Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 953

Chapter 953

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The bright sunlight penetrated the dense branches and leaves, and cast the mottled sunlight on the ground. A female deer, which had left the team, was drinking water carefully by the river in the woods.

It seems to be very alert, with a pair of big eyes flashing agile light, always paying attention to the predators around it.

However, at this moment, several hounds quietly appeared around the female deer.

Their bodies are all slender and vigorous, their fur is shiny, and their eyes are piercing, staring at their prey, but one of the hounds accidentally stepped on the dead leaves under their feet and made a small sound.


The sound was not loud, but in the quiet woods, it clearly reached the ears of this little female deer who was drinking water carefully.

It raised its head abruptly, and then found in horror that there were several malicious dogs staring at itself in the grass not far away.

Of course, these well-trained hounds also noticed that they had been discovered, and immediately jumped out of the grass, rushing towards the prey like arrows that were off the string.

The little female deer was so frightened that she turned around and ran. The deer is a very fast running animal. Although the hound is also very fast, it has not yet reached the hunting range, so it is only a moment between the hound and the prey. The gap was widened.

Seeing that the prey that had been staring at for a long time was about to fall off, but at this moment, a sharp arrow flew out from the woods, and flew straight towards the poor little female deer like lightning.

However, it is a pity that the dark eyes of this little female deer are extremely agile, and it is alert to the surrounding environment while running.

It heard the sound of the bowstring bursting and the arrow breaking through the air, and it trembled all over. It seemed that it had also been hunted by a hunter, and then jumped to the side under stress, just dodging the arrow.


The sharp arrow that flew out of the woods was nailed to the tree trunk aside, and the tail of the arrow was still vibrating and buzzing, which was enough to show the depth of the arrow's strength.

And not far from where the arrow shot out.

Everyone was full of expectations, hoping to see some amazing performance, but they didn't expect an arrow to shoot in the air, and everyone suddenly booed in unison.

"That's it?"

The young man wearing a hood and a pair of purple eyes suddenly blushed when he saw this scene. He thought of the bragging he had not long ago and felt a little embarrassed on his face, and then said angrily.

"Don't bark!"

"This arrow doesn't count!"

"It can't escape!"

Immediately, the purple-eyed boy wearing a hood gritted his teeth, then hung the bow and arrow behind his back, grabbed the reins beside him, and turned on his mount.

"Mrs. Lana, chase after me!"

Mrs. Lana was a woman who offended the young man not long ago. She opened a velvet factory in King's Landing and ruthlessly rejected the young man's request for a discount, because it was to obey Her Majesty's order.

Although Mrs. Lana's reasons were very good, but this made the teenager who had already boasted about Haikou feel dull, so he renamed his mount Mrs. Lana.

In fact, before Mrs. Lana, this noble mount was also called 'Gary' and 'Smelly Blacksmith' by the names of those who offended youngsters.

But fortunately, this horse's bloodline is extraordinary, and it is also very smart. The owner who is on the stall and named it randomly can understand his orders.

Immediately, the white-haired warhorse, with strong hooves and strong thighs, let out a neigh, and even vaguely seemed to hear a dragon's roar, and then carried its master in pursuit in the direction of the prey.

The purple-eyed boy wearing a hood suddenly ran after him, and the friends who came out with them all looked at each other in dismay.



Immediately, they hurriedly pulled on their mounts, and a group of more than a dozen teenagers of similar age who were out hunting all turned on their horses, and then chased in the direction their partner had just chased after.

The hound is very explosive and can sprint to catch prey in a short distance, but it is not as fast as a female deer, which is light and fast and is known for its endurance.

Several hounds chased their prey for a long distance, but the distance between the two sides was getting bigger and bigger.

"Don't run."

However, the white horse boy gritted his teeth and chased after the horse. He must kill the female deer to save his face, otherwise he really won't be able to hold his head up in front of his friends.

Immediately he loosened the reins, took off the curved bow behind his back, and then drew the bow and arrow, aiming at the target.

Whoosh whoosh

The young man shot a few more arrows in the past, but unfortunately, he might be out of shape today, or perhaps the prey was too 'cunning', and he deliberately made fun of him.

This little deer dodged his arrows one after another, and the last arrow slipped while aiming and flew directly to the treetops.

Nearly hit a poor little squirrel, frightened the hazelnuts from the opponent's fled back to his tree hole in embarrassment.

The young man chased the prey one after another on a white horse, and soon disappeared in place, heading for the depths of the woods, while the hounds he trained had already fallen far behind, only some vague The barking of the dogs also seemed to be heard.

Then the young man chased the prey one by one. They seemed to have accidentally chased the territory of some animal. The smell of the air made people feel uneasy.


At this moment, a roar suddenly came from the forest, which scared the female deer in front of him to stand on the spot and shivered, and the white horse under the crotch of the teenager seemed to be frightened and could not help but lift its front hooves and let out a sound. a hissing sound.

The boy was shooting arrows with a bow. He didn't hold the reins. He only relied on his legs and the strength of his waist and abdomen to sit firmly on the horse's back. He was knocked off the horse and fell heavily on the ground.


The boy fell on his back completely, his brain was buzzing, the bow and arrow in his hand had already fallen to the ground, and there was a strong pain in his wrist.

The hood on his head also fell off, revealing a long beautiful silver-blond hair, purple eyes, and a fair face.

However, at this moment, the young man had no time to worry about whether his wrist was broken or not, but hurriedly pulled out a dagger from his waist and held it tightly in his hand.

Because right in front of him at the moment, there was a strong and fierce tiger with variegated patches, with its big mouth open, a strong stench came out of his face, and once again issued a roar that trembled the mountains and forests.