I Am The Corpse King - Chapter 1520

Chapter 1520

Chapter 1520 Killed in advance

With his eyes closed, Tang Ye's brows gradually wrinkled. Now he can no longer confirm the time period he is in, but he can't open his eyes. If he opens his eyes after 9:10, then everything today It is equivalent to doing it in vain.

He had been struggling like this, and the feeling of jet lag that had passed for a long time but only seemed to have passed for a few minutes made his heart start to get impatient.

But soon, he thought that this might be a stumbling block for him by Deria, and Tang Ye calmed down immediately.

Instead of thinking about how long time had passed, he instead thought about the clues that Lu Xiaojie had left for him, but the letter she wrote to him didn't seem to have any extra clues. Logically, if she knew that she would enter this Can the city of Camberlet at least give some advice?

But not even a single word was mentioned in the letter. The only thing I noticed was that I had to abide by the regulations.

Although there were no clues to come up with in the letter, doing so seemed to have calmed down Tang Ye a lot, and the noisy auditory hallucinations in his ears disappeared at some point.

The next second when Tang Ye wanted to feel at ease, he suddenly became vigilant, and he suddenly realized that he seemed to be missing something?

"Huh?" He let out a doubt, and at this moment, he realized, but at the same time, a light appeared in the darkness that he saw after closing his eyelids!

This is so familiar, as the light expanded, Tang Ye saw the sun setting in the west, and the graffiti remnants not far away that were too familiar to him!

He, who should have been lying on a tattered bed, was standing steadily on the road at this time. He touched his pocket for the first time, and soon found a hard object, which he brought from Xijiang City. , he put the phone next to him when he was lying on the bed just now, and he thought it would disappear when he returned to the original point.

"Okay, I should think too much."

Before he returned to the original point, it should be that the Deria family had already been hacked by those soldiers, and it had nothing to do with the regulations.

Returning to the origin three times, he has already made three different ways to deal with it. The first is to ignore the population of Deria and let the brutality of the seven soldiers. The second is to stop the seven soldiers from avoiding Dai. The Rhea family was slaughtered, and the third one did nothing and did not participate in anything like last time, but in the end, Tang Ye returned to the original point.

All three treatments look different, but they all have one thing in common, and that is seven soldiers.

And now Tang Ye is thinking, is the secret of this "clearance" in those seven soldiers?

"What if I kill those soldiers ahead of time?"

As he said, Tang Ye immediately put away his mobile phone, and then walked towards the direction of the soldiers. In the southwest of Canberlet, in the lobby on the first floor of the city government building, following a door of a room. It opened, and a man who had just woken up came out yawning.

Wearing a heavy military uniform coat, he came to the door of an office sleepily.


While yawning, he patted his face, trying to wake up completely from such a state, but obviously it didn't work, and the sleepiness brought by just waking up did not dissipate much.

But he didn't bother to continue to struggle. The man had dark blonde hair, a typical Lanoan aquiline nose and a pair of green eyes. There was a birthmark about ten centimeters from his right cheek to his neck. , which makes his face particularly memorable in the eyes of others.

He opened the door of the office in front of him, walked in and saw that the office had been transformed into a warehouse under their renovation, filled with various wooden boxes, which seemed to be filled with life supply.

The man just walked in and saw a man sitting on a pile of boxes on the right. He was holding the gun in his hand, and there was a smile between his eyebrows.

"Hey, Dorin, we meet again." The man came in, and the man sitting on the box greeted him immediately.

The man called Dolin looked back at him, shook his head and said, "Captain, I don't have time to gossip with you now. I have a lot of things. If I don't do it, I'll be crazy soon!"

Duolin replied for a while, and went to a box and opened it without saying a word, but after the box was opened, the inside was empty, as clean as their faces, even if there was a speck of dust.

"Oh my God!"

Seeing such a situation, Dolin let out a miserable scream full of depression, and then he focused on the other boxes, and was about to reach out to call when the captain sitting on the box by the door reminded: "Doolin, I am I think you don't have to look for it, there is no food here."

"Oh, **** it."

While the other party was talking, Dolin's hand had already opened the next box. As the other party said, this box was also empty, with no hair.

"It's all said, there's no food in it, you shouldn't waste your energy just now."

"There's supposed to be a lot of food here, why, my God, is there a pig between us?"

"I talked to the headquarters just now, and the supplies will arrive soon."

"Then do you know when we can get out of here? I don't want to stay a minute longer!"

"It's probably going to be a long time, but man, I think you need to trust me, it won't be long before we're gone."

"What exactly does the headquarters want to do?"

"You have to ask those **** politicians, all we can do is obey, even if we die!"

"Oh, I can't stand it, this idiot Demis pretended to be a ghost to scare me while I was going to the toilet last night, you know, I squeezed out half of my bladder and was scared back by that guy, and he suddenly patted me. My shoulder, hey! It's me brother!"

"It's probably not a bad thing, we need teammates like that."

"I don't think I can continue to chat with you now, because he didn't frighten you, of course you are happy."

"Not so."

"I have to leave, I hope to see the day when supplies arrive before I starve to death."

"May God bless you and me."


Dolin gave his captain a perfunctory sentence at last, and then walked outside, but before taking a few steps, the captain suddenly stopped him: "Dolin."

"Please? What else are you doing? I hope you don't give me some **** tasks."

"You think too much, you go tell others that it's time for us to act tonight."

"Have a mission tonight?"

"No, but we can't starve to death here."

"Oh, I get it!"

(end of this chapter)