God Of Life And Death - Chapter 1846

Chapter 1846

"Thank you for coming to help, but these old dogs of the Wang family can't deal with me!"

Fang Yue's heart was full of confidence. He already had a preliminary understanding of this tenth-level world. Apart from anything else, at least in the marginal position, no one should be his opponent!

The strong of the saint realm is already considered to be the top of the pyramid, and the higher-level existence should have been introduced to a more internal position in the tenth world.

"If it's just the Wang family, then you naturally don't have to worry about our Vientiane Pavilion, and we won't use a master to protect you because of a small Wang family. This time we have got the exact news. The Wang family has already spent money to catch you. For the blood, they hired the masters of the Chen family at all costs and let the people of the Chen family catch you and kill you!"

"This Chen family has a very high status in the tenth-level world. They don't even need to do it themselves to make countless powerful people in the tenth-level world go crazy for killing you!"

The ancient dust fairy said to Fang Yue, "Don't underestimate the Chen Family's control over the tenth-level world. They are one of the builders of this tenth-level world. The secrets and resources of many masters, after being locked up in the tenth world, they all chose to take refuge in the Chen family and became their lackeys and minions."

"This place is clearly distinct from that world in name. Different levels of practitioners have different distribution positions. However, any rule has its own loopholes. The Chen family is the controller of loopholes in the tenth world. The people of the Chen family have dispatched three powerful people of the Great Sacred Realm level at the edge of the tenth level of the world. The existence of these three Great Sacred Realm levels is not from the Chen family, but is imprisoned. Practitioners in the tenth world have taken refuge in the Chen family and are willing to become their thugs. Even if these three great sacred realm powerhouses crossed the barriers and were discovered by the dream family, the Chen family can easily interact with this The three have cleared their relationship so that they will not be implicated or punished at all!"

Gu Chenxian is quite familiar with the world of the tenth floor of this dream family, and he has already come here to perform more than one mission.

"Gu Chenxian, you don't need to continue talking, I think you are a bit too late, the master of the Chen family has arrived!"

Fang Yue opened his mouth, he saw that they jumped out of the void, the auras of these three people were all sturdy, and at first glance, these three people were not the powerhouses of the ordinary Great Saint Realm!

"You are Fang Yue! The three of us are here to kill you, don't ask why we killed you, blame you for offending people who shouldn't be offended, but the three of us look at you as young and tender. It's not too big. We can give you another chance to choose. You committed suicide, but let us personally cut off the flesh and blood on you!"

A big man with a hideous face, Yue said, that he didn't seem to have any plans to capture Fang Yue alive from the beginning, instead he wanted to kill Fang Yue directly.

"If you don't say that I also know your identities, you are the people sent by the Chen family to kill me, but it seems that it is still difficult to kill me with the three of you!" Fang Yue said that the breath on his body suddenly broke out. This time Fang Yue didn't hide his strength too much. In the eyes of the three big men, Fang Yue seemed to be a bottomless abyss.

The eyes of the three big guys all showed a look of uncertainty. This Fang Yueming was just a yin-yang mirror. Why did the three of them feel a terrifying feeling like the end of the world in him.

Not just the three of them, even Gu Chenxian had an unpredictable feeling on Fang Yue's body.

He often feels this feeling only in the body of some peerless arrogant or big boss in the organization.

"Fang Yue, what are you going to do? Are you trying to kill the three of us? If the three of us die, the Chen family will inevitably give birth to induction and send a stronger presence to kill you. A strong man in the holy realm, next time it may be a strong man in a virtual fairy or even a real fairyland to kill you!"

The man who spoke first said that the other side Yue, who was stern and stern, said, his eyes showed endless surprise.

Fang Yue hadn't really made a move yet, and the aura from his body had already made him feel a powerful shock! If he really hits the three of them, it will definitely be wiped out! Kill their three brothers so much that even the scum can not be left behind! This Fang Yue is really terrifying, and the business the Chen family took this time may be a loss-making business.

Such feelings were born in the hearts of the three brothers.

"Of course I wouldn't kill you. This time, the Chen family was also entrusted by others and was used by the Wang family, right?" Fang Yue and Yan Yue said to the three brothers, who could not feel the slightest killing in Fang Yue's body. meaning. On the contrary, this Fang Yue gave them a sunny feeling as if he were the big brother of the neighbors.

