I Am The Corpse King - Chapter 1511

Chapter 1511

Chapter 1511 Hope we won't face each other

Before the homeless man finished speaking, he quickly grabbed Tang Ye's shoulder and pressed it down. At the same time, he also bent down, as if he was avoiding something.

At first, the hand he tried to press down on Tang Ye couldn't shake Tang Ye at all, but when Tang Ye reacted, he squatted down according to his request. At the same time, his nose also smelled another strange smell. Human breath, this is indeed the reaction of someone coming in and seeing the homeless to feel that someone is approaching and hiding for the first time, this should be the normal life of the people here.

At this time, Camberlite was completely shrouded in darkness, but the golden glow on the western skyline made people vaguely see some things in the dilapidated alley.

The man lay motionless after lying down, as if he had turned into a statue at this moment. It seemed that he often encountered such situations.

In the dark, Tang Ye, who had superhuman vision, squatted down following the man's movements and soon saw a figure appearing on the street below. The figure seemed to be guarding against something. While walking forward, he turned his head left and right. Look around.

He hurried footsteps all the way through the building where he and No. 2 Wanderer were from a distance, and then walked away in a hurry. Tang Ye glanced at the vagabond next to him, he seemed to only notice the passing person, and in his Between his nose, he smelled another person, his eyes couldn't see the other person, he should be wandering around.

What I have to say is that the other sound he smelled on his nose was a bit strong, and even Tang Ye's zombie nose, which was completely different from normal people, could faintly smell a sour smell on it.

After the blind passerby walked away, No. 2 Vagabond stood up and looked at the direction the other party was leaving. At this moment, Tang Ye asked in stammering English, "You...that person? Do you know him? ?"

The other party didn't answer immediately, looking at Tang Ye frowning, he should be understanding the meaning of Tang Ye's words, after a while, he saw that his face became surprised and asked: "You are from outside, come here. ?"

"Huh?" Tang Ye didn't understand it at first, but after thinking about it, he immediately reacted. While nodding, he said, "Yesyes!"

With Tang Ye's confirmation, the man's face became strange, he said something to Tang Ye, and then shook his head, and Tang Ye didn't know what he just said.

Tang Ye watched the other party return to the place where he was sitting before, felt the dark and found the bag used for the middle of the rice bowl, grabbed a handful of white powder and stuffed it into his mouth, he ate while facing Tang Ye Speaking, he looked like he was reminding Tang Ye that he needed to understand something in this city, but when he thought that Tang Ye couldn't understand his own words, he paused and shook his head again.

Tang Ye walked up to him and glanced at the bag, only to see that the bag was not filled with the white powder he thought. Judging from some of the uneven debris, the contents of the bag should be various The biscuits are formed after being crushed. In some places, some of the crumbs can be seen, which are mixed with the crumbs of the biscuits.

"You...know who here...can speak Chinese?"

Tang Ye reluctantly asked the other party a question in English.

The man thought for a while, and finally shook his head at Tang Ye: "I'm sorry, people here don't know each other, it's very dangerous here, to put it horribly, in Camberlite, I only know you, man. , maybe we can work together and share my stuff with you."

Tang Ye didn't understand the man's answer, but he saw that the other party handed over the biscuit powder in the bag to him, and he immediately guessed part of the other party's thoughts.

"NONO, I won't be here too long."

Seeing Tang Ye shaking his head, the man didn't hear the Chinese behind Tang Ye, but he already understood what Tang Ye meant, and with some disappointment in his eyes, he took back his food, then stood up and came to Tang Ye, He said to him: "It doesn't matter, maybe you have your own business, but if you need my help here in the future, please come here to find me, but I don't want to hope that at that time we will face each other, oh, someone can speak It feels so good, life here is such a mess."

"By the way, when it comes to Chinese, I can say a word, the Tao just now and imagine... I hope we won't fight each other, okay, buddy."

While talking, the man suddenly said four Chinese characters, and Tang Ye was stunned for a moment.

"Tao and Imagination?"

The man's Chinese pronunciation is really too bad, just like when he was using English, Tang Ye didn't understand the meaning of these four characters at first, but considering that the other party had a big problem with Chinese pronunciation, then the four characters were pronounced. He immediately remembered the basic pronunciation of swords and soldiers. Before joining the other party, he spoke English that he could not understand. Tang Ye probably guessed the meaning.


"Are you going out next? If you're going to do that, I think you need to think about it, if it was last year, the nights were the safest, but now the gangsters know that people are out at night, they are most dangerous."

No. 2 Wanderer reminded Tang Ye again, but Tang Ye couldn't understand what he said at all, and there was no way to understand it. He only understood the first paragraph, as if asking himself if he wanted to go out? Tang Ye said directly without any thought: "Yes, I want to go out, I... sigh, I want to know more."

Looking at the sky, it was not long after dark. According to Lu Xiaojie's letter, he needed to abide by the regulations, so he had to fall asleep before the forbidden time. Of course, it is also possible that there are no regulations. But to be conservative, as a novice who has just entered the pit, he needs to understand the rules here, so on the first night, let's abide by the regulations, whether there are or not.

The ban started at 9:10 in the night, the time displayed on the mobile phone was wrong, and Tang Ye had no other way to determine what time it was, so he set himself an hour and went to find it within this hour. Looking for other people, if he is lucky, he may be able to find a person who can speak Chinese within this hour.

But just in case, he must also think that there is no Chinese in this city called Camberlite. At that time, he has to consider learning English with this No. 2 homeless person, half a year? With his learning ability, it won't be long.

"Okay, I don't understand, but that's okay..."

"Brother, wait...I'll be back, I need a...a place to stay?"

"Huh? OK, welcome anytime, here, two people will be safer than one."

(end of this chapter)