Heath's Modern Language Series: Spanish Short Stories - Part 52

Part 52

=buscar,= to look for, seek; =ir a --,= to go for.

=Bustillo; Eduardo --,= _prop. noun_ (_Spanish poet, author of Las cuatro estaciones, El libro azul [1879], Romancero de la guerra de africa, El ciego de Buenavista [1888], et al._).


=caballerito= (_dim._)=,= little gentleman.

=caballero,= gentleman, horseman, rider; =-- (en),= mounted (on).

=caballete,= _m._, horse (_stand for saddles, etc._).

=caballo,= horse; =a --,= on horse-back, to horse.

=cabecear,= to nod; toss the head (_said of horses_).

=cabecera,= head, end.

=cabecita= (_dim. of_ =cabeza=)=,= little head.

=cabellera,= long hair, growth of hair.

=cabello,= hair; =tiene los --s,= her hair is.

=caber,= to hold, contain, be contained; =no me cabe duda,= there is no doubt; =ya no me cupo duda,= I no longer doubted; =le cupo en suerte,= it fell to her lot; =no cabia en si,= was beside himself.

=cabeza,= head; =con la -- baja,= with bowed head; =estaba de --sobre,= was leaning over.

=cabezudense,= inhabitant of =Cabezudo=.

=Cabezudo,= _prop. noun_ (_lit._, big-headed, obstinate).

=cabildo,= chapter (_of a cathedral_), parish; =-- de arriba=, upper parish; =-- de abajo=, lower parish.

=cabizbajo= (== cabeza + bajo=)=,= pensive, crest-fallen, with bowed head.

=cabo,= end; corporal; rope; =al --,= finally; =al -- de,= after; =llevar a --,= _see_ =llevar=.

=cabra,= goat.

=cabreriza,= goat-herd's hut.

=cacha,= handle (_of a knife_).

=cacoquimio,= pale and wan, cacochymic (_having the fluids of the blood destroyed_).

=cada,= each; =-- vez mas,= more and more; =a -- instante,= every moment; =-- cual=, each one.

=cadaver=, _m._, corpse, body.

=cadena,= chain, succession.

=cadete,= _m._, cadet (_of military or naval academy_), young officer.

=Cadiz,= _prop. noun_ (_the city of Cadiz, with about 70,000 inhabitants, is picturesquely situated on a low lime-stone rock, which is almost surrounded by the sea when the tide is high. It is connected with the Isla de Leon by a low, narrow isthmus of sand and rock. Cadiz is a beautiful city, and an important seaport_).

=caer,= to fall, sink; =--se,= to fall; =dejar -- (encima),= to drop (on); =al -- la tarde,= late in the afternoon; =-- redondo,= to fall in a heap; =-- a cantaros,= to rain in torrents, pour (_lit._, to fall in pitchersfull); =caido de fuerzas,= with failing strength; =ya caigo!= I understand.

=cafetera,= coffee-pot; _coll._, drunkenness.

=cafila,= caravan.

=caigo,= _pr. ind. of_ caer.

=caja,= box, coffin, case.

=cajita,= small box.

=cal,= _f._, lime.

=cala,= hold (_of a ship_).

=calafate,= _m._, calker.

=calana,= quality, character.

=calcetin,= _m._, sock.

=calculo,= calculation, computation.

=caldera,= boiler.

=caldereteria,= tinker's wares.

=caldo,= broth, gravy.

=calentar (ie),= to warm, heat; =--se la mollera= _or_ =el caletre,= to rack one's brain.

=caletre,= _m._, judgment, understanding; (_fig._) head.

=calibre,= _m._, caliber, kind.

=calidad,= _f._, quality.

=caliente,= hot, warm.

=caliginoso,= dark, murky.

=calma,= calmness.