God Of Life And Death - Chapter 1845

Chapter 1845

"This Fang Yue is so daring. He actually slaughtered the disciple of my royal family like a cow or horse. Earlier, if I knew about this situation, I would have killed this Fang Yue directly. In the ten-layer world, it is damaging to the foundation of my Wang family."

Mother Wang was so angry that he didn't expect that Fang Yue would not give up after damaging one of the Wang family's strongholds. He once again took action to completely destroy the Wang family's other stronghold, and incorporated all the resources into his own. In the bag.

Now Mother Wang felt that her intestines were completely regretful, and she had known such a thing long ago. She would not be greedy and wanted to turn Fang Yue into a servant of the royal family. Now it is fine. Not only did Fang Yue not become his slave, but to create infinite value for her, she became the source of the royal family's disaster.

"Then Mother Wang, how should we deal with this Fang Hospital? Among the powers of my royal family on the edge of the tenth world, there is no master at all that can compete with him. Although the realm of this radius is low, his combat power is indeed Having reached the level of the Great Sacred Realm, I even suspect that even the average practitioner in the Great Sacred Realm may not be his opponent."

The disciple of the Wang family was still full of horror. He saw the ruins of the Wang family destroyed in the tenth world. It can be said to be a natural disaster.

Mother Wang took a deep breath. She knew that her anger had no value. Only when Fang Yue was killed in the bud, could they solve their Wang family's confidant troubles. However, in this tenth level of the world, different In the region, the number and level of the strong are extremely limited.

In the world of the tenth level, the Wang Clan was just a small force, even insignificant.

This dream family is huge, and the large and small forces in it are also crisscrossed and distributed in thousands. The world on the tenth level is even more mixed. Although the conditions are extremely bad, there are great secrets and great opportunities hidden in the world on the tenth level.

When some dream family disciples encounter bottlenecks, they sometimes choose to hone themselves in the tenth level of the world to seek breakthroughs. Although this kind of training is life-threatening, once they encounter some kind of chance It is also a great opportunity to break through, and it can even break through the limits of one's own realm and reach a higher level.

"It's up to me to figure out a solution for this matter! Although the tenth level of the world is strict, but if you really want to find some loopholes in the rules, it is not completely helpless!" Mother Wang's eyes kept on Rotate. In a moment of effort, there is a poisonous plan.

The different factions in the tenth world are distinct in latitude and longitude, and the Chen family is an extremely ancient family in the tenth world. The patriarch of the Chen family is said to be a transcendent existence at the level of the Golden Fairy Realm. He was imprisoned in the tenth level of the world because he angered the interests of a certain supreme realm of the Meng family. Among them, some people say that if the Meng family encounters a huge crisis, the patriarch of the Chen family will still be summoned by the Meng family to contribute to the Meng family. Being reused, the entire Chen family was rescued from the cage of this ten-layer world.

The ancestors of the Chen family are said to be the life and death friends of the ancestors of the Meng family. Part of the Chen family's ancestors contributed to the construction of this tenth-level world, so the Chen family knew many secret ways of organs in this tenth-level world. Some things that are difficult for others to do are just a matter of effort for the Chen family.

In a small effort, it includes the reverse crossing of the core area and the edge area.

Originally, Mother Wang didn't want to turn to the Chen family for help, because the Chen family's appetite was so great that every time she asked them to help, she had to pay the price of blood.

But this time about Fang Yue's incident, it can be said that Mother Wang lifted a rock and hit her own foot. If she didn't bite her teeth and smashed her blood and let the Chen family help, Fang Yue would probably put the Wang family on the tenth. All the strongholds at the edge of the layer world are cleaned up.

In the Wang family, it's not that Mother Wang alone has the final say. From a certain perspective, Wang XX is just a high-level member of the Wang family. The true ancestor of the Wang family is also a great Luojin Wonderland. The existence of the world level. However, the ancestor of the Wang family has not appeared in the Meng family for thousands of years. Some people say that the ancestor of the Wang family has fallen in battle. Others say that he is seeking new breakthroughs in retreat and reaching a higher level. level.

If you let the senior officials of the Wang family know, Mother Wang has affected the overall situation of the Wang family because of her own personal interests. The senior officials of the Wang family will also impose extremely severe punishment on Mother Wang.

Three days later, Madam Wang came to Chen's home, the stronghold in the seventh world.

This stronghold is just a small wooden house in an inconspicuous corner in a remote city.

Since the king's Daluo Jinxian was imprisoned in the tenth level of the world, the Chen family's power in the dream house has shrunk sharply. Even if the Chen family's disciples are not captured in the tenth level of the world, all Become a lot of low-key.

