Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 64

Chapter 64


Observed an expression of disbelief on Veserys's face.

And following his gaze, he saw the dagger and rope thrown on the ground, and the woman's face was also a little embarrassed.

With these iron evidences, she might have trouble explaining it clearly.

She actually...

really wanted to kidnap Viselis.

Because she wanted to unearth the secret hidden in the boy, for a witch, the brilliance of Visiris was like a pearl in the night, like a prisoner who was about to starve to death when he saw a piece of fragrant barbecue. Generally tempting.

So after she discovered the power carried by Viselis from the first day, she began careful planning.

The woman has been watching the boy's every move sneakily, without being spotted by the keen water dancer and swordsman, and she has also escaped the guards.

Her superficial plan is exactly what the soldier said just now.

This merchant ship has been docked in Pantos for a few days, and this morning it is ready to pull anchor and sail towards Braavos.

Then she seized the last time of the merchant ship's departure, and tied him up while the little boy was not awake, put him in a bag and fled the ship.

Wait until the merchant ship left the port, even if the guards discovered that the boy was missing, it would not be so easy to make the ship turn around and return to Pantos.

And this time and again.

Even if the boy's family power is very powerful, she has the energy to order the merchant ship to return, but she has already taken the child into this densely populated city state.

Although Pantos had explicitly banned the slave trade after his defeat in the war with Braavos, he was just doing some kind of work, and the private slave trade was still popular.

She plans to unearth the secrets of the boy, and then sell him to the greedy slave merchants.

Looking at the boy's handsome appearance alone, some wealthy businessmen and ladies would like this tune, and maybe they can sell it at a good price.

And she had already returned to her hometown with magical secrets and money to escape.


The woman's plan is very good and perfect, but her somewhat awkward body does not allow her to approach gradually.

Even she wanted to hide behind a pillar with only the thickness of a baby's arm. This was an insult to the IQ of the guards of Dragon Stone Island.

was later found, relying on his sturdy figure to fight with the soldiers, but was still caught.

"Just be me... I'll believe you just quibble."

The atmosphere in the cabin was slightly embarrassing, but after a long silence, Veselis stood in front of the woman and finally spoke.

"Then let's talk about it next, why are you approaching me?"

Actually, Veserys didn't believe a word of the sophistry in this woman's mouth.

But he doesn't want to worry too much about this matter now, he is more concerned about how the other party discovers the power hidden in his eyes.

And, the other party approaches his true purpose.

"Of course it is the magic power that wants to know how you reawakened."

The woman stared at this pair of lavender eyes. She heard Visiris's question and knew that this child was not a deceptive character. Her brain turned quickly thinking about countermeasures, but at the same time she knew the current affairs and took the initiative to explain. Came out.

"The power of magic has appeared many times in the history of blanks, but it will reappear in many times, just like the tide of the sea, one after another."

"The power of magic at the moment is extremely weak, almost unusable."

At this moment, the woman is still sitting on the ground, but she has become a cross-legged sitting, slightly scratching the messy hair, looking at Veselis and explaining.

"However, you have awakened the power of magic at this time..."

So Viselis became particularly eye-catching, attracting this woman to sneak over.

And Veselis looked a little dazed when he heard these babbled words from the woman's mouth, because he couldn't understand a word.

About magic, what else... tide?

Knowing the future, Veserys certainly knows that this world has magic.

He even knows the future "Stars Weeping Blood", the wizard, the son of the forest north of the Great Wall and the Green Prophet, and even the girl in the red robe who gave birth to a shadow.

But he had never thought that this shuddering mysterious power would suddenly appear before his eyes.

Veserys always thought that he was still far away from these mysterious things. He is still just a trapped beast that has not broken the game yet, trapped in a cage with a sword hanging above his head, and will die immediately when the time is up.

But now these are already close at hand, and even come to the door.

"Who on earth are you?"

was silent again, and a slightly low boy voice rang.

His long blue hair hung over his shoulders, and the black velvet jacket with gold trim shining brightly in the sun.

Veserys stood in front of the woman and stared at the other party with piercing seems to want to see through the nature of the other party.

This woman easily talked about the occult knowledge that no one else could know, and even some mysteries.

There are only two possibilities for a person like , one is a complete liar, and the other is that she may really have some abilities.

"My name is Mili Maz Duer, I am from Raza, I am a Lazarin, this distinguished man."

And the woman has even said her own purpose. Even if she wants to hide her identity, she won't be able to hide it for long, so she simply opens her mouth and tells it all.

"My mother is a priestess in the temple in my hometown, and she has always wanted to train me to be her heir, and teach me songs and spells that please the Supreme Faun, so I know a little about magic."

The woman named Mi Li explained her identity clearly.

However, no one can know if these are all of her.

"Where is your hometown?"


Veserys was taken aback when he heard Mi Li's introduction.

He had learned some knowledge about the continent of Essos before. Although Raza was not very important, Viselis glanced at the map at that time, and then had some vague impressions.

And now Viselis recalled the location of Raza on the map in his mind, and then was taken aback, because the opponent's hometown was very far away from where it is now.

Raza is in the south of the Dothraki Sea, bordering the Slave Bay, and very close to the Red Wasteland and the Jade Sea.

Even the land of Yaxia, the legendary shadow land, is no longer far away.

"Your hometown is in Raza, why did you come here?"