Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 952

Chapter 952

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Xiao Yinmeng would naturally choose the young Dawn Sword.

Because the battle of Lord Edric Dayne just now was so handsome!

He didn't have as many considerations as Helos, but simply liked this big brother with white-blond hair and dark blue eyes, hoping that he could teach himself swordsmanship.

After all, what boy didn't want to be a handsome knight like Edric Dayne when he was a kid?

The youngest Prince Yin Meng chose himself, and Edric Dane, who had just replaced his uncle in white, was not surprised.

"Your Highness."

He was introverted and not good at words, so he looked at His Royal Highness Prince Inmon Targaryen and just smiled calmly, then he held the helmet in one hand and the hilt of the sword in the other, and then stood in Edric's place. beside.

On the other side, standing next to the eldest princess, Arya, the little wolf girl is not tall, slender, with a ponytail, also holding the helmet of the Kingsguard, she has very obvious characteristics of the Stark family of gray eyes.

She turned her head and glanced at Edric, with some provocation in her eyes for some reason.

It stands to reason that the two of them have never encountered each other in the competition. Both of them are taciturn characters, and they have only met face to face a few times.

But in the face of Arya's provocative eyes, Edric knew that he was holding his helmet in his arms, just smiled and nodded, and then his eyes fell back to Yin in front of him. On Your Highness Meng.

The younger brother made a choice. He chose to take away the sword of dawn, Edric Dayne, and as the elder brother, Helos also closed his eyes slightly, and then reopened them, his eyes were a little lost.

This is a shortcoming of Helos, when faced with some choices, he will be in a dilemma and be in a dilemma.

However, the younger brother has picked out Edric Dayne, and there is no choice for Heros, it must be his friend.


"come on."

Then the brown-haired young prince looked at his playmate from childhood to adulthood, and said.


Attis had seen that Helos closed his eyes slightly, took a deep breath and reopened it, his heart hanging high.

Because as a playmate from childhood to adulthood, he knew that this was the action that Heros was accustomed to subconsciously when he made a choice.

Even Helos doesn't know that he has many subconscious actions that can express his true thoughts.

However, in the end, there was no danger, Helos chose himself, and a simple and honest smile appeared on the face of the giant prince.

He stepped forward, bent over and hugged his buddy, then stood behind Heros, as Arya and Edric Dayne had done.

So far, the three princes and princesses have chosen their guardians. Diana Targaryen has chosen Arya Stark, while Prince Helos and Prince Yinmen have chosen the giant prince Artis and Dawn God respectively. Sword Edric Dayne.

When the three princes and princesses made their choices, all the nobles of the empire below were silent, just making eye contact. Everyone could understand that such a choice was extraordinary, and there must be an elusive deep meaning in it.

Now it seems that Princess Diana has the best choice. The little wolf girl is the sister of the governor of the North, born in the noble direwolf family, and it is said that Her Majesty the Queen has matched the eldest daughter of the Stark family and the former Prime Minister Vilas. 's marriage.

So Princess Diana chose Arya, almost tying the Starks to her chariot.

In addition to Princess Diana's choice, second only to her is the little prince Yin Meng. He chose Edric Dayne. The prestige of the legendary name of Dawn Excalibur was extraordinary, and he was recruited by him. In terms of prestige, it is enough to top an army.

And what's more, what Edric represents behind is the Dane family. The Dane family in Starfall City is one of the most powerful families in Dorne.

According to the current rough point of view, Dorne is the main faction supporting His Highness Helos Targaryen, the first prince, and it is almost impossible to move.

However, His Royal Highness Yin Meng chose Edric Dayne as his guardian, which meant that there was a clear crack in the site where the first prince was most unlikely to be pryed, and Dorne's strong camp was divided.

At present, in the eyes of all the imperial nobles participating in the dinner, the choice made by His Royal Highness Helos is the worst.

It is true that after the giant prince Artis grows up, an adult giant wearing armor and armor has the combat power of bathing in the sea, but the strength of the giant is only one person and cannot change the situation of the battle.

What's more, because of the long night, the development of the giant crossbow is very advanced. If the giant appears on the battlefield, it will easily become the living target of the giant crossbow.

However, what we see now and the future may not be the same. Would it be a better choice for Helos to choose Gendry or Miss Brienne Tas?

Maybe not.

The competition at the Red Fort came to an end, and five knights were selected to join the Kings Guard team. The female knight Mia replaced Bessie as the captain of the Kings Guards.

As for the assassination incident that broke out on the day of the finals of the competition, after some investigation, it gradually became more prominent.

It turned out that the existence of Velas became an obstacle for some nobles in the empire. These nobles were revived, unwilling to be reconciled to their existing power, and conspired to restore the privileges of the nobles, but they encountered Velas as a roadblock.

Velas is currently investigating a major domestic I almost found them on the head, and these nobles were also panicked, so they united to get rid of Velas , however well planned, but ultimately failed.

As the former Prime Minister of the Empire, Vilas Tyrell's carriage is also specially made. The exterior is made of wooden boards with steel plates inside, so he can escape from death. Otherwise, a round of crossbow salvo is enough to put a carriage. Shot riddled with holes.

When the truth of the matter was found out, these daring nobles were naturally unable to escape punishment. Some of them wanted to flee overseas in a hurry, and some of them raised their troops to rebel. However, in the end, they were caught and caught dead.

No matter what kind of peaceful time it is, even if the Targaryens have dragons, the restless will never settle down.

On the other hand, the 'Holy War' launched by the little queen Daenerys continues.

The 5,000 Unsullied she led, plus the slave army and the Brave regiment conquered by Yunkai, made full preparations and then began to attack Meereen, the largest city in Slaver's Bay.

Meereen stubbornly resisted Daenerys' attack at first, and they were also well prepared. In order to fight the dragon, they prepared a lot of giant crossbows aimed at the sky.

However, what the sages of Meereen did not expect was that after Daenerys' army had been besieging Meereen for several days, two dragons flew from the west to participate in the battle.

Meereen's cities, though strong and their resistance valiantly, fell quickly.

Meereen, the largest city in Slaver's Bay, was conquered by the army led by the little queen, and the flag of House Targaryen was planted on the top of the city.

So far, two of the three large city-states in Slaver's Bay have fallen into the hands of the Targaryen family.