The once arrogance and domineering have all been reduced, and now the Chen family has become a small family in this dream family, extremely inconspicuous.

However, Grandma Wang did understand that this skinny camel was bigger than a horse. Although the Chen family had fallen to the extreme on the surface, in reality, the Chen family was still a powerful force on the territory of the Meng family. A behemoth with intertwined webs.

Mother Wang pushed the door in and walked into the cabin.

There was no one in this cabin, only a fireplace and a continuous charcoal fire.

Mother Wang took a piece of white paper, and then wrote three numbers on the white paper. These three numbers represent the price she is willing to pay.

If Fang Yue was captured alive by the Chen family and sent to him, Mother Wang could contribute five hundred water moon fairy stones.

This water moon fairy stone is a special product of the ancient adversity of the Wang family. Each stone contains the power of the rich water and moon path. The value of this water moon fairy stone is extremely high. In the outside world, the water moon fairy stone can even be exchanged for servants of the realm of saints.

These five hundred water moon celestial stones have been harvested in half a year from the Wang family's narcissus stone mine. This time, in order to deal with Fang Yue Wang's family, it can be said that he has spent his money.

But Grandma Wang did feel that if Fang Yue could really be captured alive, the deal would be worth it. Not to mention, just letting go of this pill refining ability and randomly refining three or five large biblical level pill can make up for this loss.

But if Fang Yue cannot be captured alive, then its value will be greatly reduced. Therefore, Mother Wang also placed another number beside her, which was the price of thirty shuiyue immortal stone Fangyue heads. A dead Fang Yue was at best getting rid of a big trouble for the Wang family, so its value naturally wasn't that high.

And there is a third at the end, which represents the price at which the Chen family can be provided with valid information about Fang Yue by the Wang family. Three represents three water moon fairy stones. This price is considered trivial to the Chen family, and may not even be concerned by the Chen family.

"Fang Yue! You little bastard, we have put so much effort on your behalf. If we can't kill you this time, my mother Wang's name is written upside down!"

Mother Wang gritted her teeth and said.

Fang Yue didn't even know that he had such a high value with Mother Wang.

Madam Wang put the note in the flame and burned it. As the note turned to ashes, Madam Wang's transaction was accepted by the Chen family.

At this time, Fang Yue had already levelled the Wang Family's eighth stronghold on the edge of the tenth world.

In the edge of this tenth-level world, Fang Yue is simply an invincible God of War.

Fang Yue's feet are in ruins, and all the disciples and elders of the Wang family will never be half alive.

This Wang Clan is his enemy, then Fang Yue will kill all the Wang Clan!

Only the blood of the enemy can calm the anger in his heart.

When Fang Yue's flesh and blood clone killed the last Wang family disciple and swallowed the opponent's body.

A fresh breeze hits.

A man in white slowly walked through the void and arrived.

This man in white is like a fairy.

He has a sense of elegance beyond the world.

A pair of bright eyes seems to be able to penetrate all the laws of this time.

This is a cultivator at the master level, but the feeling he gave Fang Yue is no less than some ancestors at the great sacred level.

"who are you?"

Fang Yue saw the white-clothed man, he knew that the other party must be bad.

In the underworld, Fang Yue has no friends yet, only enemies!

If his guess is correct, the man in white should have been hired by the Wang family to kill him.

"Gu Chenxian!"

The white-clothed man said his name, which was quite a fairy name.

As the name suggests, this ancient dust fairy gives people a feeling of detached from the dust.

He seems likely to fly into the fairy world at any time!

"Are you the one that the Wang family found to kill me?"

Fang Yue looked at this ancient dust fairy, his voice calm.

Fang Yue was not surprised that the opponent was able to fight across several great realms.

There are so many talents in the underworld, and the treasures of all kinds of heaven and earth are endless. What kind of genius has long been gone? What kind of outstanding person will not be born.

"No! I was sent by Vientiane Pavilion to protect you!"

Gu Chenxian spoke, and he showed a bright smile.

Red mouth and white teeth, like a real banter.

"There are big people in the Vientiane Pavilion who are very happy to know that you have entered the underworld, and at the same time are extremely angry at their actions towards Mengjia!

We have received the news that the grandmother Wang hired someone from the Chen family to kill you. The senior management of Vientiane Pavilion was worried that you would be hard to beat with four hands, so let me help you! "

The ancient dust fairy said his intention.

Fang Yue's heart couldn't help but warm up, no matter what purpose the Vientiane Pavilion was for, they were able to face themselves. Always make Fang Yue's heart warm!