Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 601

Chapter 601

Some of the top dignitaries in this row of seven nations sit in jeopardy.

And the most marginal person is Prince Quentin Martell of Dorne. His youngest was not eligible to attend, but he came on behalf of his father, so he sat on the fringe of the governor's order, next to his sister. Queen Arianne Martell.

Prince Donne has a childish face, turning his head around and looking around. He is wearing a sandy-colored robe full of Donne's characteristics. He is not wearing a medal, only the blazing sun emblem on his shoulders.

Prince Daurang of Dorn was indeed unable to come to King's Landing due to physical reasons. He had not left the Flowing Water Garden for many years.

Therefore, he has been sending his eldest son Quentin to stay in King's Landing. On the one hand, he may be able to help his sister a little bit, and on the other hand, it is to stabilize Donne's position after the establishment of the new dynasty.

Facing Robert's puzzled eyes, Ed's face was slightly uncomfortable while sitting on the table. The Northerner pursed his chapped lips, then lowered his head without looking directly at his friend's eyes.

Because he was imprisoned in the dungeon of the Red Fort, Robert knew nothing about outside news, and his son Joffrey and daughter Messara did not tell him these things when he visited him the day before yesterday.

Robert thought Ed was dead, or left King's Landing in black.

However, he never thought that Ed was still qualified to sit on the trial seat and watch his trial? Isn't this a naked betrayal?

At the beginning, I said that my good brothers would die together, but unexpectedly you secretly confessed.

Robert's gaze was a little angry and a little puzzled, but he didn't accuse him. After all, the relationship between the two people is siblings, not brothers but like brothers.

Both of them grew up in the valley as adopted children. They bragged and slapped their farts together when they were adolescents. After they grew up, they did a vigorous event together, overthrowing the great kingdom that ruled Westeros for nearly three hundred years.

Therefore, the relationship between the two people is very good. Ed was able to get a chance to survive and Robert would be happy for him. Of course, being happy for him does not mean that he can forgive the betrayal.

Robert's gaze was like a knife, and Ed, who watched, lowered his head and remained silent.

He chose to kneel down and confess his guilt for the sake of his wife and children, but Robert did not.

Not everyone can follow Ed's path. His personal credibility can be regarded as a guarantee. Even if Robert bows his knees and confesses his guilt, he cannot still survive, just like his old father-in-law Tywin Lannister. , The way to survive has been blocked. What are you embarrassing to do at the last moment of life?

It would be better to go down the seven hells with great joy.

Robert is very clear about his position. He knows that he is a **** in his life, and he is alive and rich. If he is dead, he should go to the seven hells and be punished.

"Kneel down!"

The voice of the Unsullied soldier escorting Robert was cold, trying to force the king to kneel before him, but Veserys waved his hand to stop their behavior.

"never mind."

"A king should not be humiliated."

In fact, if you put aside the so-called family hatred, Viserys does not hate Robert, even if the other party wants to kill himself, maybe it is based on the goodwill of the fat man who has a bold personality and straight-tempered in his previous life. Affinity is very strong, very good at turning enemies into friends.

The Targaryen army joined the human coalition and joined the many seven-nation nobles to fight against the ghosts. There is a certain reason for Robert's sincerity and Viselis' trust.

In fact, if the war between the human coalition forces against the ghosts ended, Robert did not fall into a coma, and the army did not fall into the hands of Tai Wen, perhaps the two armies would not turn around so quickly, and burst out instantly. The civil war.

At that time, Robert wanted to negotiate with Viselis, discussing the possibility of the Targaryen army not attacking Westeros, and instead establishing a huge empire on the continent of Essos.

After all, the Essos continent is vast, abundant in population, and economically developed. There is no need to smash the iron throne.

However, Robert was shot in the chest with an arrow by Leona Stark, and the military power fell into the hands of his father-in-law, Tai Wen, and the basis and weak possibilities of all these negotiations disappeared.

Tywin knew that once the Targaryen family gained power, it was impossible to forgive himself, so he had to drag more people into the water to save the Lannister family. If he only resisted, it would be hard to support.

Tywin manipulated the power of the human coalition to launch an attack on the Targaryen army, and even shot Bellerion in a sneak attack with a huge crossbow, successfully angering Viselis.

Then the civil war broke out. The angry black dragon burned down the Twin River City and destroyed the resistance of the coalition forces. In the end, this civil war swept every inch of the seven nations, and took nearly two years to complete the unification of the seven nations.


However, Robert didn't seem to appreciate Visiris's kindness very much. He still stood in place with chains on his hands and feet, and snorted coldly.

In fact, Robert's trial is very simple, no other witnesses are required to charge, just that he is the leader of the rebel army, usurping the Iron Throne is enough to kill him.

However, the Minister of Justice was very competent and charged Robert with a large number of crimes, and brought many witnesses to accuse Robert King.

There are even many crimes that Viselis has never heard of, such as massacre of people, financial robbery, looting of civilian women, persecution of nobles, etc. However, the most remarkable thing is that Robert emptied the country's treasury and squandered.

Former Robert's Chancellor of the Exchequer Petir Berishi attended the testimony in person. Robert squandered the treasury to satisfy his various extreme material desires, which made it difficult for the country to function, the economy was sluggish, and the people's living standards. Compared with the period of the Mad King Iris II, they have shrunk seriously.

What is ridiculous is that the mad king hated by all the nobles of the Seven Kingdoms did not cause great damage to the people, while the leader of the rebel army who stood on the side of the 'righteous' caused the most damage to the people.



"King Fat Pig!"

If the king of prostitutes just now was just the people babbling ~ with the trial to the present, it ignited the people's anger.

Ordinary people in King's Landing do not understand the so-called "economics" and do not know why their living standards have gone downhill, but they understand that numbers are simple additions and subtractions.

Millions of golden dragons were a number they could not even think of, but they were all squandered by King Robert's own power.

Especially when Petir Belishi said that it was the king's profligacy that caused their living standards to drop, he became even more angry, and the scene suddenly became full of voices and people's grievances.

The two children, Joffrey and Messara, who were so scared to be eligible to attend the front row, looked pale and panicked.

They never thought that their father was so unloved by the people.

And their mother Cersei hugged the two children quickly, calmed their emotions, and then stood up.
