Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 1016

Chapter 1016

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Prince Oberyn of Dorne has always had a very famous name in the Imperial military circle, and many soldiers regarded him as an idol because of his merits and seniority.

And this time Oberon once again personally led the army, leading 30,000 legionnaires. If you count the auxiliary soldiers, attendants, civilians, etc., it can reach a terrifying scale of 100,000 people.

In the name of Prince Regent Helos, he set off from King's Landing and headed straight for High Court.

And the eldest brother finally made up his mind to do it. The second prince on the other side, Yin Meng, naturally did not dare to neglect, and also personally led all the soldiers that could be collected and recruited to fight hastily.

Because of the reform after the establishment of the empire, a large army system under the direct control of the emperor was established, so ordinary nobles could not have too many private troops, which weakened their original strength.

Once a war breaks out, an army is hurriedly assembled by means of temporary recruitment of peasants, and such an army will definitely not be able to compare with the imperial standing army and professional soldiers who have undergone extensive training.

Therefore, when the Imperial Second Army led by Oberon advanced to the southwest along the Avenue of Roses, a large number of nobles from the kings of the Reach were looking down, without any desire to resist.

Tengshi Town is located in the southwest of King's Landing, about fifty or sixty leagues away, near the source of the Mande River.

This is the home of the Fu Deli family in the Reach. The Fu Deli family emblem is a silver pear on a black background, and the family motto is 'Be cautious'.

The land of Tengstone Town once witnessed the most heavy, **** and important history of the Targaryen family's civil war "Dance of Blood Dragons".

There have been two major battles in history here, an extremely crazy and **** massacre and looting, the betrayal of the dragon race, the self-reliance and death, and the death of three dragons here.

However, now Tengshi Town directly surrendered without a fight in the face of the attack of Oberon's army. Oberon's army easily occupied the place, moved steadily, established a logistics supply station, and then continued to move forward.

And the other side.

The army led by the second prince Yin Meng also went up the Mande River and reached the middle reaches of the Mande River, a fortress named Bitter Bridge.

The Bitter Bridge is the estate and fort of the Caswell family in the Reach, and it is the key point where the Avenue of Roses crosses the Mander River.

A wide ancient stone arch bridge is erected on the Mande River. The Bitter Bridge is named after this bridge. It is the only passage within a radius of several leagues that allows the army to cross the river, so it is very important.

In fact, the Bitter Bridge was not called the Bitter Bridge. Before the armed sect revolted, it used to be called the Stone Bridge.

Then the famous Battle of Stone Bridge began, six armies led by nobles ambushed and slaughtered more than 9,000 soldiers assembled by the poor.

It is said that the Mande River was dyed red by the blood of fallen soldiers and stretched for a full twenty leagues, so the stone bridge was renamed Bitter Bridge.

Yimapingchuan in the river bay is almost safe to defend, so Kuqiao is one of the few places that can be defended.

Yin Meng did not have much command experience, but fortunately, he had followed his mother, Daenerys and her teacher, Bessie, and graduated from the Imperial Military Academy.

Therefore, Yin Meng garrisoned the army at Kuqiao, which was definitely a choice that made no mistakes.

But in the face of a veteran like Oberon, who grew up listening to the other party's illustrious name, Yin Meng felt a lot of pressure in his heart, and it was easy to lose confidence.

And against an opponent like Oberon, it's not enough just to not make mistakes.

'Red Viper' is cunning in his use of weapons and has a quick mind. What he is best at is not playing cards according to the routine, and hitting the enemy by surprise.

When Tywin faced Oberon, he was defending the western border with complicated terrain and easy to defend and difficult to attack. In the end, Oberon put him together, found a breakthrough, and plunged straight into the heart of Casterly Rock.

And Yinmon Targaryen, as a fledgling newcomer, how does he compare to the wily Tywin?

What's more, Taiwen still has places with dangerous terrain such as the Western Border that can be guarded, but Yin Meng has only a flat river bay, and there is no danger at all. Even an ordinary stone bridge like Kuqiao is regarded as a natural danger. guard.

"Where is Lord Bessie's army now?"

In the Reach, the army was stationed in the camp of Bitter Bridge.

A number of Reach army generals sat around a table with a map spread out.

The second prince, Yin Meng, was wearing a gray-brown leather armor, with long silver-gold hair hanging down, and a saber hanging from his waist. He looked serious and then asked.

"It may be that we are about to arrive at Green Valley City, Your Highness."

"Lord Bessie's army landed in the land of the storm, and now the army of the land of the storm is coming towards us."

On the other side, a general of the Reach said.

"That's good."

Yin Meng was obviously slightly relieved when he heard the other party's words, as were many of the Hewan generals present.

And Yin Meng's Kingsman's Dawn Sword, Edric Dane, stood behind Yin Meng with a calm expression.

As the premier swordsman in the empire, he is not afraid of any enemy, not even His Royal Highness the First Prince.

"Brother Yin Meng, why not let Lord Bessie and the army of Stormland attack King's Landing directly?"

At this time, another young knight couldn't help but asked in a puzzled Obviously, from his tone, he could hear the 'Master King's Landing' once formed by Yin Meng. One of the members of the Knights' Order.

"What do you know?"

"His Royal Highness and Lord Bessie must have their plans."

On the other side, an older knight spoke up and reprimanded.

But he couldn't say any reason, because he himself was a little confused.

He was appointed by the family to join the second prince Yin Meng's camp. As a soldier, he had no clue as to how to fight this battle and how to win it.

Because he doesn't see any reason to win.

It is well known that the dragon of the second prince Yin Meng is the weakest of all the dragons of the Targaryen family, and even has a nickname called 'Premature Child'.

In terms of soldiers, although the number of the Reach Army seems to be no less than the enemy.

But in terms of quality, many soldiers in the Reach Army were still farmers working in the fields a month ago, and there was no way to compare them with the invincible Imperial Legion.

As for the commander-in-chief, the gap is even more obvious. The enemy is a famous general on the famous side, while the own side is a fledgling boy.

The only thing that made them feel a little excited was that another famous imperial general was about to join them and replace His Royal Highness the Second Prince to direct the upcoming battle.

For these various reasons, there is now a pessimistic atmosphere in the Reach Army.

Although a battle has not been fought yet, it seems to be doomed.

Yin Meng was also aware of these problems, but he was helpless.

I don't know how to motivate the soldiers to fight.