I Am The Corpse King - Chapter 1512

Chapter 1512

Chapter 1512 Mad Woman

Although he didn't understand the words of No. 2 Vagabond, Tang Ye nodded as if he was replying to the other party, but when he was about to go downstairs to leave, the man stopped him.

"I have something for you, you can use it."

As soon as he finished speaking, No. 2 Wanderer got into a room that was half-opened by the shells. As soon as he heard the sound of rummaging through boxes and cabinets, he got out of the room after a while, and he had more money in his hand. got the same thing.

Tang Ye saw that it was a flashlight, and showed him a smile. Although the other party gave him something he couldn't use, he accepted it with kindness and touched his body. In order to repay the other party, Tang Ye took the remaining ham sausage. come out.

"This is what I have left. It's... a gift in return. I hope you understand these two words."

No. 2 wanderer looked at the ham sausage, his eyes couldn't help showing a hint of fiery, but he was quickly suppressed by him, he quickly waved to Tang Ye, although he didn't understand Tang Ye's words very well, but he knew I saw him shoving his hands forward, shaking his head and saying, "Oh no, man, I didn't give you the flashlight for your report, please don't think of me so dirty, you just came here, don't you? Knowing how much food is in short supply here..."

Before he could finish his words, Tang Ye shoved the ham sausage into his hand. The sudden movement caught him off guard. He couldn't even see Tang Ye's movements, and the ham sausage appeared in his own. in hand.

"Goodbye, I'll be back later."

Before he could say anything, Tang Ye jumped from the second floor, and then asked about the landing. The other party didn't have time to tangle with the ham when he saw this scene, so he hurried over and said to Tang Ye, "Oh my God, this is Is it Huaxia's kung fu?"

Tang Ye didn't answer, and showed him a fascinated smile. It seemed that before the end of the world, there was a misunderstanding that the Chinese people would know Kung Fu. This kind of misunderstanding should continue to be misunderstood.

Watching Tang Ye leave, the man reminded again: "Man, pay attention to safety, don't approach people with guns in their hands!"

Tang Ye didn't understand what he said. If it was just a firearm before the end of the world, it would not threaten him at all, unless it was a watch gun of the last decade of the end of the world, and these weapons could only scratch a little skin if they were used to deal with a ninth-order zombie. That's it.

After leaving the sight of No. 2 Wanderer, Tang Ye began to speed up his movement. Now, apart from the breath of living creatures that he smelled, there are thirteen breaths of living creatures. These breaths of living creatures are all in the This living person or animal, as for those who are people and which are animals, Tang Ye has no idea. He is currently rushing away from the breath of a living creature closest to him in one of the sources, and in that direction, he can still Smelling the breath of at least five people, these breaths are gathered together, it seems to be a team.

The most breath of living creatures is in the southwest of the city, not far from the five breaths of living creatures. In time, Tang Ye had enough time to ask everyone in the two survivor teams. He didn't believe that every one of the twelve people in total could speak Chinese!

Maybe the next person he asks will be able to speak Chinese. Tang Ye is not in a hurry, but he has to say that the person he is looking for next tastes absolutely sour. Like a garbage dump.

Tang Ye's speed was very fast. Tang Ye found the person within half a minute. Surprisingly, the other party did not hide in the building, but wandered around on the street.

At first, Tang Ye thought that the other party was the same as the two armed robbers he met before, but when he got closer, he found that the man had nothing in his hands, he had messy hair, his face was dark, Know if it's a black man with a naturally dark complexion or a white man whose skin is smudged by not taking a bath for a long time.

The other party is very thin, and is close to the point of being skinny. It looks like a woman, wearing tight pants... not right!

Tang Ye, who saw this person, thought the other party was wearing pants, but as he got closer to the other party, he could see clearly that this person was only wearing clothes that were almost torn into strips of cloth on the upper body, but nothing on the lower body. The private parts that should not be seen are completely exposed, and there are dark red scars on the thighs, which seem to be pulled out with a whip, and there are bruises on the arms that were pinched out everywhere!

Tang Ye followed less than ten meters behind her. When he was about to speak out to attract this person's attention, the other party let out a "hehehe" laughter before him. It is the same as the severely ill patients taken out.


His brows were slightly wrinkled, but Tang Ye also made a sound. The woman in front turned around after hearing his voice and saw a silly smile on Tang Ye's face. She was indeed a woman with a sluggish look on her face. With a smile, the saliva from the corner of his mouth dripped onto the ground and pulled out a long silk thread.


She uttered a strange syllable to Tang Ye, and then suddenly danced and danced in front of Tang Ye. This scene made Tang Ye's heart sink. Well, this person is not a normal person, but a lunatic, and the other party is a woman. The identity seems to have brought her a very bad experience.

"Sorry for disturbing you!"

Tang Ye turned around and left, walking towards the survivor team with five people living not far away.


The crazy woman behind let out some weird smiles, and also danced a strange dance and walked away.

It is estimated that about two minutes have passed now. Tang Ye looked at the time displayed on the mobile phone at 16:51. If this time is normal, it should be in the afternoon when the sun is still high in the west sky. If he hadn't found a clue before 17:49, he would have to come back, and then observe the No. 2 Wanderer for one night to determine whether the so-called Camberlite had any regulations.

On the desolate and exotic city streets, as Tang Ye moved, his voice gradually disappeared in the boundless and deep darkness. After Tang Ye's observation, he did not find any human figure graffiti. "Clean" a lot, while walking, he deliberately paid attention to the changes in the surrounding environment, ready to deal with his sudden entry into a certain space.

But it turns out that the city called Camberlite is no different from the real world before the end of the world, except that there was only a war in Xijiang City.

After a while, Tang Ye came to a residential building, and the breath of the five living creatures came from the fourth floor of this building, but it seems that a person came down and was around?

(end of this chapter)