Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 70

Chapter 70

Bravos Sea King didn't cover up, and he stated openly that he was not in good health and was very sick, so he needed perfume to cover up the smell of herbs in the house.

Perhaps it is for this reason, the 'meeting room' of the Neptune Palace is actually Neptune's own bedroom.

But his mentality was very good, he didn't look seriously ill at all, but his face was slightly dull, and then he joked with a smile on his face.

"But so I hope you two can forgive me for not welcoming it personally."

As a figure standing on the cusp of the power pyramid in this world theory, without delving into the political entanglements hidden under the surface of Braavos, the attitude of Neptune himself is very humble.

This reflects his good education, but also because Viserys and Oberon are also profitable for them.

Just as there is still tradition in comparison with blood, Tiejinku recognizes numbers more, and they believe that mathematics will never deceive people.

"Master Aquaman."

And Oberon also condensed the frivolous smile on his face at this moment, became serious, and could not pick out any faults in his behavior, gave a slight salute and then sat on the chair next to him.

He used to be a mercenary in the upper reaches of the Essos Continent. He played for the first time in the sub-group and later formed his own team, so he naturally understood Valyrian.

"Master Aquaman."

And Viselis glanced at Oberon, and then greeted the Master Neptune in a similar manner, and then sat on the chair in front of him.

There are only two chairs in front of Ferrego Antarion's square table, which is obviously for two people.

The chief swordsman Silio Friel, who was standing outside the door, just saw Viselis, and the two greeted each other.

At this moment, he saw that the guest and host in the house were about to talk about business, and then he closed the door of the house and guarded it himself.


The bedroom door was closed, and the atmosphere in the room suddenly became a little serious.

"Your Majesty."

Sea King sat on the chair with dark hair hanging behind his back. He looked at Viselis and then took the lead to set the tone for this meeting.

"The war of usurpers on Westeros was a heinous act of betrayal. I personally regret what happened to your father and brother."

And Viselis owed his gratitude slightly when he heard the other party's words, although he knew it was just some kind words.

But he didn't blame the other party like a madman. Since he condemned the usurper's betrayal, why did the iron treasury loan the usurper a large number of golden dragons?

"However, a Westeros in war is not in our interest..."

Sea King looked at the boy sitting in the chair and continued to speak.

Vesiris is still young, but his height has jumped up a lot in this year. In the past, he had to jump off when sitting on a chair, but now he can get off the chair by tiptoe.

At this moment, Veserys is also looking at Sea King Braavos, waiting for what he wants to say next.

And at this moment.

Sitting aside, Oberon took the lead and raised his hand to interrupt. The three forces on this table, Targaryen's power is undoubtedly the weakest, and Donne is not necessarily afraid of Bravo. S.

"We actually don't have to say these polite remarks, Master Aquaman, and Viselis."

Prince Donn looked at the little king and then at Braavos' Sea King, nodded slightly, and spoke sincerely.

"It's better to go directly to the topic."

A secret conversation involving the entire Westeros is unfolding in the bedroom of Sea King Braavos.

The three parties sitting in it represent the three main interest groups, and Visiris is the one with the least say.

It's not because he is too young to be recognized, but the embers of the Targaryen family represented behind him are too weak, and it is difficult to win too much respect between Prince Dorn and Sea King Braavos.

But Veselis did not give up to fight for some benefits because of this.

The little king made a request at the negotiating table, hoping to get Braavos' support, and at the same time, in order to get Braavos' support, he was also willing to give up part of the benefits to the other party.

The sun sets.

Unknowingly, a short period of time passed, and the afterglow of the setting sun shone down, lengthening the figure on the balcony of the half-open corridor.

The chief swordsman of Braavos was still standing outside the door of Aquaman's bedroom, and there were children playing in the garden below. He heard the conversation in the house all the way but was silent.

As Sea King's personal guard, Silio Friel knew too many secrets and horrifying conspiracies.

He knows how to live longer.

The scope of this conspiracy is actually very wide. What he only knows is the Golden Group, the former prime minister who was expelled from the other side of the narrow sea, an informant buried in King's Landing, and one of Pantos's. Governor wait...

They conspired together in an attempt to overthrow Robert Baratheon's rule over the Iron Throne.

The red glow of the setting sun illuminates the leather armor on the chief swordsman, his messy hair, his waist is very straight, his eyes blinked and then squinted, seeming to be a little sleepy.

At this moment, Braavos Sea King's voice came from the bedroom.


Some chief swordsmen who wanted to yawn were frightened and shivered by this sudden All the sleepiness in their minds disappeared.

then hurriedly helped the hilt of the stabbing sword between his waist and patted his cheek to wake him up for fear of being noticed by Lord Neptune, and then opened the door and walked in.

"grown ups."

Silio opened the door and walked in.

"Silio, tell the servant to prepare a family dinner in the round ballroom."

While Aquaman was still sitting behind the table, it seemed that because of the long conversation, Ferrego Anthalion's face was a bit unsightly at this moment, rubbed his nose tiredly and then spoke.

But the good news is that the results of this private conversation have been released.

Little King Viserys Targaryen signed his name on behalf of the family and Dragon Stone Island.

Sea King of Braavos was also stamped with his own seal, and Prince Oberon also signed it, but he did not write the Martai family, only his own name.

Even if there is something wrong with the plan in the future, Oberon is not afraid of being chased by the Iron Throne. Because he is not the city lord of Yangji City, it can be said that he is fighting the Iron Throne in his own name, hoping to avenge his sister.

Such things abound in Westeros history, and it is not surprising that the family and the individual are separated.

In the absence of sufficient evidence, whether the Iron Throne will blame his family depends only on the strength of his family.

Coincidentally, the Marty family's strength is still enough to allow the Iron Throne to 'quell anger' on Oberon's 'stubborn character'.

After the three parties signed the 'covenant', the final document was personally collected by Braavos Sea King and stored in Braavos' top secret file library, where the defense force is second only to the iron vault.