Highlander Unchained - Highlander Unchained Part 5

Highlander Unchained Part 5

He stopped and stretched working the taut muscles in his back. His stamina was beyond the ordinary; he had made sure of it. He pushed himself beyond the limits of endurance with the intention of being prepared to survive anything; the harshest of battles, unpredictable elements and intolerable pain. Many believed him oblivious to pain, though the truth of it was that many believed he lacked a soul. That he had long ago bartered the devil for it, or as some had whispered... he was the devils own.

He welcomed the rumors. He wanted people to fear him, fear prevented people from taking action, which allowed him to win many a battle that could have otherwise been lost. Of course being feared by so many left you with little or no friends. And women? No decent woman would give herself to him and even the indecent ones hesitated. After all, anyone who lay with the devils progeny would surely bare his mark. Those who chose to lay with him could not resist but to return for more, the devils son being skilled in the ways of the flesh and once tasted"were impossible to resist.

That mattered little to him now. It was his plans that mattered most. They had been laid and set in motion. He would have what he wanted and that included a noble woman as his wife. He may not have been born to nobility but it could be bought for a price and he had done just that... bought it.

He stretched again twisting at his waist to limber his muscles. It would do him no good to simply sit. He would keep himself well limbered.

His thoughts drifted to Dawn and a low growl rumbled low in his chest, a habit of his when he grew annoyed. And annoyed he was for he grew hard with the thought of her. He could certainly keep himself limber coupling with her. Not that he had any intentions of doing so. He had told her that hed be the one to lie between her legs merely to frighten her. He couldnt imagine bedding a woman who could not utter a sound. What pleasure would there be in that? He enjoyed the moans and groans of a woman in the throes of passion. He grew harder thinking of the groaning screams of a woman in climax. He could not fathom finding any pleasure in silence.

And yet...

Dawn was excellent with gestures; her hands spoke what her voice couldnt. Would her hands speak as loudly when making love? Would her touch say what she couldnt?

He stilled, his growl growing deeper as the thought of her touch turned him rock-hard. If he did not rid himself of this torment, he feared what he might do and no doubt what Colum expected... rut with the mute and take the chance of leaving his seed to grow in her.

He was angry with Colum for using an innocent young woman who could not voice her fear or objection and he was even angrier with himself for thinking of bedding her. She needed protection from the likes of Colum and even from the likes of him.

He had told her that she belonged to him and what belonged to him he protected... he would protect Dawn even from himself.

Voices drifted in from outside and he went to the door and stood a few feet in front of it, his feet braced firm and ready.

The door swung open and with a laugh the guard shoved Dawn in only this time Cree was there to catch her. His arm swiftly wrapped around her waist and he drew her firmly to his side in a display of not only protection but possession.

Shove her again and I will kill you. A primitive snarl followed Crees warning and the sunlight falling in from the open door glistened off every taut muscle in his toned body.

The guards eyes rounded like full moons and he turned deathly pale before quickly shoving the door closed and slamming the latch.

Dawn trembled in his arms and he turned to face her, his lips so close that they grazed her cheek and then her lips and she shuddered.

I will not hurt you, he whispered her tremble sending a shiver to his loins.

He wisely, though reluctantly, stepped away from her.

She did the same, hurrying to the blanket to spread the food she had brought in her basket. He could see that her hands trembled as she worked and she did not turn to look at him. Perhaps she thought if she avoided his eyes he would ignore her, as no doubt many did to her.

But he was not like others and he approached her.

Dawn heard him move and she was not at all comfortable being on her hands and knees with him behind her. She quickly set to finishing her task.

She wished her hands didnt quiver so but she couldnt stop them. Being in his arms, pressed against him, his muscles tight and hard and feeling the animal snarl rumble through his chest put the fear of the devil into her and into the guard as well. She had almost half expected Cree to turn into a fierce animal, but then wasnt he already one?

He attacked and devoured everything in his path and she suddenly wondered how Colum ever could have captured such a cunning and fearless animal. The strange thought got her speculating and she turned to him not realizing how much her eyes questioned.

