When the conversation came to a stop, the door was knocked and Gash came in.
And after he whispered something to Mare-san he left.
"I apologize, but it seems that an important customer has arrived, so we should end it here"
"No, thank you for letting me hear such an interesting story, I will remember this"
"Then, come see me again in the future"
I said so and left the Darren commercial firm.
After that, I went to the commercial district to see weapon shops and armor shops.
I just kept looking without buying anything, so the shopkeepers had a unpleasant face.
I entered one store.
An old woman said to me who was watching the prices.
"I am just looking at the magic tools; I don't see anything that I would like to buy"
I am honest and tell her that I am likely to leave without buying anything.
"Well, is there a rod or a wand?"
"Heee, you are a magician&h.e.l.lip; You sure don't look like that&h.e.l.lip; Wait a moment"
She stood from the seat, brought ten large and small canes from the back.
"Well, which one do you like?"
"Em, which one is the best?"
"That would be the biggest one, it costs one million Zeni"
It is expensive. I was surprised at the high price.
"Is it expensive? It is the biggest one I got, but it would be medium in the world"
"Then, what about this short one?"
A stick of wood of about the half-length from the wrist to the elbow, with a semitransparent quartz stuck in the tip.
"Oh, this one is primarily for children"
"Is it a problem if an adult uses it?"
"No, no, it is just that you can't use it as a weapon, it is just a chanting tool"
"Well, how much?"
"Oh, well, because it is not commonly sold, it would be 200.000 Zeni"
"It is expensive"
"I am making a 60% discount"
"Why is it so expensive?"
"Well, when a magician starts to study, a cane is borrowed from the master, and it is only used in practices. When the prospects as a magician are good they start looking to buy a cane. The magic tool is more expensive because of that, so normally they look for big canes which can be used their entire life"
"Then, what is this?"
"This is one that I made for my hobby, I made it thinking that some n.o.bility child would buy it, so it was made sophisticatedly, so I can guarantee its performance, it won't be a disappointment"
"Umm, is that so&h.e.l.lip;"
"So you understand, then 150.000&h.e.l.lip; 100.000&h.e.l.lip; No, how about 80.000 Zeni"
"Okay, I will buy it!"
I feel like I was deceived by the old woman's skill, but I decided to spend half of my fortune anyways.
Translator: Leoito