"NO." Clearly p.r.o.nouncing his words, Greyson cleanly rejected Diemre. His rejection shook Diemre out his daze and angered him.
"What are you too large of a coward to accept a battle?"
"No, I just see it as pointless. It was the fact that you are not attractive and charming enough that you did not get my Rosalie to like you. She is of the elf bloodline and does not think similarly to dragons. Strength means nothing to her, otherwise, the strongest of you suitors would already have her heart by now, right? She already likes me more than you guys so what point is there in fighting? I have already won the ultimate battle, no?" Raising his eyebrow, Greyson just shrugged. His tongue was no less fierce than his sister and his grandfather when he tried. Although he and his family knew that he and Rosalie obviously had no such relations.h.i.+p, he thought this might be a good way to keep all these rotten suitors off her tail.
"That's just a coward's way out!" Diemre shouted.
"Think whatever you like. I have no reason to have to indulge you." Waving his hand, Greyson looked to almost loathe to look at Diemre another second. Such arrogance triggered Diemre's anger and his eyes flashed with a moment of madness. Without another word, a whip appeared in his hand and he lashed out at Greyson. Greyson's purple eyes showed his annoyance as his scaled hand grabbed onto the whip and he stomped his foot down. Immediately the earth responded by slamming to Diemre's stomach and sent him flying away. At this moment, the entire crowd turned silent along with Greyson, the elders, and even Rosalie. Looking down at his own hands, Greyson was shocked by the amount of power that just flowed out of him at that moment. It was many times more than before he was in a coma. During this time, he had only focused on recovering his body and did not focus on looking into his mana condition and level. It was only now that he realized that he was already at the magister level stage three! Shocked, he could not understand why he so easily surpa.s.sed two levels. Even the dragon scales appeared with barely a thought and responded quickly to his needs. Before it would take a lot of effort and thought to try to use his dragon bloodline during any kind of fight. Therefore, he would never use it in a fight because he would be too distracted.
Seeing Diemre stagger as he tried to get up from the ground, Greyson frowned before walking away. It seems he needed to focus on learning the new abilities of his body and what breaking through to the magister level has brought him. Earlier he did not even really need to think before the earth responded. This power was all extremely new to him and he did not know what to make of it. Rosalie quickly followed after her brother, leaving only the crowd and the elders who were still surprised. Then, they suddenly began to laugh happily! With their power, they could of course now see Greyson's current level and they were also aware of his age. A 14-year-old magister level stage three magician! That was their grandson! Pride filled their minds and they did not even bother to dismiss the crowd before following after their good grandson and granddaughter. The rest of the admirers were all left in silence feeling awkward. They suddenly did not know how to react to such an ending. Some of them looked over at Diemre's pathetic state and sneered because they did not particularly like this arrogant young master. While others scowled after seeing the power of Rosalie's new love and the fact that they could not compare to such a rival. The women were all stuck in a daze thinking of Greyson's good looks and fierce power when he fought. Some of them started to convert into his fans and supported his relations.h.i.+p with their G.o.ddess, while others were seething with envy and jealousy towards Rosalie. There was a large mix of expressions as the crowd slowly started to scatter in different directions.
Diemre caught most of the different looks and could guess what most of them were thinking. He was at a loss at how to react. Despite his arrogant att.i.tude and normal debauchery, he knew that he could only act like this because of his grandfather. He was not stupid. In reality, he was not narrow-minded. Many others in the different dragon tribes were also stronger than him so it was not the first time that he was beaten. This time was actually the tamest of the times he was. .h.i.t. Especially out of Rosalie's suitors, he was probably one of the weaker ones. So, he did not go crazy in anger, but instead felt some excitement towards future fights. All those other suitors were always so arrogant as well and loved to flaunt their power. He wondered how they would all fare against this new rival. As if he would warn them about the new guy's power. Although the crowd also witnessed the same fight, no one understood better than Diemre that this new guy barely put into any effort into beating him. His power was definitely not to be underestimated. Hmph! He'll watch as those egotistical suitors get their faces pounded into the ground as well. Thinking this much, he smirked as he watched Greyson's retreating back.
"Greyson, wait!" Rosalie called out. However, Greyson was completely distracted as he continued to walk down the mountain. Huffing angrily, she sped up and grabbed onto his collar and yanked back. Choking slightly, Greyson finally looked back and acknowledged Rosalie.
*Cough, Cough* "Sister, what are you doing? There are gentler ways of grabbing onto me."
"Well, this will teach you to against ignoring me again!"
"Sorry, I was just stuck in my own thoughts. I wanted to quickly start practicing and figuring out my current strength. I haven't used my magic since I before I was in the coma and clearly lots of things have changed since then." Scratching his head, he apologized when he realized how far he was away from the elder's cave and thinking about how far she had followed him.
"Where were you going anyways?"
"I was just going back to my room."
Rolling her eyes, Rosalie pointed in the opposite direction. "Your room is in that direction."
