Heath's Modern Language Series: Spanish Short Stories - Part 51

Part 51

=breve,= brief, short.

=bribon, -a,= rascal, impostor; =la muy bribona,= the wretched woman; =bribona!= you wretch!

=bribonaza= (_aug._)=,= impudent impostor, great wretch.

=brigada,= brigade; =general de --,= brigadier general.

=brigadier,= _m._, brigade-officer.

=brillante,= bright, shining, brilliant.

=brillar,= to shine.

=brillo,= resplendence, brightness.

=brincar,= to jump, bound.

=brinco,= leap; =dar --s,= to gambol, leap (=por,= over).

=brindar,= to drink a toast, pledge.

=brindis,= _m._, toast.

=brio(s),= manliness, valor, spirit.

=brioso,= spirited.

=brisa,= breeze; =-- marina,= sea-breeze.

=brocado,= brocade.

=brocha,= brush.

=brochazo,= stroke (_of a brush_).

=broma,= jest; =echar a --,= to take as a jest.

=bromista,= _m._, merry fellow; =amigo --,= a mischievous friend.

=bromita= (_dim._)=,= little jest.

=bronce,= _m._, bronze.

=brotar,= to gush, flow; flash.

=bruces; de --,= with the face downward; =estaba de -- sobre,= was looking over.

=bruja,= witch, hag; =--!= you hag!

=brujona= (_aug._)=,= horrible old witch; =--!= you horrible old witch!

=brunir,= to burnish.

=bruscamente,= abruptly, hastily, suddenly.

=brusco,= rude, hard, jolting.

=brutalidad,= _f._, brutality, rudeness.

=bruto,= stupid, dull.

=buenaventura,= good luck, prediction of fortune-tellers; =hacer la --,= to tell fortune.

=buen(o),= good, well, very well; =hacer --,= to prove; =-- es para,= he is not the one to.

=Buenos Aires,= Buenos Ayres (_the capital of the Argentine Republic in South America_).

=buey,= _m._, ox.

=bueyecito= (_dim._)=,= little ox.

=buffet= (_French_)=,= _m._, refreshment-table.

=buhardilla,= garret.

=buhardillon= (_aug._)=,= garret-room.

=bula,= papal bull (_permission_).

=bulto,= package, parcel, ma.s.s.

=bulla,= shouting, noise, merriment.

=bullanga,= concert, noise.

=bullir,= to boil, bustle.

=bunuelo,= fritter (_filled with fruit or jelly_).

=Burdeos,= Bordeaux (_a city in France, famous for its wine_).

=burlar,= to mock, laugh (at).

=burlonamente,= mockingly.

=burro,= donkey.

=busca,= search; =en su --,= in search of him (her, them, you).