Cree joined her on the blanket and reached out to take hold of her chin. I see a question in your eyes.

She almost startled but quickly contained her surprise and pointed to the food.

Cree nodded. I am hungry, but why do I sense that wasnt the question so prominent in your eyes?

Lila, and her husband Paul to some extent, were the only ones good at reading the look in her eyes. But then few bothered to meet her eyes directly. It was as if they feared that by doing so, somehow they too would be cursed and lose their voice.

He caused her to jump when he demanded, Tell me.

Dawn thought quickly and realized this would be the perfect time to try to learn something she could give to Colum. She eased his fingers off her chin and slowly reached out to give his thick arms a squeeze then pointed around the shack and shrugged.

Cree stared at her a moment amazed that he could so easily understand her. You wonder how someone like me, so big and strong could be captured.

She nodded, pleased that he had no trouble interpreting what she expressed.

An error in judgment, he said.

She frowned and shook her head before realizing that she was telling him that she didnt believe him.

He reached for a hunk of bread. You think I lie?

She was about to shake her head but instead nodded. She needed something to give Colum or she would suffer the consequences of her failure to gather information for him.


He sounded as if he issued her a challenge that she would much rather not accept it, but she was left little choice.

She looked to her left and then to her right and then she placed one finger to her lips.

You believe I harbor a secret.

The more she thought about it the more it made sense. Cree was an infamous warrior. Unbeatable. Soulless. The devils own. How was it that a man like Colum could capture him?

Only if he wanted to be captured.

The thought startled her but she sensed it to be true and if it was... what did it mean?

She nodded and reached for a chunk of bread then broke several pieces off leaving one large one. She placed the smaller pieces in rows with the large one in the lead. She pointed to it and then to Cree, then shrugged.

Her astuteness amazed Cree. She might not be able to speak but she was far from dumb. But then either was he. He knew that she was searching for information to bring to Colum.

He decided to answer her without truly answering her. My men are where they should be.

Dawn wondered if he was where he should be as well. Could his capture have actually been planned? But why would he want to be captured by Colum? If he wished to attack the village he could have easily done so. It made no sense. She needed to learn more but she didnt want him to grow suspicious of her. She didnt know who she feared more Cree or Colum. Either one could hurt her, but hadnt Cree told her that he would never hurt her?

Why didnt she believe him?

You express yourself more clearly than I would have thought for one without a voice, he said turning the conversation away from him to her. It was his turn to learn some things. How long have you had no voice?

She cradled her arms and made a rocking motion.

Cree frowned. From when you were born?

Dawn nodded.

You have never uttered a single sound?

She shook her head.

Yet you understand so much.

Dawn turned and a few inches beyond the blanket she brushed the dirt clear and began drawing with her finger.

Cree watched amazed once again. She drew a picture of a woman, so lovely that it brought a smile to his face. Your mum.

Dawn beamed; her face lighting with joy as she pointed at the woman and then at herself.

Your mum taught you.

She continued smiling and threw her hands up stretching them out in a circle.

Your mum taught you a lot.

Dawn nodded, sadness washing over her face as she brushed the portrait of her mum away and brushed her hands together to rid herself of the dirt before pointing to him.

She asked about his mum and he laughed, it sounding foreign to him. How long had it been since he last laughed? He couldnt recall.

He leaned close to her and whispered, Its rumored that the devil hatched me.

Dawn didnt know what made her do it. Perhaps it was pure instinct, the need to protect not only herself but him from such an evil thought. He had to have had a mother and she had to have loved him. Someone somewhere had to have loved him. How horrible to think otherwise.

She placed her hand to his cheek and shook her head to let him know that she didnt believe that.

How foreign and yet how comforting her cool, gentle touch felt. He had forgotten how a gentle and caring hand felt and to be comforted for the simple sake of it. Dawn expected nothing; she gave generously of herself and all to let him know that she didnt believe such nonsense.

Her fingers grazed slowly along his cheek as she removed her hand. Cree felt the loss of her caring touch down to the pit of his stomach. It was almost as if she had branded him and now he belonged to her.

He belonged to no woman and never would.

