Highlander Unchained - Highlander Unchained Part 4

Highlander Unchained Part 4

Cree motioned for her to lie down on the blanket.

She hesitated and he caught the fear in her eyes, dark as it was he could still see it stirring there. Then with reluctance that was all too obvious, she surrendered to what she believed was her fate and slowly lay down on the blanket.

He was quick to join her, wanting done with this and so he settled himself around her, drawing her back against him. She fit nicely in the crook of his curves, though she bristled when his enlarged member rubbed against her. She didnt help matters any when she attempted to avoid contact with it, her actions only growing him larger.

He finally tightened his arm around her waist, yanked her harder against him and whispered harshly in her ear. Stay still or Ill bury myself deep inside you.

She froze stiff against him and he warned himself to ignore the sweet scent of her soft hair that tickled at his nose, the warmth of her body that seemed to feed his heat, and the feel of her rounded backside that made him swell to an aching hardness.

He forced his thoughts elsewhere. He refused to succumb to lust when so much depended on his success here.

While a nod or shake of your head answers simple questions there may be times when your response is best left between us, he said, in which case you will find a way to touch me once for yes and twice for no. Do you understand?

He was pleased when she pressed her finger once against his arm.

Good, now go to sleep. He yanked her harder against him to let her know that she was to stay where she was, and closed his eyes and in no time drifted off into a much needed slumber.

Dawn listened to his steady breathing, his cheek pressed against the side of her head, his arm tight around her and his leg clamped over her two. She couldnt move, but then where would she go. The guards had no intention of letting her out until morning.

She wished sleep would have claimed her as quickly as it had claimed Cree, but the worries that continued to mount kept sleep at bay. She certainly was relieved that he hadnt force himself on her, though she had no doubt that he had considered it. His lust weighed heavily in his eyes as did the way his glance drifted far too intimately over her more than once. Then of course there was the bulging size of him that was finally abating. It had dug into her when he had heaved her against him. She had thought he would take her there and then and was surprised when he hadnt.

This was one time she was glad to be mute. He probably wanted nothing to do with a voiceless woman and that was fine with her, though she didnt know how it would fair with Colum once he found out, though who would tell him?

Would Cree request another woman to tend him? Had the guards watched through the narrow slit in the door? She sighed inwardly wondering what to do and then realized there was nothing she could do. She hated being helpless; it left her feeling vulnerable. And she felt that way much too often.

It had troubled her when he had spoken of a time when he may wish to communicate with her without others noticing. She had no idea when such a time could possibly come or why their communication should be private. But she let him have his way and did what he had asked.

What troubled her even more was that she had not a bit of news to take back to Colum, and if she didnt find something out soon, he would surely punish her for disobeying him.

She closed her eyes and wished this was all a nightmare and that she would find herself waking in her cottage. Though small, it was a fine home to her with a soft sleeping pallet and single table and chair and that was where she wanted to be right now... home.

A tear quickened in her eye and she forced it away. Tears would do her no good and besides crying seemed a waste since it only brought more suffering to her silence. No one could hear her cry and so her cries seemed louder inside her head.

Sleep began to intrude on her endless musings and she no longer could keep her eyes open. She fell asleep, though woke periodically throughout the night, finding herself in the same position, Cree not having moved a muscle.

She startled once in her sleep, and Cree was quick to tighten his hold on her.

Do you try to flee? he whispered.

She tapped his arm twice.

Then settle yourself. You have woken me too often this night.

She tensed, fearful of disturbing him.

A moment later he asked, Did a nightmare frighten you?

She tapped him once.

Was I in it?

She again tapped his arm once, though he truly wasnt in her nightmare... he was her nightmare.

Sunrise found Cree still asleep and Dawn awake and ready to take her leave. She was relieved when she woke to find he had released his hold on her and had turned on his side away from her. She had gotten quickly, though quietly to her feet, grabbed the food basket and knocked on the door to draw the guards attention.

He opened the door and with a grin ordered, Youre to go directly to liege lord Colum. Dont stop anywhere.

Panic rose to tighten Dawns throat and she nodded and hurried off. Colum looked for news already and she had none to give him. Whatever was she to do?

