When the kiss ended Cree was quick to say, Youll come to the keep with me and enjoy the warmth of the fire while I tend to some matters.
Dawn did not relish the idea of sitting in the Great Hall while Cree was busy. She wanted nothing more than the solitude of her cottage. She shook her head and pointed to her basket and the contents lying scattered about.
The wreath, he said with a nod. You wish to return to the cottage and work on the wreath?
She smiled and nodded.
You promise me that you will stay there?
She crossed her heart with her finger.
I will join you for supper.
Her smile grew and she nodded vigorously.
Cree smiled as well and teased, That hungry are you?
Dawn felt playful and a bit wicked and so she licked her lips ever so slowly as she nodded.
Cree watched the play of her tongue along her lips leaving them moist in its path and he couldnt help but wonder how her tongue would feel licking his"
Enough, he said with a low growl, the image it evoked growing him hard. He shouted and a warrior appeared. Cree instructed him to help Dawn gather her twigs and pine cones and see her to her cottage. He then turned to her. I will see you later and make sure to stay put this time.
With that he was gone, Dawn disappointed that he would not walk her back to the cottage. She had hoped to coax him inside and...
She turned away dropping down to refill her basket and hide the blush that surfaced. She had turned into a sinful woman and if she was not mindful of her thoughts she would surely suffer for it.
It didnt take long for her to collect the spilled contents and return to her cottage. She was grateful for the solitude and for the chore that not only kept her hands busy but her mind as well.
The knock interrupted her peace, though when Old Mary entered, she smiled greeting the old woman.
Old Mary shut the door behind her and rubbed her gnarled fingers. Snows coming for sure.
Dawn pointed to a chair and poured her a tankard of cider from the pitcher being kept hot by the hearth.
Old Mary accepted it with a grateful nod. I used to make wreaths, and oh how I loved to weave baskets, but these old hands wont let me do that anymore.
Dawn patted her chest and pointed to the woman.
That is sweet of you to offer to make me one. Old Mary took a sip and remained silent for several minutes.
Dawn patted the old womans arm and shrugged wanting to know what was troubling her.
You are perceptive. You know people, understand them better than most, but then you have no choice but to listen. Old Mary reached for Dawns hand. Listen well to me, Dawn. Things are not what they seem to be; they never were. You must be careful; you must not trust anyone.
Another knock at the door had Flanna entering with two servants and baskets of food. Her entrance not only turned Old Mary silent but had her bidding Dawn good night. Dawn tried to get the old woman to stay and partake with her but Old Mary was adamant about leaving. Dawn was disappointed, she wanted to know what the old woman meant by things are not what they seem to be and never were.
Old Marys warning made her nervous. Of course they could just be ramblings that meant nothing, but Dawn had known Old Mary too well to believe she rambled. Her mind was sharper than anyone realized or that she led anyone to believe.
Flanna fussed over her after ordering the two servants to return to the keep. I want to thank you again for helping me get this position. I am very happy with it and happy that Turbett cannot order me around anymore.
Dawn smiled and patted her chest to let Flanna know how pleased she was for her.
It is an important position and it has earned me respect with the villagers and Turbett even treats me differently. Flanna smiled. He had a separate table set for us where we could eat while we discussed the keeps menu for the coming days. He served me a special mixed cider that he wanted my opinion on. It was delicious.
Dawns eyes lit with joy. Could the unlikely pair be finding common ground? She hoped so. Flanna deserved to find someone to love her. She could be stubborn at times but she had a caring soul.
Cree is deep in conversation with Sloan and food has been served to them, so Im not sure if he will be joining you tonight.
She was disappointed to learn that he might not share supper with her, though she would not let Flanna know that. She pointed to the array of food spread across the table and shrugged.
I make sure the meal is plentiful in case Cree does join you.
Dawn pressed her hand to her chest and nodded in thanks.
Flanna grabbed hold of her hand. You owe me no thanks. It is I who am indebted to you. Now I must go and tend to my duties and later Turbett asked me to share a meal with him. He has cooked something new and wishes my opinion.
Dawn hugged Flanna and the woman almost squeezed the breath out of her when she hugged her back.
You are a good woman, Dawn, Flanna said sniffling back her tears and hurried out the door.
Dawn sat looking at the abundance of food and shook her head. She had lost her appetite as soon as she heard that Cree might not be joining her. Wind whistled around the cottage and she wondered if it had started snowing yet. Then she recalled that a warrior stood guard outside her door and she quickly filled a tankard with hot cider. She also grabbed a hunk of bread and meat.
She opened the door and Neil was quick to step in front of her. A light dusting of snow covered his hood and cloak. She held out the tankard and food to him.
He bobbed his head and took them from her. Thank you. Now back inside. Its going to be a cold one tonight.
Dawn reluctantly closed the door. It wasnt fair that Neil had to stand out in the cold all night. And the longer she sat in front of the hot fire, the more worried she became for the man. Not able to take it any longer, she grabbed a blanket from her bed and went to the door.
Once again Neil stepped in front of the door. She held the blanket out to him.
Neil shook his head. Im fine, dont worry yourself about me.
Dawn shook her head and proceeded to wrap the blanket around him.
A little snow is too much for one of my warriors?
Neil quickly pulled the blanket off him and shoved it at Dawn before turning to acknowledge Cree with a nod. The snow does not bother me, my lord.
Dawn looked to Cree, ready to protest but his dark scowl made her realize it was not her place to interfere when he spoke with his warriors.
I thought as much, Cree said, though you know the protocol for guard watch when it snows.
Aye, my lord, Neil said with a bob of his head. Guards are to be changed every thirty minutes.
