Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 69

Chapter 69

As one of the most important administrative facilities in Braavos, the Sea King Palace is naturally exceptionally magnificent. The towering vaults and high towers are all made of neatly cut square stones. The inner passages are complicated and complicated, leading to four gates.

It is now at the end of August in the 284th year of the conquest. The tail of midsummer has not completely faded, but this Neptune Palace, which is entirely built of ashlar, is exceptionally cool.

There are no trees in the city of Braavos, but in the Neptune Hall, there are lush greenery, birds and flowers, and servants walk through the courtyard.

Veserys and Oberon walked side by side in the half-open corridor of the Sea King's Hall, and a maid in front was leading the way.

The prince of Dorne looked left and right all the way, and from time to time he reached out and touched the relief on the corridor wall, then touched his chin and nodded, seeming to have a unique insight into the field of art.

And Viselis only looked at the place in front of him from beginning to end, not knowing what he was thinking.

The identities of the two people seem to be interchanged, Oberon seems to be a curious child, and Viselis has become a silent adult.

"Prince Oberon."

step on...

There are only three people's footsteps in the corridor, and they climbed up the spiraling stone steps, where the sun is not transparent and there is a little gloomy and depressing.

And Viselis finally turned his head slightly and glanced at the man beside him, then took the initiative to break the silence and said.


Oberon did not turn his head to look at Viselis, his gaze still stayed on the relief on the wall, where Bravos's glorious history from the beginning to the present is carved.

Braavos was never part of the Valyrian Freedom Fort, but a city-state founded by refugees who fled the enslavement of Valyria about five hundred years before Aegon's landing.

At that time, a slave who was in charge of rowing in the Valyrian fleet launched an uprising and seized the fleet. Unable to resist the Valyrian dragons, these slaves tried their best to stay away from the Valyrian forces and flee north through the narrow sea.

Finally, the moon chanters led these uprising slaves to this archipelago in the saltwater lagoon, often hidden by thick fog.

This group of runaway slaves came from many different places and possessed various beliefs. Therefore, the founder of Braavos gave all the gods a place and declared that they would never favor any one god.

They include Andals, Midsummer Islands, Giskali, Nas, Iban, Salor, and pure-blooded Valyrians who owe debts and commit crimes.

Some of them are trained slave soldiers, some are bed slaves, cooks, grooms, butlers, and some are skilled craftsmen, carpenters, blacksmiths, stonemasons, workers, fishermen, kitchen slaves, and so on.

The newly freed people speak many dialects, so the accent of their last master, Valyrian, became their common language.

Oberon was obsessed with this glorious historical relief of Braavos along the way, and Veselis frowned slightly, but continued to speak.

"As far as I know...Prince Oberon."

"Dorn seems to be negotiating with usurpers who illegally occupy the Iron Throne."

Veserys didn't go round and round, but asked directly.

Because he hopes to test out Don's true attitude from Oberon, and find a basis for this negotiation.

Oberon, who was touching his chin and beard and looking at the relief, heard Viselis' words, raised his eyebrows slightly, and finally turned his head to look at Viselis.

"You are right, little guy, but that's not what I meant."

Oberon nodded, his dark eyes were deep, and his voice was unusually calm.

"I will not negotiate with these people because I just want them to die."

Although Oberon's voice was calm, he couldn't help but feel goosebumps, and he felt a little cold on the back of his neck.

"Is it."

And Viselis heard Oberon's words, his eyes condensed, but he was silent for a while and then continued to ask.

"Then... I wonder if Prince Oberyn connects via Braavos this time, does it just represent yourself, or does Prince Doran have the same meaning?"

"Oh, this is a good question..."

And Oberon looked up and down Viselis, and seemed to be a little surprised that he could ask such a straightforward question.

However, while Veserys and Oberon were talking while walking, they had already been guided by the maid to the meeting room of the Sea King Hall.

A middle-aged man with dark hair and brown eyes is sitting in a chair reading a book.

This room is extraordinarily spacious. The sun shines in from the window, the floor is covered with gorgeous grey carpets, and there is a golden bed with curtains on the edges. The bookcases on the walls are filled with books from all over the world.

This Ferrego Antares Neptune Master seems to particularly like reading.

At this moment, there were footsteps in the corridor and the sound of small speech The middle-aged man sitting in a chair and reading a book slightly raised his head.

Then I heard a knock on the door.

"Please come in."

The middle-aged man sits on a chair and makes a crease on the page of the book, then slightly closes the book in his hand and speaks.

And the maid heard his voice and pushed open the door of the house and walked in.

"Master Aquaman, the guests have arrived."

The maid slightly saluted the Sea King, the man nodded, and then the maid slowly backed out.

And Viselis and Oberon walked in.

Viselis just walked into the room and smelled a faint floral fragrance, but after a careful sniff, he could smell what seemed to be perfume.


Veserys was a little surprised why so much perfume was sprayed in this room, but he didn't ask directly.

then looked at the surrounding environment again. This room is very spacious, with a large balcony with good lighting, a golden bed and a bookcase. It is not like a living room but like a bedroom.

"Welcome, two distinguished guests."

The middle-aged man sitting at the round table did not stand up, but sat quietly on the chair, crossed his hands and ten fingers, and then politely greeted him.

This middle-aged man sitting in a chair is Braavos' current sea king, Ferrego Anthalion.

"The distinguished guests need not be surprised."

And Aquaman seemed to notice the strange expression on Veselis's face, and then calmly explained.

"I have a bad illness and need to take a lot of medicated soup every day."

"So the smell of herbs is everywhere in the house, so naturally I have to cover it up with the smell of perfume."