Dawn hurried around to the back of the keep to the kitchen, since it was the only way she was allowed to enter the Great Hall. Colum would fly into a rage if she dared enter the hall through the front of the keep.

Flanna caught her eye as she entered and shifted her eyes to the left as if directing Dawns glance behind her toward the archway that lead to the narrow hall that connected to the Great Hall.

Dawn followed her glance and there stood Goddard. He grinned when their eyes met and motioned her to him.

Colum waits to speak to you, he said.

She dropped her basket and followed him through the narrow passageway and into the Great Hall. Colum sat in the chair at the dais, his grin growing as she approached.

The scent of him best be on her, Colum said as she got close.

Goddard gave a hard sniff and snorted. His stench is heavy on her.

Colum waved her closer and Dawn took cautious steps forward while Goddard walked around her and took a seat at the dais.

What have you learned? Colum demanded.

Dawn clenched her hands to keep them from trembling and tried desperately to think of something, anything that might appease him.

It came in a flash to her and she made an angry face, tapped her chest and pressed a finger to her lips.

Colum stared at her a minute and then grinned. Cree was angry because you cannot speak.

She nodded, relief running through her.

Good. This is good, Colum said rubbing his hands together and then stopped and shoved a finger at her. Now get me information.

Dawn wasnt sure what information he wanted and her expression showed her confusion.

Not only mute but an idiot, Colum grumbled and then shouted at her. Find out why he was in the area where we captured him and if his men are nearby. I want to know his plans. His kind always has plans. Now go and get me answers.

Dawn bobbed her head, turned, and hurried out of the hall.

Flanna was quick to jump at her when she entered the kitchen. Youre a sight and need cleaning you do. With that she took firm hold of Dawns arm and rushed her out, though not before shouting a warning to her staff that they better keep working in her absence or theyd be hell to pay for their laziness.

Dawn felt as gray and dreary as the overcast sky. She didnt object as Flanna hurried her along a footpath that led to her cottage a few feet away. Flanna gave her a shove inside and while this was her first time ever in Flannas home she didnt care to take note of anything. She was too tired and distraught.

Are you all right? Flanna asked.

Dawn was still stunned by the womans sudden concern, though perhaps it was as she had thought. They were two kindred spirits that no men wanted.

Dawn pretended to yawn.

Youre tired. Didnt the devil let you sleep at all?

The idea that the villagers would now believe Cree had ravished her upset her and she was about to confide the truth to Flanna when she thought better of it. It was necessary that everyone assume what Colum already believed. She could not take the chance of anyone discovering the truth.

Dawn shook her head, for the devil hadnt let her sleep but not for the reason Flanna thought.

You need to get yourself washed and some good food into you. I have fresh warm bread that just finished baking, bramble jelly and oatmeal porridge. Ill arrange a tub of hot water for you right here in front of the fire and then you can eat.

Dawn touched the womans arm and Flanna stilled. She rubbed a hand over her face and chest to demonstrate washing and nodded and then she motioned shoveling food into her mouth and shook her head.

You can wash here, but you must eat with the devil, Flanna said understanding.

Dawn nodded and yawned.

Fine, she snapped. Have a wash and then a nap since I was wrong about that bread it wont be done for awhile.

How she wished she could crawl in Flannas bed, not a pallet but a bed with a good-stuffed mattress and sleep for a few hours, but it was not meant to be.

Dawn shook her head. She rubbed, as if washing herself and then pointed at the door.

You must return to him after youre done washing.

Dawn nodded. She didnt want to hurry back to him, but she had to see what she could discover or Colum would do her harm.

Flanna seemed to understand and sorrow filled her eyes as well as her words. You have two devils you must answer to. She shook her head. Ill have a tub filled for you. At least you can get his scent off"for a time.

Dawn sniffed at her garments and noticed that she did carry a scent on her and she buried her nose in her sleeve for a minute. It was a woodsy scent mixed with Crees body scent. Some mens scent was hard on the senses causing the nose to wrinkle in distaste, not so Cree, his scent actually appealed to Dawn. She couldnt define what she favored about it; she only knew she liked it.