That starts now, Cree ordered with a wave to a warrior that stood a few feet away. You have been here long enough. Kirk will relieve you and see Sloan for the nights schedule.
Neil nodded and turned to Dawn. Thank you for your generosity. He took off then disappearing into the swirling snow.
Dawn retreated several steps as Cree entered the cottage.
He closed the door and scowled at her. Do not coddle my warriors.
Dawn hugged herself and shivered.
I know its cold outside, but they are seasoned warriors and do as they must under any conditions. They have been through much worse than this minor snowfall. He walked over to her, his arm going around her waist and drawing her close to him. Are you as ravenous as I am?
She smiled, ran her hand along his chest and nodded.
It will take much to appease my appetite tonight, he cautioned with a whisper.
Dawn tapped her chest lightly and then tapped his.
You will appease me?
She crossed her heart.
Thats a promise?
She nodded.
He brushed his lips over hers. I will hold you to that promise.
He kissed her and she returned it with an eagerness that had their passions mounting in leaps and bounds.
A pounding at the door had Cree swearing as he reluctantly tore his lips away from hers. Who disturbs me?
Sloans voice rang out. The messenger you have been waiting for has arrived.
Damn, Cree mumbled, his hands falling away from Dawn. Fortify yourself with food or rest whatever it takes, for you will get no rest when I return.
Dawn smiled, crossed her heart, and shrugged.
Crees arm shot out going around her waist and yanking her hard against him. You want a promise from me?
Her breath caught deep in her throat as she nodded. He was hard against her and she was already wet with the want of him.
I promise that you will never forget tonight.
Chapter Thirty-five.
Dawn waited until she could no longer keep her eyes open. She sought her bed disappointed that Cree had yet to return to her. The message must have been of great importance. She only hoped it wasnt bad news and that all would be right with the village. She, like many others, worried that perhaps Robert Gerwan would be given his land back and life would once again turn harsh.
She added two more logs to the already roaring fire not wanting it to burnout in the middle of the night, especially with the snow still falling. The wind had grown stronger as had the snowfall. She had taken a peek hoping to see Cree headed to the cottage but all she had caught sight of was swirling snow and the guard bundled in a fur-lined cloak and huddled close beside the front door.
The bed welcomed her with its warmth, though she wished it was Crees arms and his naked body that held her snug. He would come, she had no doubt. After all he had promised her and she knew that Cree would not break his promise to her; he was a man of his word.
Trying to remain awake was difficult and she succumbed to sleep sooner than she planned with hope that Cree would wake her soon.
Cree dismissed all guards for the rest of the evening. The snow was falling heavily and it would be impossible for anyone to find their way through it in the dark. The guards would resume their duties at first light.
He entered the cottage quietly and secured the latch that was usually left unlatched. He wasnt surprised to find Dawn abed and he disrobed with haste, though when he approached the bed he stood there staring down at her.
It had taken longer than he had expected to return to her and if he hadnt promised her that he would return he didnt know if he would have tonight. It wasnt that he didnt want to return. He was hungry for her and had been sense he left her, but then when didnt he want her. He wondered over his perpetual state of arousal whenever he was around her and he also wondered if she felt the same since she was always eager to couple with him.
It had been the message that had stalled his return. He thought of telling her the news tonight but worried that once she learned of it, she would not be so eager to make love with him. He had decided to wait and tell her the news tomorrow.
He eased into bed wrapping himself around her, his hand cupping her breast to gently squeeze it. He ran his thumb over the nipple and licked his lips eager to take the hardening bud into his mouth.
She turned as he knew she would. She always responded to his touch, no matter in bed, before the hearth, on the table. He grinned at how adventurous she was and planned on enjoying many more adventurous couplings with her.
He took her hard nipple in his mouth and teased it with the tip of his tongue while his hand roamed down along her body relishing the feel of her velvet soft skin. He loved touching her, every inch of her. The exquisite feel of her not only aroused him but brought him a strange comfort. He wasnt sure what it was or perhaps he did not want to admit it, but it was as if he was home when he was with her... a safe haven.
His fingers inched their way between her legs itching to dip inside her and bring her body to life. He sighed when he felt her moistness. It was as if she remained forever ready for him, only him. While his fingers played inside her, his thumb searched out the small nub that he would tease awake.
She might not be able to make a sound but the way her body responded to him spoke louder than words ever could. Her body possessed a magical rhythm that enticed and enthralled and that responded only to his touch. But then it seemed the same for him. His body responded to her exploring hands and tongue like no other and he wanted no other but her.
A dark thought intruded and he pushed it away. Tomorrow was time enough to tell her.
Her eyes fluttered open and her body stretched awake moving to the gentle rhythm he had set.
She smiled, tapped his chest, waved her hand around the room, nodded and crossed her heart.
I am pleased to know that you had no doubt that I would keep my promise and return to you tonight.
Her smile grew as she slipped her hand down between them to grasp hold of him and rub the tip of him against her.
Youre a hungry one, he teased.
She patted his chest.
The loving passion in her eyes spoke more than her gesture.
Only for me. His hand slipped out of her and pushed her hand off him replacing it with his own and rubbing himself against her moist entrance. I cant wait. I want you now. He kissed her hungrily. Then again. He kissed her as if starving. Again and again and again.
He turned her on her back and as soon as he climbed over her he thrust into her and she bucked beneath him taking him even deeper into her.
He gasped. Damn it, woman, youll make me come fast if you keep that up.
Wickedness rose in Dawn and this time she paid it no heed. She loved being able to bring him to climax. It made her own climax that much stronger. And so she set a rapid rhythm, squeezing him tight and forcing a groan to erupt from his lips.