the warehouse and saw a step with a knife at a glance. One step closer to the young man coming from Dolin!

"Who are you?"

The captain asked a symbolic question, and in the next second, he raised the assault rifle in his hand and aimed it at the young man, but their threats did not help, the young man was still walking forward step by step!

I don't know if it was because of the appearance of the captain, that the tension in Duolin's heart eased a little. After issuing a warning again, seeing that Tang Ye still did not stop, he finally pulled the trigger!


(end of this chapter)