Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 63

Chapter 63

"what do you mean..."

"She wants to kidnap me?"

Veserys sat on the bed with a strange expression on his face.

He looked at the woman below who was pushed to the ground by the soldiers, wearing untidy clothes with disheveled hair, and holding a baby in her arms. At the moment, she was crying because she was frightened.

The sharp cries of the human cubs penetrating the eardrums are really refreshing, and Veselis feels a little headache.

then gestured to the side and asked a soldier to take the child away from the woman's arms and go to stay in another room first.

However, this woman didn't want to hand over the child to the soldier, she made an incomprehensible roar, and wanted to **** it back.

But she was kicked to the ground again, and the woman rolled on the ground in pain while clutching her stomach.

And Viselis frowned slightly after seeing this scene, but didn't say anything.

If the other party is really a trafficker who wants to kidnap him, then he is indeed dead.

"Yes, master."

The woman's child was taken away and taken to another house. The cabin was quiet for a while, while another soldier heard Visiris's words and nodded and explained.

"We checked her ticket. She should have disembarked at Pantos, but she hasn't left."

"At this morning, when the ship was about to leave Pantos, she approached your room in a sneaky manner with unruly intentions."

"Perhaps she was going to take advantage of the eve of the ship leaving Pantos, and then kidnapped you and fled the ship."

Maybe? possible?

Viselis listened to the soldier's words, his brows did not loosen, this kind of thing should not be convicted by such an unwarranted conclusion.

Then Viselis saw that the soldier seemed to conjure up a bunch of rope and a dagger from his sleeve.

"Master, these are all found from her."

The result is clear at a glance, it seems that the intention is really bad.

Veserys also closed his mouth, and his eyes fell on the woman again.

The other person's figure is not as thin and graceful as other women's curves, but rather looks a bit sturdy, with black hair, flat nose, and some scattered freckles on his face.

The woman's hair is also messy and her clothes are messy, but Veselis would rather believe that it should not be for that reason, but that it is convenient for her to feed her own children.

Veselis already remembered who this woman was.

Although he only had a face-to-face in the cabin, Veselis' memory is still very good.

She was the breastfeeding woman she met when she was on the first day of boarding and visiting the ship. She sat on the deck and leaned on the edge of the ship board, and she showed her body to breastfeed the baby without evasiveness.

And Viselis had a face-to-face with her at that time, and Viselis probably hasn't met her again in his memory since then.

Is this woman staring at herself?


This ugly, sturdy woman was reflected in her lavender eyes, and the other party was sitting on the ground with her stomach in pain and looking at Viselis.

The eyes of the two people are facing each other, and time seems to pause for a second.

"You have amazing magical power in your eyes."

"This 'adult' who doesn't know his name."

And this woman sitting on the ground, clutching her belly, spoke directly and abruptly.

This is the first time she has spoken since she was caught. Even if the child who had just snatched her from the soldier was kicked, she just mumbled something inexplicably in her mouth, but she never spoke.

The woman's voice was a bit hoarse and obscure, like the sound of metal rubbing, but what she said surprised Viselis slightly.


The little king, who was very calm just now, almost didn't get up directly from the bed.

But then he realized that the other party was speaking in Valyrian, and he was slightly relieved.

The Targaryen family speaks Valyrian as their mother tongue, but the Targaryen soldiers are not like that. They still speak the lingua franca of Westeros.

So the soldier didn't understand what the woman was saying, but he heard the other party muttering something that he didn't understand. It was like a kind of spell, instinctively a little irritable. He raised his hand and wanted to beat the boy again. The criminal who started.

However, the soldiers' actions were stopped by Viselis.

"Wait first."

The boy with his hair dyed blue was sitting on the bed and he couldn't sit still.

Then he jumped off the bed and walked to the woman's body, looking at her with piercing eyes.

then asked seriously in Valyrian.

"what did you just say?"

However, compared to Viserys, the woman with messy hair took a few breaths at the moment, but became much calmer.

She looked at the boy walking in front of her, and then spoke again in a hoarse voice.

"This is a very rare talent, this 'sir', you don't have to panic about it."

"I don't know how many people want to get this kind of talent and have nowhere to go."

"And, it seems that you have also noticed this power in your eyes."

Although a woman has an ugly face, she undoubtedly possesses extraordinary tact and good sophistry. UU reading

Through careful observation, she saw the expression on Veserys's face and judged that he had already understood the magic power in her eyes, but she was shocked that she had discovered all this.

And the woman looked at Veselis, did not wait for him to speak, and added again.

"I believe you will be able to understand now that I am not trying to commit a crime against you."

The woman also has some curiosity about the identity of Veserys.

She had noticed the extraordinary power in the child's eyes when she first met Viselis.

Then he kept hiding, secretly watching Viselis.

During , she had seen someone who was obviously a Braavos official accompany Viserys, and a good water dancer swordsman was also instructing the boy's swordsmanship.

What kind of status is the noble young master able to keep these people with him?

Then on the last day, when she tried to get close to Visiris, trying to unearth the secret carried by the boy, he was discovered by his guards.

After a struggle, the woman was still caught by the soldiers and brought to the boy.

However, it is also because of this that the woman has the opportunity to have a positive conversation with the boy.

"Is it?"

Veserys was panicked for a second when he heard the woman discover the secret in him.

However, his mentality calmed down immediately.

Then he heard the woman's sophistry, saying that she didn't want to kidnap herself, and the boy's brows frowned.

Then his eyes turned to the rope and dagger that had been thrown on the ground.

There is no ill-intentioned plot...

What do you want to do when you sneak close to yourself with something?