I Am The Corpse King - Chapter 1472

Chapter 1472

Chapter 1472 The galloping wooden car

"Go up!"

Lu Xiaojie said.

"Go up?"

"Yes, hurry up!"

"This is"


Tang Ye looked down and found that the four corners of the square wooden barrel were equipped with wheels, and the other side seemed to have a handle to control the direction.

"What is this?"

Looking at the flat corridor, Tang Ye doubted whether the so-called car could drive.

However, at the urging of Lu Xiaojie, he still got into the car.

"I know someone like you can run faster than a car, but it's impossible to keep you on your back, right? You control the direction, there's a big bend in front of you, and you're about to hit the wall. I despise you, it's not as good as those with a lower level than you. similar."

After Tang Ye got into the car, Lu Xiaojie also got into the car.


As before, there were more and more dry hands sticking out from the ground. As soon as Lu Xiaojie got in the car, a zombie that had half-drilled its body from the figure graffiti put his wife's rotten hand in one eye on this so-called so-called corpse. On the wooden cart, Lu Xiaojie didn't even look at it. With a shovel, he chopped off the corpse claw.

"Are you ready?"

"What do you say?"

"That begins."

Lu Xiaojie nodded, took the shovel and chopped at the cable next to him!


With the sound of something breaking, Tang Ye suddenly felt the wooden cart shake, and then he began to think about sliding ahead, and the speed was not slow?

The zombies crawling out of the figure graffiti behind are also slowly forming a corpse tide that makes one's scalp burst at a glance, but as the wooden car starts, the corpse tide is instantly pulled away for a long time.

Lu Xiaojie was at the back, and a piece of iron raised from the handle of the shovel cut the bag of flour in her hand, and then threw the whole bag at the back!

"Go baby!"

In an instant, white powder covered the back corridor. Tang Ye glanced back. Among the white powder in the sky, he faintly saw a long tentacle, which seemed to be trying to grab the wooden cart, but was blocked by the powder. , smashed into the corridor wall with a bang!

"what is that?"

"The wall may be nothing to you, but if you are caught by it, your previous efforts will be in vain."

"Will go back to the next day?"

"Yes, but nothing will happen to me, but you, it may be more serious, I know, you are not afraid of these things, but you can't kill them all."

Lu Xiaojie said, and put the candle in his hand next to Tang Ye, so that he could see the road ahead, but the corridor stretched all the way, and Tang Ye hardly needed to move the handle to control the direction.

After a while, the candlelight that illuminated the complete darkness ahead seemed to change a little.

"There seems to be an intersection ahead."

"It's just a cross, don't worry, keep going."

"Yeah." Nodding, Tang Ye didn't care, and Lu Xiaojie said: "There is another one ahead, and we continue to move forward. Next, we will encounter several forks, so just turn left."

Lu Xiaojie did not look forward from the back, as if he was observing something.

Tang Ye looked at the front, and it didn't take long before he saw the light from the candlelight and saw the fork in front of him. He controlled the steering handle and twisted it to the left. Walking down the corridor, the rotting corpse claws stretched out one after another in the figure and graffiti in front, but they were quickly crushed by the wheels of the wooden cart!

"What are you looking at?" Looking back at Lu Xiaojie, Tang Ye found that the other party was still looking at the back, and he couldn't help asking aloud.

Lu Xiaojie turned around, breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Very good, there is no big trouble now."

"What kind of big trouble?"

"It's nothing to you, and it's not difficult for me, but it's annoying." Lu Xiaojie didn't answer directly, she said vaguely, and Tang Ye realized that she didn't want to tell herself, so she didn't bother to ask any more.

After passing through several forks in a row, Lu Xiaojie's voice sounded again: "It should be almost the same. It will be a T-junction, go to the right."

The wooden car was driving at high speed, making a "crunching" sound all the way, especially when turning the steering handle, Tang Ye was very suspicious that this thing would fall apart suddenly.

The wooden car galloped forward, like a sports car driving at full speed on the highway. Because he could not see the terrain outside the candlelight, Tang Ye could only look forward, watching the darkness in front of him being dispelled piece by piece by the light of the candlelight!

The center of the earth in front of changed drastically, and soon the corridor changed from a straight and flat corridor to a sharp downward winding. However, because of Lu Xiaojie's reminder, Tang Ye was well prepared. Although his vision was blocked, his reflexes were not comparable to those of normal people, and he easily passed through a sharp bend.

The wheels kept making the "crack" sound of the rotten bones of the zombies being broken, and the already severely rotten flesh was crushed to a pulp, making a sour sound.

According to what Lu Xiaojie said, the wooden car came to the intersection of the T-shaped corridor. Looking at the road conditions ahead, Tang Ye reminded Lu Xiaojie, "Sit down."

And Lu Xiaojie seemed to have known what would happen, holding the wooden frame on both sides tightly with both hands.

"Open yours."

Tang Ye nodded. It seemed that Lu Xiaojie and her collaborators would do the same when driving a wooden car. When approaching the intersection, he slammed the steering handle, and the wooden car made a frequent and dangerous sound of "creaking". The wood of the body has begun to twist.

"Don't use too much force, it's over if you break it."

Tang Ye ignored it. Following his operation, the wooden cart immediately floated up, the front of the cart turned in mid-air, and landed heavily on the ground, making a loud noise!


Surprisingly, the quality of this wooden car is unexpectedly good, and it did not break.

"There's another one ahead, be careful!"

stared straight ahead, and as the light of the candle moved, Tang Ye quickly saw the second T-shaped corridor intersection.

"Which way?"


Tang Ye continued the previous operation, the wooden cart was thrown into the air by inertia, made a sharp turn of 270 degrees, and floated into the corridor on the right. At this time, the speed of the wooden cart was accelerating, and there were figures on the ground. Before the zombies in the graffiti had time to react, the wooden car vanished.

"What is this principle?"

The power of this wooden cart is really a bit anti-scientific. Tang Ye was at a loss. After observing for a long time, he could not find the power of this thing, except that it was a square wooden barrel with a wheel installed on each of the four corners.

If it's downhill, it's fine, but such a fast speed on the flat will give people a sense of absurdity. It feels like a bug was discovered in the game, but this was discovered in reality.

(end of this chapter)