The realization startled her and she stopped sniffing her sleeve, just in time, since the door swung open and Flanna returned with servants who carried a round wooden tub and others followed carrying buckets of steaming water.

Dawn was grateful for Flannas fussing and more so for the tub of steaming water. After they all left she disrobed and climbed over the rim into the tub and sunk into the blessed hot water. Being tall didnt help and so her knees almost touched her chin, but she didnt care. The hot water was most welcoming, its heat soaking into her every limb and easing the stiffness away.

She had slept so rigid last night and rushed so this morning that it wasnt until she had watched the tub being filled that she had realized how her body ached. She wished she could sit and soak until the water turned cold but there wasnt time.

Cree would be waiting for his morning meal and he had questioned her during last nights meal so perhaps this morning she could pose her own questions to him. She scrubbed herself with the soap that Flanna had left for her, including her hair.

She smiled favoring the scent of lavender that covered her, that was until she reached for her clothes. They smelled of Cree and the strong, not unpleasant scent sent a quiver through her body.

The door swung open and Dawn was quick to wrap the towel around her. She smiled wide when she saw that it was Lila her best friend.

Lila was everything Dawn wasnt. She was beautiful with soft red hair that curled gloriously down her back, lovely green eyes, cream-colored skin, petite and slim and a lovely voice that could chatter on forever.

I was stunned when Flanna showed up at my doorstep and expressed concern about you needing fresh garments. She struck me speechless she did, being kind and thoughtful to your" She stopped and hurried to give Dawn a quick hug. When Paul heard what Colum had ordered you to do he wanted to go to him in your defense.

Dawn shook her head and waved her hand.

I know, Lila said grabbing tight hold of Dawns hand. I told him you would not want him to do something so foolish.

Dawn nodded and tapped Lilas rounded stomach and then slipped her hand out of hers and backed away.

Lila got teary-eyed. I know you tell me that Paul must worry only about the babe and me and not to worry about you, but Dawn... A tear slipped down her cheek. Are you all right? Did that monster hurt you?

It would have been easy to turn to Lila and wrap herself around her, knowing she would hug her in return just as they did when they were young and something troubled either one of them. They had always sought solace from each other and it had been no difference as they had gotten older. They had always been there for each other.

This time however was different. This time if she shared the truth with Lila it could prove dangerous for her and Paul, and Dawn refused to take that chance. So she had to do something she had never done; she had to lie to Lila.

She tapped her chest and smiled.

You tell me youre fine, but I dont know if I believe that.

Dawn hurried into a brown, worn wool skirt and slipped a faded green linen blouse over her head.

You wont look at me which means that there is something youre not telling me.

Dawn turned, walked over to her, pressed a finger to her mouth, and shook her head, her eyes pleading for understanding.

I know what youre doing, Lilia accused another tear slipping down her cheek. Youre trying to keep Paul and me safe.

Dawn joined her hands as if in prayer and placed them to her lips. Lilia knew the sign all too well. It meant please no more, trust that I know what I do.

I dont like it, but" Lila shook her head. I know there is nothing that Paul or I could do without suffering for it, and it pains me not to be able to help my friend who is more sister to me and who I love dearly.

They hugged then, Dawn close to tears herself but refusing to surrender to them. She stepped away, crossed her arms over her chest, patted her hand to her heart and pointed to Lila.

You express your love so beautifully.

Dawn smiled. Lila always made her feel as if she could speak, and she didnt know what she would do without her. That was why she wouldnt take a chance of getting her friend involved with the situation.

She kept her smile, tapped her chest, and gave one good nod.

I know you feel you can handle this, but, "another tear slipped down Lilas cheek" Cree is a monster and how can you fight a monster all by yourself?

Chapter Six.

Cree paced the confined cell impatient for Dawns return. She could not speak, yet he felt as if she had spoken to him. Her hand gestures and facial expressions spoke more plainly than words and more honestly than people with voices. He had been surprised as to how comfortable he had slept wrapped around her last night. He rarely slept without waking several times but not so last night. He had slept soundly. He could blame it on the long walk tethered to Colums horse but that would be nonsense.