Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 1015

Chapter 1015

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Then time passed in a hurry. In a blink of an eye, the tail of Yin Geng's 322 years has passed, and the new year of 323 years has come.

However, the capital of the empire, King's Landing, did not have much festive atmosphere to celebrate the New Year, because everyone knew that a civil war was coming.

This may not be obvious in the vast territory of the Eastern Continent Empire, because there is a strong suppression by the little queen Daenerys, and in Westeros, the core area of the empire, even passers-by and beggars know this.

The first prince, the regent prince, who now controls the court, is about to attack the second prince Yinmen Targaryen.

The first prince's sphere of influence is in the valley, the river, the king's land, and Dorne, while the second prince's power is much weaker than his brother's.

The second prince's power is mainly concentrated in his fief High Court, and his recently married partner Casterly Rock.

But recently, there has been more and more news claiming that the Clinton family of Storm's End is about to fall to the second prince.

It is said that it was because of the persuasion of the governor of the West, Jon Toyne, and the main reason was heard that the Toyne family, the Clinton family, and the Bracken family of the Twins City were all illustrious heroes who once followed His Majesty the Emperor to conquer the world.

Their three major families have a tacit understanding and common enemies, and together they constitute the new nobles in the imperial aristocratic system.

After all, the Toyne family, the Clinton family, and the Bracken family have not had a glorious history for nearly a thousand years, and now they are in high positions.

But a few years ago, due to the Great Pandemic in the Riverlands, the Brecon family, which is logically the closest to the royal family, was directly removed from the position of governor, and the only son of the old Earl of Brecon was stabbed to death by a glass of poisonous wine.

And Helos also gave the position of Governor of the Riverlands to the Tully family of Riverrun, who had been the main enemy in the war of conquest.

The Tully family will never turn over. This is the tone set by His Majesty the Emperor. After all, he almost burned Riverrun in a fit of rage, cutting off the blood of the Tully family.

Then there was a coup in Riverrun, and Horst Tully died. His son Edmure resolutely surrendered after taking power, thus retaining the blood of the Tully family.

But now the operation of the eldest prince Helos has attacked the hero who worked hard and rewarded the former enemy, which made the Toyn family and the Clinton family, who both made contributions in the war of conquest, feel cold.

Although none of them dared to openly oppose the imperial power.

But he was still full of vigilance against the eldest prince Helos, believing that he was a ruthless and very dangerous person.

Therefore, the Toyne family and the Clinton family have been forbearance, and then they waited for this moment.

If they were to choose between the eldest prince and the second prince to support the throne, then they would definitely choose to support the second prince Yin Meng without hesitation.

After all, the second prince Yin Meng was more gentle than the eldest prince Helos.

In addition to the two major families, the governor of Pantos, who is far away on the other side of the narrow sea, is about to send an army to break through the blockade of the sea by His Royal Highness the First Prince.

This army is suspected to be landing on the land near Tas Island, the land of storms, to participate in this war. The army supported by this army is also the second prince Yin Meng.

And with so many forces involved, the second prince gradually became more confident in facing his elder brother. At least with everyone's help, he had the confidence to wrestle with Helos.

Therefore, in today's environment, the atmosphere in Westeros, the core region of the empire, is getting more and more tense day by day.

Helos ordered the army to prepare for the war. On the other side, Yin Meng also did not dare to delay. Relying on the old town, Lannis port and other sea ports, he actively prepared materials.

Although Yin Meng occupies the prosperous Reach, he is not as rich as the eldest brother Helos, who occupies the treasury of King's Landing.

But fortunately, the fertile land in the Reach is the 'granary' of the empire, and when the signs of war gradually appeared, the Reach had already cut off the supply of grain and grass to the imperial capital.

On the other side, Pantos on the other side of the Narrow Sea is also an important hub for the circulation of materials to King's Landing.

However, Pantos has also cut off the exchange of food and important military supplies with King's Landing.

These measures had a great impact on the First Prince Helos' preparations for the war, delaying the progress and gaining more time. After all, the most important thing for Yin Meng now is time.

In addition to these, it also had some impact on the stability of King's Landing, the price of materials soared, and the food tripled within a week, etc.

These methods are actually from Tyrion Lannister's handwriting.

"Father didn't let you be the former Prime Minister of the Royal Palace. It's really a shame."

Yin Meng was shocked by Tyrion's ingenuity, vision and overall situation, so he sighed sincerely.

However, although these methods of Tyrion are sharp, the background of the capital of the empire is too deep after all, and Heros is not a good person to deal with. He finally overcome these difficulties through a series of methods.

Then in Yin Geng's calendar year 323 and the new calendar year 30, the New Year just passed a month.

The eldest prince Helos officially announced to send troops to suppress his younger brother's rebellion, on the grounds that he disobeyed the decree and did not arrive at King's Landing to report his duties as scheduled.

And the first prince Helos sent troops this time, and the army was divided into two groups.

One of them was led by the commander of the Third Army, Harry Strickland, who dispatched troops from the garrison in the riverlands and launched an attack on the fortress of the Golden Teeth located in the mountains along the broad river road.

Because of the rolling mountains in the west, UU reading www. is naturally easy to defend and difficult to attack, so Oberon had such a headache at the beginning, and he tried his best to deal with Tywin, and he caught the opponent by surprise.

And there are only two ways to enter the Western Territory. One of them is to launch an attack from the Hejian Avenue to attack the fortress of the Western Territory, the Golden Tooth City. The Golden Tooth City is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it is a hard bone.

On the other side is the route that Oberon took at the beginning. Along the coastal road, he seized the Ranch Hall and then plunged straight into the interior of the Western Territory like a long sword.

But the second way is easy to go, everyone knows, but for Harry Strickland, there is no chance.

After all, the distance to be detoured is too long, and it is very likely that it will not catch up with His Highness Helos' plan to advance, and the important routes leading to the coastal road are all under the control of the enemy, and it is easy to be ambushed.

Harry Strickland didn't have Oberyn's military skills and courage, so he didn't dare to take risks, but honestly attacked the city of Golden Teeth.

His Royal Highness Prince Regent promised him that the West Territory was fighting for himself. As long as he could attack the West Territory, or delay the reinforcements living in the West Territory, he would deprive the Castle of Casterly Rock and give it to Harry Strickland in the future.

And Heros was divided into two groups. In addition to Harry Strickland's attack on the Western Territory, the other one was led by Oberyn, his most reliant commander.

The army of Oberyn was the main force of the eldest prince Heros Targaryen, and they rushed straight to the High Court.

On the second prince's side, Yin Meng personally led the army to face the other side, and the war was about to break out.

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Sorry friends, I haven't finished Chapter 2, I know I still owe a chapter and I will try my best to make it up.