Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 838

Chapter 838

Remember [] for a second,!

Renice is very confident in her swordsmanship.

Because her uncle was Oberyn, Prince of Dorne, the Red Viper, and her swordsmanship was taught by all the famous knights in the Seven Kingdoms, and Viserys' Kingsguard Mia was also one of her teachers.

The female knight once alone defeated the legendary Kingsguard 'Fearless' Barristan Selmy, of course because Barristan underestimated his enemies and his weapons were no match for the Valyrian steel sword.

However, the apprentices she taught are not bad at all. Even Mia has taught Reness many very practical combat skills. This is the experience she accumulated when she was a mercenary in Volantis. Her style is Some resemble Bronn, another mercenary.

From a young age, Renice had a naughty character. She didn't like the rules of noble girls. She didn't like female celebrities. Very similar, so Viserys brought her many teachers to teach her swordsmanship.

Today, few people in the empire know about the former eldest princess, and the current queen is the leading female knight in the empire.

Renice was wearing a silver female armor and a silver helmet, her long curly brown hair fell behind her back, her dark eyes were firm, the wind and snow whistling in her ears, and the thick snow under her feet. She clenched the Valyrian steel sword Dark Sister in her hand.

On the other hand, the King of Winter Realm, whose name Renice couldn't name, did not hesitate. Perhaps the other party was a woman who made him have some underestimated enemies, or perhaps it was his frozen body that controlled his thinking.


He made a sound like the cracking of ice, and then rushed towards Renice with the ice spear in his hand, stabbing directly into her chest.

The female knight was staring at the opponent with all her attention, and her reaction speed was also very fast. She slightly dodged and avoided the opponent's first blow, but the opponent was chasing after him, and once again stabbed with a spear, the female knight raised the dark black in her hand. Sisters block.


In the darkness of the night, the White Walker in icy armor with white hair and beard burned with icy blue flames in his eyes. He held a spear and fought against the silver-armored female knight. Renesig blocked the opponent's spear. He took a few steps backwards.

"What a lot of strength!"

Renice was slightly horrified. Although she is a woman, strength is not her advantage, flexibility is her best ability, but she has never encountered someone with such strength, no, no, the other party can no longer be considered Be a man.

And the white-haired White Walker knocked back Renise without giving her a chance to breathe. The heavy steps under her feet rushed towards her again, ready to directly kill the adult female human.

But at this moment, Rego on the other side had already dealt with the seriously injured ice dragon.

Rego's body is covered with bronze scales, reflecting the luster of metal like a real bronze dragon, and his claws and teeth are pitch-black, and his eyes are also bronze, brighter than a polished shield. .


The terrifying bronze dragon let out a deafening roar. It won the fierce air battle just now. Now it is natural to fight more and more bravely. Although Rego is usually more rebellious and ferocious, sometimes he doesn't listen to Renice's words. , but its combat bravery played a lot more role in combat than Viserion, and now an ice dragon that has been seriously injured is certainly not its opponent.

Rego bit off another wing of the opponent again, and then he was like a madman in the roar of the ice dragon. It was not afraid of the opponent's counterattack and bit the ice dragon's hard throat, and then pulled the opponent's head from the body. Down, the corpse was separated, and the death was extremely miserable.

But this ice dragon has become an undead dragon. Even if it bit off its head, it still didn't kill the opponent completely. .

However, Rego then raised his head high and made a hissing sound, and the flames intertwined with orange and yellow with green threads fell violently and drowned the head and body of the ice dragon.

For the first time, this ice dragon let out a sharp and crazy howl, and its huge body was constantly twisting in the sea of fire that Rego spit.

Although Rego's current dragon flame is not as good as Bellerion's, it is still enough to melt stubborn stones, and it is natural to melt an undead dragon, and then the painful screams under the turbulent dragon flame finally stopped, and the body of the ice dragon stopped. Most of the reduction left only a trace of a keel.

On the other hand, the brief battle between Renis and the White Walkers has come to an end.



Although the White Walkers are powerful, he is not slow at all.

"This guy..."

Renice gritted her teeth slightly, her plan to rely on her flexible characteristics and the opponent to deal with it was shattered.


However, in the last violent collision, Reness's tiger's mouth cracked open, and the heart-piercing pain came over. Her body retreated a few steps and fell to one knee on the ground. The Valyrian steel sword in her hand was dark. The sisters were also blown away and fell to the snow not far away.

And Rego burned the ice dragon and turned his head to see his partner in danger, and suddenly let out a roar, the long, narrow and strong dragon tail smashed towards the white-haired White Walker like a mountain topped the sea.

However, Rhaegal wanted the savior eagerly, but it was too late. The Valyrian steel sword in Renice's hand flew out, and the weapon that could threaten the White Walkers in her hand finally disappeared. The ghost didn't care anymore, he rushed towards Renis, ready to kill the human dragon knight.

However, at this moment, the female dragon knight with a beautiful brown curly hair and a beautiful face fell on one knee, kneeling on the ground, wearing a silver lady's armor, and suddenly raised her head, with a bright smile on her face.

And her hand was like a conjuration, and she took out a dragon crystal dagger out of nowhere.

"Renice, you're really accurate at throwing stones!"

Years ago, on the banks of the Upper Lorne outside Andalos.

At that time, the naughty and naughty, like a tomboy, Reneece took Daenerys to play outside the city. She looked at the ripples in the with a proud look on her face, Renee at that time Si is interested in boys' games and is an expert herself.

However, now, the white-haired White Walkers rushed towards the silver armored female knight unsuspectingly. The distance between the two was close at hand, but the female knight suddenly took out a dragonglass dagger and threw it suddenly.

This White Walker's eyes trembled with the burning icy blue flame, and there was a screeching sound in his mouth, and the ice spear in his hand seemed to want to push away the flying dragonglass dagger.

But one step too late.

The dragonglass dagger stuck close to the gap where he swung the ice spear, and burrowed directly into his throat.

click -

The dragonglass dagger stabbed into the White Walkers' throats like the sound of sharp metal piercing the ice, but to the White Walkers it was like a blazing flame poured into the ice.

Time seemed to freeze for a second at this moment, and the White Walker glanced down at the dagger around his neck, and then scattered into pieces with a clatter.

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