The 18th Story: Valles sightseeing part 2
When I left the guild's building it was noon already.
I am hungry so I approach the street stall which came into view.
"Excuse me, what is this?"
"h.e.l.lo, this is roasted horn rabbit with vegetables. It is 10 Zen for one"
"For the seasoning, please put the skewers in this pot containing sauce, but please be careful as you cannot put it twice"
Although the encounter rate of the rabbit is high, the meat stuck on the skewer is about half the size of a punch, and it smells good, so I couldn't stand it and bought two.
With a lot of sweet sauce on, plenty of meat juice and sauce, it gives off an exquisite taste.
"It is good!"
The boy selling the skewer returned a smile to me.
Even though I thought it was bad manners, I ate while walking to the Darren commercial firm.
I finished eating everything before arriving at the headquarters and tied the two wooden skewers.
Then I cast a small fire arrow and burn the two skewers.
And I enter the store.
The one who met me was the merchant apprentice Gash, who was together with the merchant corps.
"Ah, Yoji-san, welcome, what kind of request do you have today?"
"No, today I took a day to sightsee and was wandering around, so I took the opportunity to come here as I was close by, is Mare-san around?"
"Oh, Mare-san is in an important business, so he won't leave until it is finished"
"Well, I thought of saying h.e.l.lo to Mare-san, but I will do it next time if he is busy"
When I was going to leave the shop after saying that, Mare-san came out from the back.
"Oh, isn't it Yoji-san, what's wrong? Need to consult something?"
"No, I took a day off and was sightseeing, so I came to this shop because I was close by"
"Oh, so you came to play, I just finished my work and I got some break time… Hey Gash, bring two drinks to my room"
"Yes I understand"
"Well, come to my office"
He said so and guided me to a room.
There is a shelf on a wall full of parchments beautifully arranged.
A book with information about the incomes and expenditures.
There is a desk that seems expensive in the middle of the room, and in front of it there is a table that seems luxury.
When I was told to sit I took a seat in one of the chairs, and Mare-san sat down in front, after that Gash knocked the door, came in and left some tea with lemon.
"It has been a time since you came to Valles, how has it been"
"Yes, thanks to you. I found a inn that has good service and is cheap. I did a monster subjugation around Valles plains and made a huge profit"
"Is it so? After we separated I remembered that it was your first visit to this place and I didn't tell you anything about the vicinity, it was good that you made it well without me"
I thought it was cruel to leave me alone, but I am glad that he thought that.
Well, it is okay because it ended well.
"Looks like you are busy, haven't you had a break since we returned?"
"Yes, well… There was a business of buying a large batch of wheat from the city of Ares in the neighborhood country, but everyone was trying to sell it expensive"
"Hee, sounds like it is serious"
"There is no choice, because business opportunities disappear fast, you can't miss it. This is the nature of a merchant"
"But, why do you need so much wheat? Are you trying to starve the other country?"
"No, it is not so, I don't know if you have not heard about it, but, it seems that there are people selling weapons with the wheat"
"Should you be talking about such thing to me?"
"Oh! Even if I tell you, it is not like you can do something about it, because nothing is clear about this"
"Is that so"
"But there is a possibility that something will happen. Maybe I should expect something?"
Translator: Leoito