After performing so many missions, the three brothers have never encountered such a weird mission target. If everyone else meets the three brothers, they will all be like a big enemy, or be shocked, angry or angry, and this Fang Yue turned out to be and They talked so smoothly and freely that they didn't treat them as outsiders at all.

"Yes, this time our three brothers are only entrusted by others, including killing you is not the Chen family's meaning, but the Wang family's thoughts, but this time the Wang family concealed your true strength, the Chen family will definitely pursue the Wang family. Responsibility, if you can let our three brothers leave this time, then we will return to the Chen family and try our best to intercede for you, but whether we can let the Chen family let you go depends on what others mean!" Seeing that Fang Yue didn't have much intention of killing people, they also began to persuade Fang Yue to let Fang Yue let them go.

"This is natural, I've heard about the power of the Chen Family in the tenth world. How can I, a small figure of Yin and Yang level, be willing to be an enemy of a behemoth like the Chen Family?"

Fang Yue showed an extremely humble expression, and even when he mentioned the words Chen Family, there was a look of worship and yearning on his face.

Fang Yue's words made the three brothers breathe a sigh of relief. Since Fang Yue had such a sense of consciousness, they returned to the Chen family to intercede, and they were extremely confident that they could acquit Fang Yue.

This Fang Yue is really good enough to fool, he had just heard of the Chen family's name from his own mouth, but now it sounds like a thunderous.

However, only such people can survive smoothly in the underworld. There is even one mountain high in the underworld. People who blindly rely on force can't live for too long!

Gu Chenxian suddenly felt that he might be over here this time!

Even if he didn't come this time, Fang Yue was able to handle the relationship with the Chen family and successfully resolve the crisis.

"Oh, by the way, the three came to kill me this time, and the journey was exhausting. I have three great holy realm-level pills here that can restore their original consumption a little bit for the three!"

Fang Yue's politeness even made the three big men feel flattered.

This time it was obvious that the three of them came to kill, and they couldn't do this Fang Yue. Let Fang Yue let them go. This Fang Yue didn't care about the predecessors, not only gave them a way to survive, but also sent them to the Great Holy Realm. Even if these three great men are powerful at the Great Sacred Realm level, they have never seen a Great Sacred Realm level pill, because the conditions for refining the Great Sacred Realm level pill are extremely harsh, and every A kind of medicinal material is extremely rare. Generally, strong people at the Great Sacred Realm level take all the medicinal pills of the Saint Realm level. Although the effect is not good, the quantity can make up for the lack of quality.

This time the three of them joined forces to kill Fang Yue. The price offered by the Chen family was exactly three middle-grade saint-level pills. They did not expect them to walk around this time. Although the mission was not completed, they could still get it. Three coveted pills of the Great Sacred Realm level.

There was a feeling of flattery in the hearts of these three big guys. They were both panic and emotional. Fang Yue's methods are extraordinary and able to have such a mind, and he will surely be able to accomplish a great cause in the future.

The three big guys even started to whisper to the Wang family in their hearts, how could they offend such a young talent, not only has a strong shudder in a humble state, but the future potential can be said to be unlimited, even he has such a powerful The means and the mind are much stronger than those of the Wang family.

The pill that Fang Yue gave to the three great men were not those he made by himself, the pill he made was extremely valuable. Not to bribe these reckless men.

Although all the three medicines Fang Yue gave were obtained from the enemy, and the quality of each medicine was not very high, this kind of medicine was already an invaluable treasure in the eyes of the big man. Everything is good in the underworld, but the population is too large, so the limited resources are divided up, even the strong ones in the Great Sacred Realm are not very rich. This great sacred realm-level pill can be worthy of their achievements in performing several or even dozens of tasks. The three big men looked at Fang Yue's eyes, and they showed gratitude.

The Gu Chenxian next to him was also sighed in his heart, with Fang Yue's pill bribe. After these three big men returned to the Chen family, it was impossible not to say good things for Fang Yue. Even though the Chen family is domineering, it is impossible that they will not listen to anyone's persuasion. What's more, these three big men are originally from the Chen family. Although they are not the Chen family, their status in the Chen family is not very low. They are beside them. To be fair, Fang Yue may be able to turn the enemy into a friend with the Chen family, and turn the dry waves into a jade silk, which will completely defeat the Wang family's wishful thinking.