I Am The Corpse King - Chapter 1471

Chapter 1471

Chapter 1471 Miracles are created by people

"If someone dies for violating the regulations, I will come in without a collaborator. Maybe you don't believe it, but miracles are created by people. After all, there is a saying that as long as the mind does not slip, there are more difficulties than solutions..."

"...the way is better than the difficulty."

"The meaning is almost enough, but I don't take this risk every time. If necessary, I will rush to the scene as soon as possible and steal the body after someone dies due to violation of the regulations."

"Hey...why are you stealing these corpses? I really want to forget... There shouldn't be any need to take such a big risk, right?"

"I wish I didn't tell you what I did to steal the body?"

Tang Ye squinted his eyes, it seemed that this was the case, he didn't seem to ask?

shook his head, the impact on him has become more and more serious. For example, when he asked Lu Xiaojie the questions before, he clearly felt that he had many questions, but he couldn't think of them, and in the end he only asked a few.

"Then what did you steal the body for?"

"Do you know how a person who has been hungry for days and his pigtails is so hungry will react when faced with a table of delicious food?"

Tang Ye subconsciously remembered the painting in the corridor just now. The family of five was eating. Does what Lu Xiaojie said have anything to do with these words? Immediately, he thought about the reaction of a person who was starving to the brink of death when faced with a table of delicious food, gobbled it up? Tears? Do you want to fill your stomach with food?

"I know you've thought about it, but I'm not going to say that, no matter what the reaction is, after eating this table of food, how will the second meal be resolved? After eating and digesting, the situation will slowly return to one over time. At the beginning, but there will be no more good food until you die of starvation.

"What I did is to reduce the amount of food that hungry ghosts can eat at the first meal, even a little bit." Lu Xiaojie replied, and the hungry ghost she was talking about was the Nightmare Corpse King Deria.

"But can this have a direct impact? According to what you said, you are dealing with ordinary people, but if Deria brings in a zombie or a new human being above the sixth rank, thousands of ordinary people can't match it."

"I don't know either, but I've been here for too long, and that's all I can do. If it's just a drop in the bucket, I don't care. Miracles won't happen. As I said, miracles are created by people. And there is only me here, how can there be miracles if I don't work hard?

"My ending is the same as most people, there are only two, either get out alive! Or Daria's will is unified! And all I can do, besides waiting to die, is to work hard! Keep trying!"

Tang Ye looked at her back, remained silent and stopped talking. He saw from Lu Xiaojie that a person was dying, and the desire to survive in a desperate situation surpassed everything!

He didn't know whether Lu Xiaojie said that she had lived here for hundreds of years or not, but if she wanted to wait for a corpse king to starve to death, it was not as simple as waiting for ordinary people to starve to death in a few days. She needed too long. It's been so long that people feel hopeless when they see it, give up all their efforts, and expect a miracle to happen naturally, or wait for the day they die.

However, Lu Xiaojie did not give up, she was still a slave, at least she was not defeated by loneliness under the washing of time, and she still faced all this tenaciously.

Lu Xiaojie turned around, looked at Tang Ye and said with a smile: "How is it? Do you think I'm great? But you still pray that you can find a way out. If you can't find it, your ending will be the same as mine before. Just like a collaborator, no matter how good or strong you are outside, in the end, you will become a multitude of people who I don't even know who they are.

"And I, like now, will meet the collaborators after you, until no more collaborators will appear, no more people and animals will come in, or I will be killed by Deria in this false world middle."

Tang Ye smiled and didn't speak. He probably wouldn't die either. It was just Tang Ye who died here. Although he couldn't say why he wouldn't be, the loss seemed to be a bit big?

He knows that outside, the Nightmare Corpse King is gradually extending his claws into Shenzhou, and Shenzhou is his own territory, and it is also a place where he is born and raised himself. Come on, do you want to do it again? That was the last chance. In this big gamble, if you lose, you really have nothing. Tang Ye hates the last chance, the feeling of being forced to do something.

Maybe it was Lu Xiaojie's influence, Tang Ye felt a little bit of confidence in his heart, maybe this was an opportunity?

Following Lu Xiaojie to the other door of the room, after opening the door, the outside was much cleaner, and the harsh roars of the corpse tide disappeared, but this quiet environment did not last long, because here The ground is the same as before, full of densely stacked figures and graffiti!

After the two of them came out, those figure graffiti immediately stretched out the corpse claws of zombies, and a hoarse roar slowly appeared.

Lu Xiaojie carried the candle and walked to the left of the corridor without haste. Some zombies dared to show their heads.

Although she is an ordinary person, Tang Ye believes that she can easily deal with three or four adult men with the skills she has shown. This can be seen from the fact that she has just eliminated two black coats. come out.

It may be even darker than Su Siguidu!

"Go fast."

From time to time, she turned her head and said something to Tang Ye, while waving a shovel and stepping on the ground, occasionally some unlucky zombies had their hands broken.

Lu Xiaojie led Tang Ye around like walking in a labyrinth. More and more zombies crawled out of the figure graffiti behind, and gradually drowned in the corridor where the two of them walked, but Lu Xiaojie didn't rush. After a left turn, and then the light from the candle, Tang Ye saw several bags of flour stacked in front of him. When passing by, Lu Xiaojie picked up a bag, and after a few steps forward, he opened the door that appeared next to him.

"Come in here."

Tang Ye followed and walked in, Lu Xiaojie closed the door, the room was the same as she said, and there was nothing, only the beautiful decoration.

Didn't give the zombies a chance to climb out of the figure graffiti. Lu Xiaojie ran to the door on the other side to open it and led Tang Ye out. After walking to the right for a while, Tang Ye saw a square wooden barrel.

(end of this chapter)