"Anyway," Savannah continues, "sometimes we need somebody to just tell us what to do even though we already know it. What I'm saying is we shouldn't be afraid to ask for help. Since we're closer than family, why don't we try to give each other one good piece of advice that might help us get stronger or whatever?"
"Savannah, you already do that," Robin says.
"I don't mean it like that, heffa. I mean, we all know some of the things we've been struggling with. Granted, some stuff we have to figure out how to deal with on our own. But there are a lot of other things we can offer each other, you know. Sound advice. Good suggestions. We weigh the pros and forget the cons. Then try whatever it is for thirty days or something. If we see some improvement we just keep doing it."
"For example?" Bernadine asks.
Gloria's thinking. She accidentally takes a sip of Robin's drink. Turns up her nose. Then takes another one.
"Let's start with me. What's the one thing you know I've been wanting to do but haven't been able to?"
"Lose weight," Bernadine says.
Savannah gives her the finger.
"Get over Isaac," Robin says.
"Getting over your ex-husband isn't a goal, because the goal was accomplished when he became the ex. What do I whine about all the time?"
"Everything," Robin says, and they all laugh, including Savannah.
"That you never do anything adventurous or interesting," Robin says.
"Well, that's about to change."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Gloria asks.
"Nothing. Strike that from the record."
"Good. Curious minds don't want to know tonight-whatever it is," Robin says. "Here's my advice to you, Savannah. Take a yoga class. Go visit your family in Pittsburgh. Get a puppy."
"I'm not getting a puppy."
"Do the story on gangs," Gloria says.
Savannah points her index finger at Gloria. That's a good one.
"Drop your guard," Bernadine says. "Don't end up like me." She gives Savannah a little nudge with her shoulder.
"Do you guys realize how long we've been here and have yet to see five minutes of the movie? I've gotta be at work a little early tomorrow. There's been a lot of talk about a big merger so we're probably being prepped for it."
"I can tell you what you complain about all the time, Robin," Gloria says to her.
"My job, I know. And as soon as I figure out a way to quit, I'll be on it."
"Can I just tell her what I think she should do right now? Is that how we can play this game?" Gloria asks.
"This doesn't feel like a game," Bernadine says.
Gloria turns and looks directly at Robin. "I wish you would think about what else you get a charge out of doing so you can leave that job once and for all. You've been bored too long. I'd be willing to give you sixty days. How's that for starters?"
"Wait! I've got one for you, too," Savannah says. "I wish you would stop this scavenger hunt you've been on, trying to find a husband on the Internet, because you have yet to go on a decent date. At least give it a break. Try it for a month and see if you can handle the withdrawal."
"You can take that one off my to-do list. I canceled my memberships. So there."
"I'm on the same page as everybody else as far as you go, Ms. Birdie. Now, Gloria," Bernadine says. "We all know you've put a few back on since Marvin went to Heaven but we don't want to see you have another damn heart attack, okay?"
"I already know this," Gloria says. "And you're right. So I suppose this means I'm going to have to stop relying on Doritos for a kiss, gelato for a hug, sorbet for a really big hug and Jelly Bellies for sex, huh?"
Laughter. Hoots.
"As for you, Miss Bernadine," Savannah says, turning to look at her. It's obvious Bernadine is terrified she's about to say something about the pills, but they've already talked about that. "We want a new restaurant, don't we, ladies?" Savannah winks at Bernadine.
Gloria and Robin nod and nod and nod.
Bernadine looks relieved when she sees the smiles on her friends' faces. "This is the real deal. I've got four years left on the lease for Sweet Tooth. My money is starting to get a little funny since I closed, so I'm working on what my next move should be."
"Can't you turn it into a different kind of restaurant?" Gloria asks.
"It's a pretty good size," Savannah says.
"And a good location," Robin says.
"Let me tell you guys this and just get it over with. I don't know if I have it in me to run another restaurant."
"Who said you have to run it? Isn't that why folks have employees?" Savannah says.
"It's the reason why I stopped doing hair," Gloria says. "I'm the overseer."
"All you need to do is come up with some of those fancy-schmancy menus you were telling us all about and hire some of those kids fresh out of culinary school and just teach them how to prepare it," Robin adds.
"Well put, Robin. It could be fun, Bernie. You could design it the hip way we talked about, remember?" Savannah says.
"Yeah, and think about having some live music, 'cause Lord knows we need somewhere to go," Robin says.
"If you're getting low on funds, Bernie, you know all you have to do is pick up the phone," Gloria says.
"Ain't that the truth," Robin says.
"I've got access to a little loot if you need it," Savannah says. "Take some time to think about this. But not too long."
Bernadine is humbled. She can't say a word.
