"Are you sure it was our G.o.ddess, Rosalie?"
"Of course, how could I mistake her beauty for another's?!"
"They linked arms you said?"
"How could he touch our idol so easily?!"
"No, I can't accept this!"
"Are they still in the elder's cave?"
"Where did this guy even come from?"
"Right, who is he?!"
All sorts of shouting conversations were exploding all over the mountain as everyone started gathering in front of the cave to get a better look at the newcomer. All sorts of hostile feelings were growing in their minds, hoping that the elders would kill him immediately on sight. Everyone knew how much the Elder Brevre dotes on this granddaughter of his. Part of the reason all her well-known suitors were extremely powerful was because all the weaklings were too terrified of Elder Brevre to openly pursue Rosalie. They either had to have personal power or a powerful background to even think about trying to chase after her. That's why they were feeling extra disgruntled about some n.o.body coming and their G.o.ddess actually taking a liking to him. She actually nursed him to health for almost an entire month! Every single day she went over to that guest cave and spent all day with him. The jealousy and envy they felt was overwhelming.
Meanwhile, inside the cave, this family was completely unaware of the riot that was about to begin outside. The two grandparents were closely listening to all the details that came out of their dear grandson's mouth. Similar to Rosalie, they showed their nervousness and anxiety when he got to some of the close shaves and almost tore down their own home when they heard about Eden's situation.
"They DARE?! These pathetic humans actually enslaved MY granddaughter?! Who do they think they are?!"
"Exactly! Greyson you must tell us where this kingdom is! We will go rescue her and bring her back here where she belongs."
"Actually, I think you just need to pay attention to the border where I came in from. The reason we traveled together back then was because she also needed the Calming Fruit for her bloodline to blend better." Greyson responded back after finally remembering this fact. His grandparents' eyes lit up at this comment and they promised they would send people to keep an eye on the border. When Greyson wrapped up his story, he realized his grandparents were still looking at him with their eyes sparkling with interest. He could not help but feel confused why they still looked like they wanted something from him.
"It's nothing. They are just overly excited to meet you. In general, it is really difficult for dragons to have offspring, so they only have one son, our father. However, our father managed to have so many children that they were ecstatic. Yet, to this day, they only were able to meet me until you came along." Noticing Greyson's confusion, Rosalie quickly dispelled his doubts. She also went through this back when she first arrived. They would even transform into their human form and follow her around all day like she was the first child they had ever seen. She was so young back then, so of course she was frightened by the unfamiliar faces that kept popping up. However, now she knew their intentions and loved them all the more for their affection. Rosalie knew that she was lucky to have such accepting grandparents who did not look at her mixed blood status.
"Wait..." Greyson suddenly remembered an important fact. "Don't most of our siblings have either the dragon bloodline and human bloodline or the elf bloodline and human bloodline. Where does the human bloodline come from?" In front of him looked like two full blown Snow Dragons, and he did not understand where the human bloodline came from.
"Hahaha, you picked up on that rather quickly didn't you?" At this time, his grandmother transformed into her human form. "I am actually a Beastman, however, I was also the product of a pure-blood Snow Dragon and a Beastman, so my human bloodline is weak and I can still transform into my dragon form. The human bloodline is always the most potent, though, and our Elbianth inherited more of the human bloodline from me than the Snow Dragon bloodline which is why he seems to be more of a Beastman. You children also seemed to inherit more of the human bloodline. Your mother was part of the royal family in the Elf Empire, which is why less children inherited her bloodline and more of you inherited the Snow Dragon bloodline. Although the Snow Dragon bloodline is also hard to pa.s.s on, after it was diluted and mixed with the human bloodline, it became easier." Greyson was shocked. He did not realize that the amount of human bloodline inherited could be so random. It started from such a small starting point but the amount became larger and larger in the later generations.
"Hmph! It's because humans are so weak so their bloodline does not carry any real talents. That's why it's so easy for them to pa.s.s on and have lots of offspring." This time Elder Brevre spoke out with his voice carrying heavy disdain. Greyson felt slightly uncomfortable hearing this, however, he knew that it was true nonetheless that humans were all born severely weaker than other races. The only advantage they had was that there was a lot of room for growth and a lot more chances for a real powerhouse to be born. It was always harder for the other races to have extremely strong members because their birth rate was so low. However, humans gave birth to couple hundred thousand babies a day. Even if only one was talented in that batch, that would mean 365 talented children are born in a year. Suddenly, Greyson was not surprised that humans now were in charge of the largest territory on the continent. Despite their lower talent and starting point, humans just multiplied too quickly.
