You witch, he whispered before he claimed her mouth in a demanding kiss that she responded to with even a greater demand.
Cree finally pulled back and braced his hands on either side of her head. Hold on, Im going to ride you hard and fast.
She grabbed hold of his arms and wished she could scream out the immense pleasure each and every one of his deep thrusts brought her. She let him know the only way she could by tapping at his arm over and over and over... until.
She exploded in such a blinding climax that she locked her hands on his, threw her head back and bucked against him squeezing tight to relish every last tingle that rushed through her.
Cree felt as if he exploded over and over and over, he came so hard. It was so amazing that he didnt want to pull out of her. He wanted to remain in her for the entire night.
And he almost did. It seemed as if neither could get enough of each other.
He loved when he bent her over the bed, grabbed her backside and drove into her until she tore at the blankets in a never-ending climax.
In between the bouts of love making they ate to fortify themselves and when Dawn pushed him back on the chair and straddled him, he welcomed her with a grin and nibbled at her nipples while she bounced up and down on him.
The last time they made love was with gentle, exploring touches and soft, lingering kisses. Until finally Cree slipped tenderly into her, his movement slow and measured allowing their passion to climb slowly when finally they burst together in a lasting climax that had them shuddering in wave after wave of pleasure.
Wrapped in each others arms they drifted off to sleep more content than either of them had ever known.
Dawn woke with a stretch and winced then smiled at the soreness between her legs. She turned wondering why Cree wasnt wrapped around her as usual and found the bed empty. A shiver ran through her as if something dreadful had just happened and her stomach roiled.
Her stomach grew queasier and she hurried out of bed to dress in a warm wool skirt and blouse. She didnt bother with leggings, she simply slipped on her boots. Her stomach hadnt settled by the time she finished braiding her hair. And when she entered the other room she ran for the bucket and heaved, though there was nothing in her stomach to come up.
The thought hit her like a splash of cold water. She had not bled when she should have and now this. There was no denying the obvious; she carried Crees child. Now what? She feared telling him, for she was unsure of his reaction.
A knock sounded and a servant entered with food enough for one. Dawn was glad when she left for she heaved once again, the food causing her stomach to protest. Also the young lass had looked at her oddly and Dawn feared that she might suspect something since she probably looked paler than usual. She was also relieved that Cree wasnt here to see her like this. He would know right away the cause and she wasnt certain if she wanted him to know just yet.
She supposed she was hoping for a miracle that somehow he would proclaim his love for her and wed her. It was a foolish dream, she knew that, but she could not help but hope.
Another knock sounded before the door swung open to admit Lila.
Dawn smiled and cradled her arms asking where Thomas was when she realized that Lila appeared upset.
Dawn went to her and Lila reached out and hugged her tightly. Something was wrong terribly wrong. She eased Lila away and shrugged.
Lilas eyes turned wide. You dont know?
Dawn felt her stomach clutch and she prayed that she would not heave in front of Lila. She shook her head.
Lila took hold of her hand and tried to get her to the table to sit but Dawn shook her head and gestured insistently for Lila to tell her now.
Lila nodded and kept hold of her hand. Crees future bride arrives in a week.
Dawns legs turned so weak that she would have collapsed if Lila hadnt slipped her arm around her. Lila got Dawn to a chair and sat her down, then pulled a chair beside her and sat.
The whole village is talking about it. Hes to wed Robert Gerwans daughter by the Kings decree and all Gerwans holdings will revert to Cree along with the title.
With her dream shattered before her eyes, she suddenly feared for her unborn child. No new bride would want her husbands bastard child in the village for all to see.
The door opened and Cree stood in the doorway, a light snow covering his cloak.
Leave us, he ordered sternly and Lila scurried out after giving her friends hand a squeeze.
Dawn grew even more upset when she realized Cree knew this last night, knew it all along and had never said a word to her about it. Not that he had to, but she had thought that they were... what a fool she had been.
Cree stepped further in the room after closing the door. Youve heard.
She nodded.
This changes nothing between us. You are my mistress and will remain so. Elsa will be here shortly. She will provide you with the plant that prevents conception. Make certain to take it.
Was he telling her to get rid of any child that might be growing inside her? But of course he was. He would not want a son or daughter born voiceless like her.
He walked over to her, though he did not reach out to touch her. I will treat you well and keep you safe.
Dawn wouldnt look at him; she couldnt. Her heart was breaking. She simply nodded.
His hand moved to touch her face and she braced herself not to cringe and blessed the heavens for the knock at the door that stopped him.
That will be Elsa. Take what she gives you and we will talk more on this later. He opened the door and let Elsa in. We have discussed this. She knows what is expected of her.
Elsa nodded and when the door closed she walked over to Dawn setting her basket on the table.
Dawn would accept the plant but had no intention of taking it.