Irritated that she had affected him so foolishly, he struck at her with words, I am not a pet you can comfort with a tender touch. Her response surprised him and quickly had him regretting his words.

She placed her hand to her face, pointed to him and then waved her hand back and forth while shaking her head. She was telling him that she would not do it again and regret washed over him.

And so did anger.

He stood and yanked her up by the arm and propelled her to the door. He pounded on it and when it opened he shoved her out. Do not return until this evening. He closed the door with such force that a board cracked.

His hand fisted so tightly that his knuckles turned pure white and he restrained himself from punching the door. He turned and went over to the blanket but didnt sit. He opened his fisted hand and placed it to the cheek she had touched and his hand tingled.

What had it been about her simple touch that affected him so? Never had he felt anything like it before, but then it had been far too long since he had felt such tenderness. And he regretted even more his response, for she would never touch him again. That meant he would never again feel such pure loving tenderness.

He sat and was about to push the food away, his hunger gone when he changed his mind and grabbed a piece of bread. Food kept one strong and he had to stay strong. What nonsense for him to waste time on a mute. The only purpose Dawn served for him was to learn what he could from her. And seeing that she was more astute meant that there was much she knew about the village and Colum.

Tonight they would talk and only talk. There would be no touching and tonight he would send her home to sleep. Regret once again pinched at his gut and he shook his head. He would not have her sleep with him, not now, not ever, the thought grew him much too hard and the consequences much too unacceptable.

Chapter Seven.

Fear prickled every inch of Dawns skin. She knew the moment that Cree threw her out that she was in trouble... serious trouble. The guard John grabbed her arm and squeezed it so tightly that her breath caught in her throat.

Youre in trouble now.

Her breath returned with a soundless gasp as he dragged her off after issuing orders for Angus to stay alert while he took her to Colum.

The villagers stared at her, their mouths agape as John forcibly dragged her through the village yanking her up whenever she stumbled but not before rocks skinned her leg, bringing a silent grimace to her face.

That was when Lila caught sight of her and Dawn quickly shook her head in warning, knowing her friend would rush to her aid and suffer for it. Paul realized the same and hastily hurried to his wifes side, wrapping his arm around her and holding her tight.

The fearful expression on Lilas face and tears pooling in her eyes sent a chill through Dawn. And as she was dragged and pulled up the steps to the keep she knew her situation was more direr than she had imagined, for John was taking her through the front doors of the keep.

The Great Hall turned silent as soon as John tossed her at Colums feet. Dawn didnt get up or raise her head. She kept it down fearful of what she would see in Colums eyes.

He threw her out he did, John said, and ordered her not to return until tonight.

Get up, Colum screamed.

Dawn scrambled to her feet and the fury she saw in his eyes ran her blood cold. Goddard stood beside Colum in front of the dais grinning. All were aware that the man enjoyed inflicting pain and he was anticipating what Colum would do to her or if she was lucky what he would order Goddard to do to her.

Colum continued screaming. What did you do?

Perhaps its what she didnt do, Goddard suggested.

Colums face contorted in rage and his hand came down hard across Dawns cheek. She stumbled and Goddard grabbed her before she could fall. His hand closed like a band of steel around her arm that already ached from Johns abuse. She fought against the pain that radiated through her arm and feared it was only the beginning of her suffering.

Spittle flew everywhere as Colum continued his tirade. You were given specific orders. You were to give him whatever he wanted. Are you too stupid to understand that? Did you refuse to rut with him?

Maybe she doesnt know how? Goddard said.

Is that it? Colum yelled in her face spittle hitting her cheeks and eye. Do I need to have someone teach you?

I can do it right now, right here, Goddard said with a smile that disgusted Dawn.

She had to think fast. She could not let Goddard take her like an animal in front of everyone. She could not bear the thought of such humiliation or the consequences. Would other warriors feel that she was now free territory for them to enjoy and toss aside?

The thought turned her stomach and she shook her head and tapped her chest to get Colums attention.

You better tell me something good, lass, or Ill let Goddard take you until you beg him to stop. Colum leaned in close to her. He likes to play rough with his women.