"Ugh, why is he nothing but a headache?" Ma.s.saging his temples roughly, Greyson did not see the light at the end of the tunnel at this point. Too many unknown factors and too many ways his potential plans could go wrong unless he was extremely careful. At one point his did think to go to the Wind Altar to ask Rosalie and his friends for help, but Lucius' ident.i.ty was sensitive. Other than Rosalie, the others could think that keeping Lucius was the best for the tribe. There were a lot of ways to rationalize decisions if you were not killing anyone. Even his family, they could think that Lucius should be locked up at the Dragon Tribe to protect Greyson from potentially dying due to their link. Mention of this was already brought up at his earlier brush with death. However, he knew that Lucius would never want that for his life, and Greyson could not, with good conscience, watch that occur.
"How did they even recognize him?" This was another point that confounded Greyson. This entire time, no one would recognize Lucius. This was not because they were ignorant, but because Destiny Cats looked like many lower level magic beast felines. Two tails, silver fur, and two different colored eyes were surprisingly not as rare as some would think. Especially when one throws variation magic beasts into the mix. The third eye is their only identifiable marker. Pondering this would get him nowhere, so Greyson quickly through it to the back of his mind. All would be revealed when he found his friend again.
"Hah... Nothing is ever easy." Sighing, Greyson plopped down next to a random tree growing within the gra.s.s field. Basking in the rare instance of shade, he leaned against the trunk trying to think of his next moves.
"You know, this might be a lot easier than you think." Out of nowhere, a voice spoke to him coming from inside his hood. Untying his cloak immediately, Greyson hurled it to the ground. A tiny thud sounded out along with a squawk of pain.
"Ah! Ouch! Now, was that really necessary?" Crawling out from underneath the cloth, a familiar golden body showed itself. Jade green clear eyes stared back looking resentful.
"I told you not to come!" Greyson retorted exasperated.
"Well, you are not the boss of me!"
"Your mom is, though. She would never let you come."
"I'm not going to listen to her anymore."
"Don't be immature." Rolling his eyes, Greyson could not handle this mouse.
"You're the immature one. Scared of my mother, are you? You know I am a reliable and useful ally, but you refuse to use me because you are afraid of my MOTHER. Clearly, you have the dragon bloodline. Somehow, you were born more of a scared mouse than me. How do you survive with such small guts?"
Shocked speechless at the unexpectedly scathing tongue of Theo, Greyson had no answer. It was true that this mouse had many uses, but it was also true that he did not want to anger the tribe leader. Knowing there was no turning back, he just shook his head but decidedly kept his silence. The more he looked at the smug look on Theo's face, the more he burned with vexation. Huffing indignantly, he stomped off in another direction. It was not long before he stopped himself and looked down at his crossed arms in chagrin. Was he regressing in age suddenly? Why did he storm off like this? Breathing slowly for a couple of seconds, he calmed himself down eventually and made his way back to the tree. Unsurprisingly, Theo was still there waiting. Earlier, Snow followed Greyson thinking they were leaving, but now she looked on with confusion as they returned.
"Daddy, why did we come back here?" Weren't they leaving?
"Uh... I just wanted to take a brief walk. I was not actually leaving." A little sheepish, Greyson gave a little white lie.
"Okay!" Not doubting him for a second, Snow easily accepted the explanation before hopping up into the tree to lie down once again. Turning away from her, Greyson looked back to the small mouse.
"So?" He pushed, still feeling slightly irked.
"You said it should be easy."
"Ah, yes. It will be easy. You must know as well, these local tribes are not peaceful at all. Treachery is not as common in magic beast tribes because we easily accept the most powerful to lead. But this does not equate to calmly accept being subordinates. There is a wild and uncontrollable instinct in every tribe. The Hargravens are violent, s.a.d.i.s.tic, and greedy. Under them, they control three smaller tribes: Charfly, Devil Fox, and Blood Rabbit. Constantly oppressed, these tribes are unhappy due to the aggressive and unjust treatment they have to swallow. This war without explanation probably further incited feelings of unhappiness. Cidian Bears, on the other hand, are too peaceful. The power, talent, wisdom in leaders.h.i.+p are all there. However, it's been centuries since they have really had to prove their abilities. More and more, their potential threat is built upon past reputation and deeds. Which, in turn, weakens the respect of their three respective follower tribes: Silver Bat, Mur, Kaelvir. From what I know, the Silver Bats are still extremely loyal and respected close friends of the bears. However, the Murs and Kaelvirs harbour lurking ambition. They are merely waiting for the right chance. If one attacks, they are concerned the other would take advantage of losses on both sides and be the one to benefit the most. Caught in a delicate equilibrium, these local leaders are much more vulnerable than they lead you to believe." Enthusiastically shooting off all the news and gossip he knew, Theo enjoyed a sense of satisfaction.
"You think I should manipulate this hidden unrest?"
"Yeah! We could make this whole alliance blow apart!"
"Would it really be so easy to fool these tribes? I don't know about other tribes, but I know the Devil Foxes and the Cidian Bears are extremely wise. The Silver Bats and Kaelvirs also will not be easy to fool. This does not strike me as a straightforward and casual mission. Though vulnerable, this alliance would not be easy to break down and cause infighting. Otherwise, wouldn't someone have already accomplished this very deed?"
"Just leave it to me! I have a bunch of ideas." Laughing merrily, Theo ran off. A cold s.h.i.+ver running down his spine, Greyson felt that this friend of his was too prepared. Why did his mischievous side seem so natural? What he did not know was he actually enlisted the help of one of the major troublemakers of this area. Innumerable tribes wished to throttle this same mouse, but only hold back due to the Jade Mouse tribe leader. Naive as he may seem, there was a hidden intelligence that saw through a lot of things.
"Was it a coincidence that he approached me so pa.s.sionately?" Pausing a little, suspicion inevitably rose within him. Evidently, Theo was not senseless enough to genuinely believe that Greyson had saved him. There had to be another reason...