"It's always so frustrating when there's a war. Those humans are nasty beings who just throw out their weakest soldiers wave after wave to be killed. We are obviously more powerful, but they just have these unending numbers. Our heart hurts every time a soldier dies, however, the humans barely seem to bat an eye before sending out millions to their death." Brevre spoke sounding obviously disgruntled. However, his words set off an explosion in Greyson's mind. Whose side would he be on if war broke out again between the races? Each had their downsides and not one was perfectly in the right. He wondered who his parents would support if they were around. Would they fight for the Human Empire? Or for the Elf Empire or Beast Empire? Shaking his head, Greyson decided to leave those kinds of complicated thoughts for when fighting actually breaks out. It had been centuries since the last wars, he did not believe another one would be happening anytime soon.
"Elder Brevre! Elder Freizon!" The conversation between the two was interrupted by shouting. Furrowing his brows, Elder Brevre also transformed into his human form and decided to walk out and see who was so daring as to make a fuss in front of his cave. Almost no one in the tribe would ever dare to bother him unless they were summoned. After all, not including the Ancestor, they were the most powerful of the Snow Dragon tribe. Rosalie and Greyson looked at each other before nodding and deciding to follow their grandparents to see what was going on. This group of four quickly arrived at the entrance of the cave and were in shock by what they saw. Crowded in front of the entrance was a large percent of the tribe. Most of them were young boys and girls all looked incensed. They did not understand why this group would suddenly be so angered that they would approach the elders' cave.
"Insolence! Where do you think this is that you are shouting around? Speak. What is your purpose?" The kind grandfather image completely wiped away, Greyson now saw how powerful and commanding his grandfather could be. He had to admit that he looked impressive. Little did he know that the admiration in his eyes was clearly noted down by a certain old man. Lifting his chin even higher and puffing out his chest, that old man felt extremely proud to see his grandson look up to him.
"Elder Brevre, we apologize for disrupting you. We all just could not accept the fact that our G.o.ddess suddenly chose some random stranger as a lover. We all just wanted to come and see what type of man he was and if he deserved her." A brave soul decided to actually walk to the front and stand out to speak.
"Hm? You want to see if he is worthy? Do you think my eyes are so old that I cannot make such a judgment for myself? Who are you to try and judge who my granddaughter gets together with? That's completely none of your business. You are not her family, nor her lover, you are not even a friend. You have no say and your opinion is of no consequence. If this is what you all are here for then go back, I will not listen to such nonsense." Sneering, Brevre quickly shut down the young man who stood out. Hearing his words, Greyson could actually understand where his older sister got her poisonous tongue from. Each word that shot out of his grandfather's mouth was like a knife that drove straight to where it hurts. Even Greyson could feel himself wincing for the young man under such a strong attack.
"Elder Brevre, your words are too strong. We should at least be able to fight this new suitor, should we not? If anything, all dragons respect strength the most when it comes to chasing partners." While the rest of the group starting backing away in fear and embarra.s.sment, another new suave voice spoke out. Greyson was surprised that someone dared to speak up against his grandfather after such a resounding slap, looking over in the direction of the voice, he could see a young man in deep blue. He had matching long blue hair and blue eyes. His looks were handsome; however, they were marred by the obviously arrogant and l.u.s.tful look about him. Glancing over at his sister, he could see that her expression turned dark after this new character appeared.
"Diemre, just because your grandfather can speak to me, does not mean a young one such as yourself can be so rude. Plus, our positions in our respective tribes may be similar but at least your grandfather is aware that I could still beat him to point he can't tell north from south. You Water Dragons are no match for the Snow Dragons just because we have a similar element between our races does not mean a thing." Brevre did not back down, however, and continued his insulting tirade. It was now the young man's turn and his expression turned equally ugly as Rosalie's. From these couple of lines, Greyson could gleam the ident.i.ty of this new person. He must be the grandson of the elder of the Water Dragons. Seeing that the young man was without retort, his grandfather must actually be much stronger than the Water Dragon tribe elder, too.
Seeing that there was no way to speak to the elder, Diemre turned his attention to the head of white hair he could see behind both of the elders.
"Hey, boy! Are you too afraid, that you can only hid behind the elders like a coward?" He shouted out. Greyson knew that it was he who was being referred too, but he could not help but feel aggrieved. He was obviously his sister's brother. Why did all these suitors want to come and find him for trouble? Thinking that he could clarify the issue, he decided to step out anyways. Once he was out in the open, there were a couple of gasps all around. Greyson definitely did not lose out to his sister in terms of looks. All the females present began to swoon once he stepped out. His loosely tied white hair and matching purple eyes were similar to the other Snow Dragons, but somehow, they felt that his features were so much more mesmerizing on Greyson's face. Even some of the men blushed at the sight of Greyson until they realized that he was a male and turned pale with fright. Each of them began to mentally rebuke themselves. Diemre's eyes started to show intense envy before it turned to cold killing intent.
"Oh, so you do have the guts to step out, then why don't we capitalize on this meeting with a fight? Surely you don't think you could just end up with Rosalie without proving your strength, right?"