Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 839

Chapter 839

Remember [] for a second,!

In the sky, another ice dragon repelled the white dragon Viserion, but it was also bruised and bruised. It originally wanted to turn around and cooperate with its partner to attack the other after repelling Viserion. A fire dragon Rego, but unexpectedly did not have time.

Renice made a decisive decision to split up with Rego to deal with the two enemies and quickly killed each other, which made the other ice dragon have no chance to shoot.

Sitting on the back of the ice dragon is also a white ghost wearing the Stark family crest. Its eyes are burning with flames in mid-air, staring coldly at Rego and Renice below, and there is another one. The corpse of the ice dragon.

The dragon flames on the ice dragon's body have not been completely extinguished, but only the keel and the ashes are left. The White Walkers in the sky looked at Renice coldly, turned their heads and glanced at the direction of the Great Wall of Despair, Don't know what I'm looking at.


Then the ice dragon let out a low roar, and the White Walker didn't say a word. Instead of rushing down to continue attacking Rego and Renice, he rode the ice dragon and flew towards the dark north.

The White Walkers' surprise attack ended in failure. Instead of defeating the two dragon queens, they did not prevent the birth of the child, but instead damaged an ice dragon outside the Wall.

And after the ice dragon flew away into the distance, the brown-haired dragon knight in the silver lady's armor outside the Great Wall of Despair was instantly relieved.


She gasped heavily and fell to her knees on the ground.


Then he laid in a big shape and lay in the snow, not wanting to move at all.

Renis fought off two ice dragons and won the battle, while on the other side, Daenerys, who was pregnant and about to give birth, was in danger.

Because the delivery date was approaching, Daenerys's condition was very unstable, but she was suddenly attacked, and encountered a huge crisis. She was almost hit by the gravel falling from the sky. Pushing her away, it may be Daenerys herself who is unlucky. Even if Daenerys can survive, the child in her belly will definitely not be able to be saved.

Therefore, after being stimulated in so many ways, coupled with the instability of Daenerys' own state, her child was born in this situation.

The silver-haired little queen insisted on telling Viserys what happened here first, but her own situation did not allow any further delay, so she had to give birth to the child first.

Daenerys's delivery room was busy, but fortunately, it was very well prepared for the Queen's upcoming delivery. She had found a midwife a long time ago, and she had also hired a maid for her to serve Her Majesty's daily life.

However, Daenerys's childbirth process was still full of twists and turns, and there were many accidents. Among them, Daenerys's body was due to the fact that she was a petite and beautiful girl, so it was difficult to give birth, and another reason was that The stimulation just now made her emotionally unstable, and Daenerys' mental state was her biggest weakness.

Therefore, everyone in the delivery room is praying sincerely, hoping that this kind-hearted little queen can tide over the difficulties, but fortunately everyone's prayers seem to have a certain effect, Daenerys lying on the hospital bed several times She passed out of syncope, but in the end she passed through the gate of **** with difficulty and successfully gave birth to her baby.

"Your Majesty, congratulations, you are a little prince."

The midwife wiped off the blood and mucus on the newborn's body, then took a look at the two fleshy short legs, one of which was a 'little bean diced', her face suddenly brightened, and she came to Danni with the child in her arms. Liz's side reported the good news.

And Daenerys, who was lying on the hospital bed as pale as paper, also smiled slightly when she heard the news. In such an era, especially for the royal family of a huge empire, boys are indeed more important than girls.

Therefore, since she became pregnant, Daenerys has fantasized more than once that she can give birth to a boy, but her hard work paid off, she did not waste her walking before the gate of hell, and finally got a satisfactory answer.

"Let me see him."

Then Daenerys spoke in a weak voice, and the midwife hurriedly carried the little prince over and placed it beside Her Majesty the Queen.

Because he is the son of Viserys and Daenerys, there is no doubt that the purest true dragon blood flows in his body, and the baby has soft silver short hair.

It was even purer than his mother's hair color, but because the mucus on his hair had not been wiped clean, it was clinging to his scalp, and his eyes were tightly closed, so he couldn't see the color of his pupils, but he must have It should also be purple eyes, Daenerys and Viserys both have lilac eyes.

Because of the fact that he had just cried, the little baby's face was wrinkled together at this moment, and he was sleeping soundly with even breathing.

"He's... ugly..."

Daenerys' face was pale, and she looked seriously at her son who was placed beside her pillow. She opened her mouth a few times and hesitated, but in the end she couldn't help but spoke in disappointment.

The little queen's words amused the midwives in the room, and the tense atmosphere was swept away.

"That's how babies are born, Your Majesty."

"After a while, it will slowly become good-looking."

In fact, newborn babies are not good-looking. Daenerys has no experience, so she feels that her son is ugly. However, after hearing the words of the midwives, the silver-haired little queen put her doubts at ease. How this is all her and his son.

"Then... what's the name of His Royal Highness?"

At this time, a midwife asked curiously. UU reading www.

Now that Viserys is not by Daenerys' side, he doesn't even know the news of the birth of the child, so what kind of name should he give the child? Will it wait until His Majesty returns, or will Daenerys give one now?

Everyone in the delivery room turned their attention to Daenerys. The child was born to her and only she could make this decision.

And the silver-haired little queen lying on the hospital bed had a thoughtful expression on her face when she heard this question. In fact, she didn't need to be reminded by others that she had thought of this question just now, but after thinking for a while, she finally had an answer in her heart.

Daenerys is different from Viserys, her culture has always been influenced by this world, so she will not come up with fancy names like Viserys.


"His name is Aemon Targaryen!"

Then Daenerys spoke up.

In this world, calling the same name as an elder is not a disrespectful behavior, but an expression of respect, hoping that one's children will also have the same qualities as a certain ancestor or elder.