Lazing about in the gra.s.s, Greyson gave up trying to run around with Snow. Off somewhere chasing small animals or bugs, Snow was nowhere to be seen. Not overly worried, he did not try to look around for her. After this couple of days of staying in the area, Greyson realized that it was really peaceful. Initially, he thought it was perchance a coincidence. Now a couple of days in, he realized it was always peaceful in this area and that no dangerous predators even remotely lurked around. Based on his a.s.sumptions, it was because this area was the territory of the Jade Mice Tribe. The Tribe Leader was no joke when he met her earlier and she did seem shocked that Theo would be attacked in this area. Greyson originally underestimated the strength of this mice tribe. He knew the leader would not be weak, however, he thought she would not pick a fight over deaths of her tribe members since they would make too many enemies. Sacrificing the few dead mice for the peace of the many. Instead, n.o.body seems to dare to pick a fight like there is an invisible barrier preserving this area from the outside.
Not that he was complaining, it was nice to not have to look over his shoulder all the time with worry. Being able to peacefully sleep in the gra.s.s and allow Snow to wander elsewhere reminded him of his time in Willow Town. Safe and sleepy, the townsmen were all close-knit like family. This intimacy did not translate into a complete crime-free life, but all the crime was petty and normally everyone already knew who the perpetrator was. Possibly, it was the weakness and ignorance of the people that allowed them to live such content lives. Even he missed the church every now and then. Back when he was leaving, he thought he would be delighted to finally get out of the boring town. Only to notice now that the rose-tinted he was wearing needed to be thrown off.
Pulled out of his reverie, Greyson looked over to the tunnel entrance with excitement.
"Theo, it's you!"
"Sorry, I didn't mean for this to take so long."
"No, it's okay. You were doing me a favor anyways. So, did you end up hearing anything?"
"Well, you have to know that Destiny Cats are a very coveted species. Any news of them is covered up because tribes would not want their enemies to know they have found one. I could not even ask about your news in a straightforward manner because it would generate too much attention to you. Sneaking around, I have been listening to bits and pieces of talk all over the tribe. There was some chatter about a significant event recently. Two powerful clans launched a war with each other out of nowhere. One could even call their relations amicable before this fight. They pulled all their allies and subordinate tribes into the fight as well which signifies how major it is. There are no real specifics about what triggered the fight which is extremely suspicious. Normally, if they want to pull in the other tribes, they have to inform them about the reason. In doing so, the reason would naturally spread out to the surrounding non-a.s.sociated tribes. By contrast, there is a tight lid on everything. When you mentioned Destiny Cat earlier, it made me think this ident.i.ty could be the reason for such secrecy." Enthusiastic to spill the rumors, Theo quickly went straight to the topic and even his theories. Amused by Theo's eagerness, Greyson could perceive why the tribe became recognized for their news. Evidently, gossiping was a type of joy for them. Finally realizing there was a lengthy pause, Greyson placed his attention back on Theo only to see the mouse looking up at him with clear desire to be praised.
"That's actually a really valid a.s.sumption. It's impressive you picked up on that!" Not being stingy, Greyson praised Theo with ease. Reaching down, he stroked the silky fur. Overjoyed by Greyson's reaction, Theo grinned and twirled around.
"Hehe, I am pretty brilliant, aren't I?"
"Which two tribes are they? Where are they in regards to where we are now?"
"Well, it's the Hargraven Tribe and the Cidian Bear Tribe. They are actually located near the Wind Altar because they like sending their young there to test them."
Going through his memories, both the names were familiar to Greyson. Hargravens were black b.u.t.terfly-like creatures, except they were the size of humans and extremely fierce. They were actually fire element beasts whose flames were also black and poisonous. Most books he perused implored their readers to avoid these hostile beasts. Beauty and danger mixed into one beast. Cidian Bears were navy blue-furred with golden eyes and golden horns on their forehead. Wind-element beasts who were actually relatively peaceful and conflict-avoidant, so to hear their names in this way was surprising. Pacifism did not equate weakness, however, as they were equally a dominant race with superior talent. The names did not mean much to him, instead it was the location that excited him. Near the Wind Altar! Nothing was certain yet, but he was more than willing to go to check out this hunch.
"Who attacked first?"
"Hm? The Hargravens, why?"
"If the Hargravens attacked first, most likely whatever they are fighting over is with the Cidian Bears. The bears are known for not liking fighting and sticking to themselves. Even if they did discover the Hargravens had a Destiny Cat, I don't think they would attack like this. It would be different, though, if they found the cat first and the Hargravens are trying to steal from them. They are not pushovers to that extent." It did not sit properly with Greyson to talk about Lucius like an object, but he knew that was how others viewed him. "If they were to merely hand over the cat, no one would respect them and there could possibly be rebellions from the tribes which they hold power over. Ultimately, magic beasts remain a race of battle lovers. Respect is given to the powerful. They have to stand their ground at this point."
"Ohhh, that's true. Did you want me to send some scouts?"
"No, I couldn't keep bothering you like that. Plus, I don't think your mother would agree, and she has the final say."
"Hmph! She is always like that. Towards the tribesmen she is a kind second mother, but to everyone else she is extremely suspicious and aloof. I don't understand her instant hostility!"
Greyson did understand a little about why she was like that. How weak is the Jade Mouse Tribe? To be able to create this haven for a commonly hunted species could not have been easy work. There were probably many enemies she had to fight off and threaten just with her personal power since the tribe was mostly weak. This balance was not permanent and could end the minute she is not around. With their resources of information, tons of magic beasts were undoubtedly trying to infiltrate in any way possible.
"Well, the safety of your tribesmen will matter more to her then a.s.sisting me in finding someone. Especially if this someone could possibly be what two strong local tribes are fighting over. If they are sighted in the area, your tribe could be pulled into the war as collateral damage."
"How about I just go?"
"Your mother would never allow you, Theo. It's fine. I'll figure something out."
Ears folding down, Theo looked upset but he still nodded slowly.
"Good luck..." He murmured over before turning around into the tunnel once again. Greyson missed the last clever glint in his eyes.