Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 602

Chapter 602

The period when Robert sat on the Iron Throne was not just about squandering the money accumulated by the Targaryen family through generations.

At the same time, in the name of the royal family, they owed millions of golden dragons to the Lannister family, the Tyrell family, the church, the Braavos iron vault, and the Telosi firm.

However, most of these creditors have been settled by Viserys, and the remaining Taloxi Commercial Bank has the courage to come to collect the debt.

At the trial meeting, public grievances were boiling, and people cursed the profligate King Robert, and Robert Baratheon, who stood in the center, said nothing to all the people. He did not have any explanation, letting him go. The people insulted and even threw things on him.

It even needed golden robe and Unsullied soldiers to maintain order.

"Protect the prisoner!"


With an order from the commander of the Unsullied Legion, dozens of Unsullied soldiers formed round shields holding up shields to protect Robert in the center, so that he would not be directly killed.

Bang bang bang

However, there were constant noises from throwing things on the shield, and the Unsullied soldiers held the shield in their hands with no expression on their faces, like a machine, without the slightest flinching.



"Back! Back!"

"If you dare to disturb the order, get arrested!"

Under the command of Blindden Tully, the soldiers of the capital garrison drove the angry people out and kept them away from the execution ground, so as not to disturb the normal order.

It took a while to arrest several people who led the trouble, and finally put down the riot caused by the trial.

However, the last sympathy for King Robert was gone, only the anger towards him was left.

And Robert himself remained silent all the time, because he knew this was his mistake. Since being put in jail, Robert has actually been thinking about the reasons for his failure.

There were reasons for war, there were reasons why Tai Wen usurped military power while he was in a coma, and there were also reasons why he was profligate.

If you didn't spend so much Golden Dragon on pleasure, but instead benefited the country and the people, developed the country's strength, increased the number of soldiers, and improved armaments, would you be a little easier in the war?

He won't be beaten by a strange ghost, nor will he lose the final civil war, lose the Iron Throne, and become a prisoner.

However, it is no longer helpful to reflect on the mistakes made in the past, and he has no chance to start again.

Maybe he will give Robert another chance to travel back to the past. He may not try his best to cure him. Instead, he will work hard for a few days, wait until the time is over, and then continue to do what he should do.

Some changes did take place after Robert became king, but in the end his nature was revealed.

Afterwards, after all the commotion was subdued and the scene returned to normal order, the Unsullied Soldiers withdrew from the shield formation and released the protected Robert Baratheon.

"Hurry up, kid!"

Robert stood in the center of the meeting, with heavy shackles on his hands and feet, and a mess of beards on his face. He looked up at Veselis on the stage. His eyes were only the silver-haired young man, and his voice was a little impatient. Openly said.

"Don't you just want my head?"

He was tired of the trial and just wanted to end it all quickly.

However, it was at this time that the last witness was also ready to play.

Cersei, the former queen sitting in the ranks of the nobles below, was still wearing the costume of a maid, and chose to turn a blind eye to the curious gaze around her.

Her long golden hair came out with a beautiful hair accessory. Although she didn't have any beautiful clothes, Cersei still dressed up today.

Cersei got up from her seat, then knelt down and hugged her sons and daughters.



The blond-haired boy still had tears on his face that had not been wiped clean. It was obvious that the chaotic scene just frightened him. He thought that this group of people was going to eat his father raw, even taking him and Messiah with him. When he got rid of the seedlings, the angry people pointed their noses and cursed'Mongrel'.

"Protect your sister."

"Mom, where are you going?"

Joffrey asked in horror, reaching out to grab his mother's skirt, but Cersei didn't say much, just wiped away the tears from Joffrey's face, and then stood up with the skirt of the skirt and faced the witness stand. Walked over.

On the other side, Robert, with his hands and feet chained on, was glaring at Veserys on the trial stage, cursing incessantly, just for quick death, but at this moment, he saw it from the corner of his eye. The last witness came up.

Robert turned his head and stared at Cersei with a pair of bell-like eyes. He didn't expect that the last witness who accused him would be his queen.

"Cersei, you..."


The beard was a bit gray and the tower-like man couldn't help but speak, his voice was low and hoarse, with a deep incomprehension, he was dead, why did Cersei come up and give him the most fatal blow.

"Did you forget? Robert."

However, the beautiful and beautiful maid with a golden long hair raised her hand and raised her hair, raised her delicate chin, her eye circles were slightly red, but she held back her tears so that she didn't let the tears flow down.

"I asked if you ever loved me? Even if only once."

"But you said no."

When Robert was just escorted to King's Landing, Cersei took a pair of children to visit him, but before leaving, Cersei leaned on the door to ask the last question.

She asked Robert if he ever loved her, but Robert shook his head and said From then on, Cersei completely gave up on Robert and didn't think of anything.

Perhaps the former western girl also had longing for her husband when she first married into King's Landing. After all, her husband was the hero who overthrew the tyrant, but Robert was on the bed on the wedding night, shouting in her mouth. The name of another woman.

Then Cersei no longer looked at her husband, but turned her head to look at the trial bench, and then spoke with a straight face.

"Your Majesty, sirs."

As a wife, she testified some crimes about her husband and revealed some secrets of the royal family. However, many of these witnesses have already recounted, and Cersei repeated it again, which made many of the seven nobles in the audience. They looked at each other, wondering what made Cersei come up.

But on the trial stand, some prominent nobles already knew the reason.

They looked at Robert's head with sympathetic eyes, and then turned to look at the two children. In the final analysis, the children are innocent and the victims of the love and hatred of the adults.
