Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 60

Chapter 60

After meeting with the messenger from Braavos at Dragonstone Fort, a few days passed.

Veserys arranged other things on Dragon Stone Island during this time.

After making up and dressing up, her silver-golden hair was also dyed blue, and her enviable facial features in the past have also been simply modified, which is no longer so eye-catching.

It's just that the purple eyes can't be concealed, and they still have the calmness and steadiness that is diametrically opposite to that of a boy. There is a thrilling beauty in the eyes, like a lavender gem.

The complex runes hidden deep in the eyes are invisible to ordinary people, and the boy will feel invisible pressure when he looks at him.

This is the fear that comes from the soul, no matter how strong his body is.

The spiritual power has surpassed the mortal and reached another realm, which brings a little change to Viselis.

If you just see Viserys now, you might just sigh that this is a beautiful boy, but if you look at him, this idea will change drastically.

A boy from an ordinary wealthy merchant family would not have such an invisible aura, just like a measure emanating from the inside out.

And Viserys is not alone on the road. He is accompanied by two carefully selected guards who will protect the little king on the road.

The coach originally wanted to personally **** Veserys to Braavos.

However, his body was weak, his old injuries were recurring, and he even suffered a minor illness. Finally, Viselis asked to stay on Dragon Stone Island to recuperate.

In this age of poor medical care, the injury that penetrated the ribs and the failure to get treatment in time, delayed a day and a night, has left Sir William with a stubborn illness that is difficult to cure.

The strong body in the past has also been thinning rapidly in less than a year, and even the armor of the past has appeared a little bigger.

Veserys couldn't bear to let the coach follow him on a long journey, so he strongly urged him to stay on Dragon Stone Island.

Shortly after.

Veserys finally under the arrangement of the envoy of Braavos, low-key boarded a merchant ship returning from King's Landing to Braavos.

left Longshi Island for Bravos, which is far away and full of mystery and unknown.


The huge two-masted rowing merchant ship sailed above the sea in wind and waves.

The waves continued to hit the huge and bloated hull, but just as if the breeze was blowing, it couldn't shake the big ship firmly moving in one direction.

And the little king was sitting quietly in front of the cabin window, looking at the rough sea in the distance, with a little envy in his heart.

Bravos is worthy of being the center of world trade, with countless wealth.

Any merchant ship has the tonnage second only to the flagship Black Death of the Targaryen Fleet, and it can be seen that perhaps after some modification and installation of collision angles and weapons, this merchant ship can be transformed into a warship at any time.

Veserys personally followed Sir Jeffrey on an expedition to Fort Wind's Breath not long ago, and destroyed Baratheon's fleet on the waters of Broken Boat Bay.

At that time, Veserys followed the old knight all the way, watched a lot and asked a lot, so he knew a little bit about the battles on the fleet sea, at least not so unfamiliar.

Viserys can see how terrifying war potential this giant city state, the first of the nine free trade city states, has.

If the war really starts, Braavos may be able to pull out an invincible fleet with hundreds of brig paddle ships in a short time.

The fleets of other city-states are still using longboat dinghies as death squads to protect the safety of the main ships. However, their main ships are just ordinary ships here in Braavos.

Then the invincible fleet of Braavos can easily blockade the opponent's maritime trade supply route, greatly reducing the enemy's warfare capabilities.

However, the invincible fleet of Braavos is actually not a great deterrent to the nobles of Westeros.

Because of the size of the invincible fleet, it is impossible to surround the entire Westeros.

And these big aristocrats will not rely too much on trade, and the small peasant economy can be completely self-sufficient. Cutting off the sea route only caused them a little loss at best, and it was not even enough to hurt their muscles and bones.

These have already manifested in the War of the Usurpers, and the Royal Fleet of Targaryen is too powerful to make it out.

And what really worries the Seven Kingdoms and even the Iron Throne is another weapon of Braavos.

That is the gold coin.

The wealth of the iron vault is enough to shock the world, so that the throne under the king's **** is covered with thorns.

When kings or nobles default on their debts, or are stupid enough to disrespect their contract with the Iron Vault, new kings or nobles will spring up like mushrooms under the financial assistance of the Iron Vault.

These new nobles must recognize their previous debts and repay the money they borrowed from the Iron Treasury to win the throne, lest they suffer the same fate as their predecessors

This is also the reason why Tiejinku has borrowed so much money but no one has ever dared to fall back on the account.

Just as the Braavos people have a proverb, "Iron treasury cannot be owed".

Veserys looked at the waves on the sea, fell into deep thought, thinking about these messy things.

He has some memories and impressions of Braavos based on his mind, but these are not comprehensive, and the rest are the knowledge, folk customs and customs of Braavos that he has made up for in the past few days. .

A soldier sitting aside quietly looked at the expression on the little king's face, and showed a little as it should.

After several incidents, including the previous design to kill mercenaries and the naval battle in Broken Ship Bay, Veselis's name has actually gradually spread among the soldiers.

People say that Visiris has the talent that will never lose to his brother Regar, and now it seems to the soldier that it is true.

What were you doing when you were eight?

seems to be still playing pee and mud.

However, in fact, Veserys's brain is empty now. He doesn't know what he is thinking about, just looking at the sea in a daze.

Although he had gone through some simple disguise, he still hid in the cabin without showing up for a day, just to be cautious.

After all, this is the first time Viselis has left the protective circle around him and stepped into a completely unfamiliar environment.

Even when he hurriedly fled from King's Landing, there were more than fifty soldiers escorted by his side, but now Viselis is surrounded by only two people.

But at this moment, the door of the cabin room was knocked.

"Master, it's me."

A deliberately lowered voice came from outside the door.