"Forget it! Just follow me! I will take you to the practice fields that the Snow Dragon tribesmen use." Pulling on his arm, Rosalie dragged her brother further down the mountain. They soon arrived at flat ground with open stages. Rosalie jumped onto one of them and gestured at Greyson to also come up.
"Now, fight me." She said simply.
"What? But I don't know if I can control my strength yet." Greyson said while his brows furrowed with worry.
Rosalie's eyes filled with disdain as she flicked her hand and Greyson felt a strong gust of wind slam against his body. Before he could fly off the stage, an invisible wall stopped his body as he slammed hard into it. Feeling the wind knocked out of his lungs, Greyson gasped.
"Now, do you still feel worried? You should be more worried about your own well-being. Don't underestimate your older sister." Hands on hips, Rosalie looked at him tauntingly. Grunting in annoyance, Greyson finally got serious. Placing his hands on the ground, vines popped out all over looking to grab onto Rosalie. However, the wind swirled around her cutting them all up. Greyson did not give up as he quickly closed in on her and sent a flaming kick her way. Her eyebrows rose in slight surprise before he smirked and grabbed his kick with her hand that was covered in water. Countering the flames on Greyson's leg, she lashed out a quick kick reinforced by the wind into his chest. Reacting quickly, Greyson blocked the kick with rocks around his arm. However, his movement was obviously less trained and slightly slower than hers. The kick broke apart the earth and sent Greyson flying back once again.
"Looks like you have already figured at the best part of becoming a magister." She spoke plainly. However, Greyson still looked at her in confusion. Sighing, she placed her forehead in her hand as she looked at his "obviously-not-comprehending" face. "Spells start to change once you become a magister. You can start internalizing spells. Don't you understand what you just did? The flame-covered leg when you kicked or blocking my kick with the earth-covered arm. Before you become a magister, most of the spells are all attacks outward or defense out of the body or maybe using a staff or weapon as a conduit for your magic. Now, you can use your body directly instead. Although, you can still cast large spells with your larger mana storage. The biggest difference is this internalization of your mana and a larger connection to the elements." Patiently teaching him, Rosalie pointed out all of the different points in his fighting.
"Watch this!" Sticking out her right arm, Rosalie got his attention. The next second, her arm was no longer solid but instead completely liquid. Using her other hand, she slammed down on it and the water dispersed and sprayed everywhere, but quickly reformed. Dismissing the spell, her arm returned to normal and was completely unharmed. Greyson's eyes widened in wonder as he had never seen something like this before. "I can also do this with the wind element and earth element. It takes a lot of practice and I can only do it for one limb at a time. It's a sort of harmonizing with the elements that is really useful during fights to prevent injuries or even for stealth. Usually, one has to wait until they are a grand magister for them to be able to transform their entire body. I hear that magic emperors can even send messages through their elements. Grandpa is very powerful; however, I have never been able to see him go all out and he never tells me about the different levels until I reach them." Soon Rosalie's eyes showed pride and excitement. "Well, enough about that. I guess you understand my point now. I will leave you to continue practicing, maybe the next time we fight you'll actually be to touch me." Smirking at Greyson, Rosalie waved goodbye before quickly shooting off into the distance.
Both of the elders hiding in the surroundings also smiled at each other before leaving. Since Rosalie did her job in teaching him, there was no reason for them to need to step out. They were excited to see how quickly their grandson could figure all these things out. His talent was so high that they guessed it would probably only take him a couple months, maybe half a year at most.
Greyson already was not paying attention to Rosalie when she left and was instead replaying the scene over and over again in his head trying to figure out how she did that. It was not really a spell since there was no chant. It was like her arm became the water element at that one point. He purposefully looked closely at the elements surrounding Rosalie's arm at that moment. The blue spirits actually entered her arm until her arm was completely made up of the water element. However, they quickly dispersed after she stopped concentrating. He could slightly understand the theory of it, but soon learned that it was truly not an easy feat. His first tries, he could not absorb enough of the element at once and it instead became more like meditation as the mana was absorbed into his body to replenish his mana stores. Confused, he was not sure how to make the water element stay in his arm.
Days and days of practice pa.s.sed by with only little progress. Greyson quickly realized in the beginning that he was biting off more than he could chew by trying to start with his entire arm. So, he started focusing on a single finger. Starting with his pinkie finger since it was smallest, he now could make his pinkie finger turn completely to water. Although this was fairly tiny improvement, Greyson was just glad to see any progress. After almost half a month of practice, he could finally make his entire hand become water. After a certain amount of time, he could finally turn his entire arm into water just like Rosalie. After this success, he started training in the other elements and with different limbs.
Sometime later, Greyson ran in excitement to get Rosalie and fight with her again. Rosalie thought that he finally understood some points of what she showed him, so she was happy for him. She did not tell him, but it took her an entire year to figure out how to get her arm like that. In order to push him, she did not give him a time so that he could figure out as fast as he could with no pressure. Maybe she could give him more pointers at this point. She guessed that he probably got to his fingers at this point. Little did she know that she was completely incorrect about the level of her younger brother's talent!