Elsa explained to Dawn how to brew the leaves and how often to take it. But remember if you are already with child it will abort the babe. Elsa took a pouch from her basket and placed it on the table. I will bring you more next month.
Dawn nodded.
Think on this Dawn for any decision you make will have repercussions.
Dawn realized then that the woman knew that she was already with child and leaving the decision to her.
I am a healer and I heal. I cause harm to none for I am all too aware of the consequences. Think on it, Dawn, and do in your heart what you feel is right for you.
Dawn wanted to hug the woman for giving her a choice but she didnt. She simply nodded and pressed her hand to her chest to show her gratitude while she fought back the tears ready to spill.
Elsa squeezed her hand before she stood. I am here if you need me.
Dawn nodded and tried to smile but it barely reached her lips. As soon as the door closed she burst into tears. She spent the rest of the morning sitting in front of the hearth too numb to move.
When Sloan arrived telling her that Cree wanted to see her in his solar she gestured that she was sick and could not go.
It isnt a request, Sloan said.
Dawn was pleased that the babe decided to protest just then and she ran to the bucket and heaved.
To her relief, Sloan left after telling her he would inform Cree that she wasnt well.
Several hours later she heard Cree talking to the guard outside the door and she hurried into the other room, pulled her boots off, climbed under the covers, and curled into a ball. She didnt want to see him, didnt want to talk with him... she wanted him to leave her alone.
She heard him enter the room and walk over to the bed and lean over her.
His hand touched her brow. It was cool, his touch gentle and as always her body sparked to life but she refused to acknowledge it.
Dawn, he whispered.
She knew if she didnt open her eyes that he would persist and so she fluttered them open as if she was waking.
Are you all right? he asked with such concern that it touched her heart but again she refused to acknowledge it.
She shook her head.
I will send for Elsa.
She shook her head. Placed her hands together as if in prayer and rested them to her cheek.
You just need to rest?
She nodded.
If you are not better by late evening than Elsa will see to you, he ordered and she nodded. He kissed her brow. I will see you later.
Dawn nodded and closed her eyes to keep her tears from falling and sighed silently when she heard the door close.
The hours wore on until she finally felt the need to get away from the cottage and not with a guard. She slipped on the wool, fur-lined cloak, and then moved the trunk to the window, relieved that Cree had not had it boarded up, but then she had not given him cause to after the last time. Now however was different, and she didnt care about the consequences.
She eased herself out the window feet first so that she could grab hold and lower herself to the ground. She did not want to take a chance of hurting the babe by simply dropping to the ground as she did the last time.
Once out she snuck around the back of the castle. She knew where she would go... her safe place. It was where she went as a child when she wanted to escape and feel free. And she needed that now... a place to escape to and feel free if only for a short time.
Then she would return and face her fate.
Chapter Thirty-six.
What do you mean shes not there? Cree demanded, his head coming up to scowl at the young servant lass.
The servant trembled as she spoke. I could find her nowhere in the cottage, my lord.
Cree stood towering over the woman. You looked in the other room?
She bobbed her head. After I called out to her and got no answer, I went in the other room to make certain she was all right, but it was empty, though the window was open.
Cree waved the lass away and turned to Sloan. Come with me.
They arrived at Dawns cottage in no time and followed the footprints beneath the window until they dissolved into an utter mess.
She covered her tracks well, Sloan said.
You sound as if you admire her, Cree snapped.
She does have a sharp wit.
Lets see if your wit is sharper... find her! He turned to storm away and stopped abruptly pointing to the window. Board it.
Two hours later and no success in finding Dawn, Cree stormed into Lilas cottage causing Thomas to cry out. Elsa stepped in behind him. Take the child.
No, my lord, please, Lila begged hugging her son tightly against her.
Elsa reached out for the babe and whispered, Do as he says and your child will be returned to you.
Lila gave Thomas to Elsa and she left the cottage, Cree closing the door behind her.
Lila couldnt stop her tears from falling. She feared she would never see Thomas again.
You were the one who told Dawn that my future bride was on her way? Cree accused.
Lila bowed her head. I thought she already knew"that you had told her"and only sought to comfort her.
She was upset?
Aye, my lord, her legs grew too weak for her to stand.
Cree let loose a low growl. Where would she run to?
Lila shook her head. She would not run. There is no place for her to go, though...
What? Tell me.
There is a place she would go as a child when she wanted to feel safe, feel free.
Where is it?
I do not know; she never told me. She never shared its whereabouts with anyone.
Dont lie to me, Cree warned.
Lila stiffened with fear. I do not lie, my lord. If I knew where it was I would tell you. Dawn was very protective of it. She told me once that the only person that she would share her safe place with would be the man she loved and wed.
Her words stabbed him like a sharp knife to the gut. She would never wed, for he would not let her. But she would share her safe place with him... he would make certain of it.