"I wish I had some talent," Robin says.
"Sometimes I would just like to smack you, Robin, you know that?" Savannah says.
"You and me both," Gloria says. "What you you need to do is be a personal shopper or clean out your closets and start one of those consignment stores." need to do is be a personal shopper or clean out your closets and start one of those consignment stores."
"I like the second one," Bernadine says. "I've got years' worth of stuff you can have to start your inventory."
Savannah raises her hand to ditto that.
"Actually, I think that's kind of a cool idea," Robin says.
"Just for the record: your daughter is a testament to what a good mother you are," Gloria says.
"She's a spoiled brat, but it's okay. She's smarter than I ever was and she's going to be a fantastic violinist one day. Did I tell you guys she called Russell?"
Everybody shakes their head no.
"Yep, she reached out to him. Wants to get to know his stupid ass after all these years."
"What's wrong with that?" Bernie asks.
"Nothing, I suppose. I just don't want her to be badly influenced."
"I doubt that," Savannah says. "Russell thought he was Mac Daddy way back when but he's not a bad guy when you get right down to it."
"You're going to have to learn how to share her," Gloria says.
"Did you have a start date in mind for us, Lady Guru?" Gloria looks at Savannah.
"Shut up, Gloria. We've been friends a long time. I always thought friends tried to do things to make each others' lives better. I know I run my mouth a lot and I'm an idealist, so you guys can tell me to go straight to hell if you want to. I'm just tired of us feeling like there's no tomorrow."
"Well, let's not worry about any start dates tonight since it's not a game," Bernadine says. "Let's start by taking baby steps and see if we notice each other's progress. How's that sound to everybody?"
Nods all around.
Savannah presses PLAY again.
From the television they hear Don Cheadle: ". . . in L.A. nobody touches you. . . always behind this metal and glass. I think we miss that touch so much that we crash into each other just so we can feel something."
This time, Bernadine grabs the remote and presses PAUSE. "Has anybody noticed what I haven't mentioned this evening?"
"I thought my prayers had been answered," Savannah says.
"We thought you were finally on the road to recovery," Robin says.
"There's nothing you can say that we haven't already heard," Gloria says. "We're your friends, so say it."
"Not even close. Well, maybe a little. You know what I'd love to see happen? "I would love it if every woman in America who's ever been played, betrayed, deceived or hurt by their significant other staged a one-day moratorium-no, make it a whole week-no sex, no cooking, no laundry, no housecleaning, no nothing, nothing, just so they can see how valuable we are." just so they can see how valuable we are."
"They still wouldn't get it," Robin says. "There are too many women out here willing to do just about anything to keep them. I should know, since I used to be one of them."
"Can I say one more thing since we're on the subject?" Savannah asks.
Gloria crosses her arms. "Do we have a choice?"
"Should I ever get an opportunity to stumble on another member of the opposite sex who rocks me even at this late stage in my life, I'm not jumping on the first train that pulls into my station. I don't want another husband. I just want somebody to have dinner with a couple of times a month. Sex twice a month-three times would be better. Somebody to travel with. Go to a concert with. The movies. And maybe spend the night every once in a while. And then send his ass home. I'll date until I'm dead."
"Well, you won't be dead before you go on your little blind date, I hope. Did you tell them about Jasper?" Bernadine asks.
"Who's Jasper?" Gloria asks.
"He's some guy my boss wants me to have coffee with in the very near future. I'm actually dreading it."
"Is he white?" Gloria asks. "With a name like Jasper."
"No, he's black. He's a surgeon. The kind that travels all over the world to help people who need it."
"I'm thinking about crossing over," Robin says.
"Crossing over what?" Gloria asks.
"The color line."
"You guys have never considered it?"
They all pretty much shake their heads no.
"We're stupid. Men will fuck anything, and here we are still holding on to blackness," Robin says. "We can still be black and love whoever we want to. It's about time we gave ourselves more options."
"You've got a point," Savannah says.
"They're all the same," Bernadine says.
"I've always loved black men," Gloria says.
"Because you had a good one," Robin says. "Anyway, I'm thinking about going Asian. Maybe Japanese. You know that fine Watanabe guy who was in The Last Samurai The Last Samurai with Tom Cruise?" with Tom Cruise?"
"He's Japanese?" Savannah asks.
"Yes, Lord. And fine as he wants to be. He's also tall."
"I thought he was black. Just mixed with something."
"Nope. He's one hundred percent Japanese. I'd give him some in a heartbeat."
"Not too many black men want old pussy, Robin. What makes you think a Japanese guy would want it?" Bernadine asks.
" 'Cause I still know how to make it snap."
Bernadine presses PLAY.