Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 59

Chapter 59

But Veselis hesitated slightly when he said the last sentence.

"If something unexpected happens..."

There was a little brown-haired girl in the silver-haired boy's mind. It was Renise Targaryen who always likes to pester herself.

Although Renesse is only a child, she can see that she is a beauty embryo now. In the future, she will inevitably grow into a stunning beauty who will fall for the Seven Kingdoms.

"Hey! Viselis!"

And now Raynes's smile that melts her heart flashes through Veserys's mind.

Because of the close age difference, or other reasons, Reness doesn't like to call him by seniority.

On the contrary, I always like my brother. My brother's yelling keeps on calling him by his name.

and then immediately. The baby girl wrapped in a swaddle appeared in Viselis's mind.

Daenerys Targaryen.

When the two brothers and sisters met for the first time, Veserys gently held Daenerys's little hand, and he could feel the strong sense of closeness of blood. This feeling can never be separated.


Veserys was hesitant again, unable to make a decision immediately.

And the old man also knew the significance of this decision was very profound, so he didn't speak to bother Viselis.

The boy finally remained silent for a long time, but made a choice, and raised his head again and spoke seriously.

"If something unexpected happens to me..."

"I also ask Master Geoffrey to continue to assist my sister, Daenerys Targaryen, to ascend to the Iron Throne."

No one knows what Visiris was thinking at the moment of silence.

Why did you make such a decision, and what is the basis for doing so?

What Veselis said now is very significant, which is equivalent to appointing a future heir.

That is his sister Daenerys Targaryen.

Although Viselis is only eight years old, he is in a position in this game of power. No one will show mercy to him because he is just a child.

Just like the king sitting on the Iron Throne of King's Landing, he has already begun to do whatever he can to get rid of him, Veselis needs to be careful and work hard to survive even if he stays in the Dragon Stone Fort.

So Viselis must make this decision early, even if it sounds cruel, like he has explained his funeral in advance.

"Did you choose the smaller one?"

Sir Jeffrey was a little strange when he heard Wesiris's decision.

Princess Daenerys is too young, she is still just a baby, and without a mother, she doesn't even know if she will die.

He didn't expect Viserys to choose this younger girl.

From the perspective of the old Sir, Veserys and Princess Renice are more intimate.

The two children are not only ages, but also very in line with each other in terms of personalities.

Veserys sometimes has a lot of sorrow about some things, but when he sees Reness, he will smile hard, even if the smile is a little unpleasant.


Daenerys is his sister after all, and the blood of the Targaryen family is more pure.

The decision that Veselis would make such a decision is actually understandable. After all, Reness has half of Dorn's blood, and Targaryen's blood is not pure.

"I see."

Sir Jeffrey finally nodded, understanding Visiris's will, and he appointed Daenerys as his heir.

If Viserys had an accident during this trip to Braavos, then the baby girl Daenerys would become the new lord of Dragonstone.

"That's the decision then."

Now that he made the decision, Veserys did not hesitate to struggle.

greeted the guards outside to come in, and then retrieved the two envoys of Braavos who had just been arranged to rest.

In fact, the municipal officer and the chief swordsman did not go far. They were arranged to take a temporary rest in a small room outside the main hall, waiting for Veserys and his 'Prince Minister' to complete the negotiation.

They thought it might take a long time for this matter to discuss a result.

And did not have much expectation that Veserys could agree to Master Aquaman's invitation.

After all, now the principal of the Targaryen family is only an eight-year-old boy, perhaps at the age of crying after a fall.

If Queen Layla is still alive and clear-headed, she might agree to the invitation and go to Braavos.

But now the queen has been upgraded to the queen mother, and has been laid down in the coffin, which really made them unexpected.

However, I didn't expect that the **** of the small room just sitting next to him hadn't been hot yet, and news had already come from the other side.

The two messengers hurried back.

Veserys sat on the throne of the main hall, and his small body seemed to have a strong sense of disobedience when sitting on the big throne. UU reading www.uukahnshu. com

The boy wears a crown made of pure gold, in which is the flame-like ruby, and his hands are on the armrests of the throne.

Then the little king told them in a crisp and calm voice that he agreed to the invitation of Sea King Braavos and would set off personally soon to go to Braavos to meet with Master Sea King.

The boy's voice echoed in the silent hall.

The two envoys of Braavos standing below looked at each other, they both saw the incredible in each other's eyes.

They didn't expect that this child would actually have the courage to agree to go alone with them to a strange city that is thousands of miles away.

However, after Viserys finished speaking, Sir Jeffrey stood up at the same time and demanded that Braavos respect the ancient tradition of 'guest rights' on the continent of Westeros, and must ensure the safety of the little King Viserys.

Guest rights are the traditional rules that the seven kingdoms of Westeros abide by. That is, when a guest comes under the eaves of the host and accepts the bread and salt provided by the host, the guest rights will take effect.

During the subsequent visits, neither party shall harm the other party. Violators will violate sacred laws and are believed to be intolerable to the old and new gods. This is true in the old gods and the doctrine of the seven gods.

"Of course, your majesty."

"The Seven Gods of the Seven Kingdoms and the Old Gods also have temples on the Isle of Gods in Braavos."

And Kleon, who is the envoy of Braavos, once again gave a slight salute, and then promised to arrive.

"Bravos respects credibility most because it is as important as our lives."

"Since we have invited you, we will inevitably protect your safety from the moment you leave Longshi Island until you return here safely."