Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 403

Chapter 403

The strange ghost reappeared south of the neck, and the human coalition stationed in Twin River City was nervously arranging fortifications.

With the reinforcements of Targaryen and the existence of giant dragons, the determination of mankind to unite against ghosts has become stronger again, as if seeing the light of hope, and even having strength to work.


"Bring that log here!"

The soldiers wearing all kinds of armors and their family crests were busy working, making noises, and there was a scene of enthusiasm everywhere.

They are strengthening the defensive fortifications of Twin River City and are determined to stop the strange ghosts here.


"Thank you, brother."

Then a soldier wearing a fur armor in the north patted a Lannister family soldier wearing a black and gold armor and a red cloak.


The Lannister soldiers also smiled slightly, and the two nodded to each other before continuing with other tasks.

And at this moment.

"Open the door!"

The wooden horse at the door was removed.

Step on...

Several knights directly urged the horse to break into the fortifications of Twin River City. The leader was a young man wearing a gray wolfskin cloak, a black shirt and a black and red cloak, a long sword hanging from his waist, and a snow-white war horse. people.

And beside him are several Dothraki warriors wearing animal skin armor cloaks.

They rushed in straightforwardly, as if they were in an uninhabited state, and the soldiers of the Seven Nations Allied Forces saw the incoming person and immediately put down the work they were doing. They looked at each other and didn't know what to do.

Fortunately, there is an aristocratic general who is supervising the soldiers to build fortifications.

Commander of the Vale Army, Earl Jon Royce of Rune City 'Bronze Jon'.

He is still wearing his ancestral heavy bronze armor. It is said that this set of bronze armor has a history of thousands of years, and it is engraved with magic spells to protect it from harm.

"His Majesty."

Count Jon Royce urged his horse to greet him.

He has gray hair and a beard, a pair of gray eyes, thick eyebrows, and a thick palm with a rein. He looks very strong.

He sat on the horseback and bowed slightly to salute, his voice low and strong.

In fact, the coalition forces did not get too entangled in this issue. After all, there is a battle between the living and the dead. If you care about these at this time, humans will not be far from perishing.

The coalition forces called Veselis and Robert both "kings" to prevent conflicts from intensifying and not conducive to cooperation.

"Earl Royce."

Visiris reined in the horse while sitting on the horseback, and he glanced at the opponent and nodded slightly.


Then the silver-haired youth turned over and got off the horse, and several Dothraki guards behind him also jumped off the horse.

Although they were alone in the enemy camp, these Dothrakis did not have the slightest fear.

Their fierce eyes scanned the surrounding coalition soldiers coldly, and they held the handle of Yarak's Scimitar with one hand to protect their safety.

Earl Royce nodded slightly, and some coalition soldiers bite the bullet and stepped forward to take the reins of the horse from the hands of several people.

Afterwards, the old general Jon Royce also rolled over and dismounted, raised his hand to make a gesture of 'please', his voice was low and neither overbearing nor overbearing.

"Your Majesty, please."

"Your Majesty Robert and the dukes have been waiting for you for a long time."

Earl Jon Royce still had a little sadness on his face. It turned out that not long ago, the news that his prince Jon Aylin was assassinated had passed, and King Robert was also furious, and even wanted to lead his troops. He returned, but was stopped by everyone.

Everyone knew that there must be some tricks, and Jon could not die at the hands of the mob as those people said.

However, in this critical period, they have no way to return to King's Landing to investigate clearly.

Once the military spirit of the coalition is dispersed, who can withstand the attack of the strange ghost in each place?

The river land and the king's collar may be the first to perish, and then the western border or the river bay land and the storm land. Although the valley is easy to defend and difficult to attack, it cannot withstand the attack of the dead. In the end, it is Dorne's turn to fall.

The rule of various families and tribes over Westeros came to an end, and history was obliterated in the dust. Since then, there have been no lions, eagles, and ice wolves.

Therefore, although everyone is sad at the murder of Jon Allyn, everyone still understands what is more important at the moment.

People die like a lamp.

When Jon is alive, he can unite the four major families as the core hub of the alliance, but there is no value when he is dead. The living people still need to unite against the more important enemy in front of them, and there is another challenge that is about to swallow the Seven Kingdoms in the future. .

After the Dothraki army arrived in Twin River City and built a camp outside the city not far from the coalition camp, Robert invited Viselis to discuss the battle plan together.

And Viselis was not timid, but rather generously brought a few guards to come to the The possibility of the Hongmen Banquet was not unavailable. Everyone admired Viselis' courage to attend the meeting alone.

However, what they didn't know was that Veselis was more certain to kill everyone present before they killed himself.

He can do it alone.

Step on...

The footsteps of the crowd were noisy, and Count Jon Royce led the way.

Viserys and several Dothrack guards followed him and entered Twin River City.

The atmosphere in the Frey family's castle is somewhat depressed, mainly the tragedy that happened not long ago.

The new Marquis Frey is now the eldest son of Marquis Wald Frey and the first heir Steve Len Frey.

He was nearly sixty years old, and even had grandchildren. Old Ward teased him when he was still alive, saying that Steve Lun had waited forty years for him to die.

Steve Lun regards the family as very important as the old Ward, but the difference is that Steve Lun is more gentle and rational than his father, but he is relatively incapable.

The other sons and grandsons of the old Marquis Wald are in serious internal conflicts, and originally wanted to challenge the status of the new Marquis Frey.

However, the allied forces were helpless, and all the nobles sitting on the scene, no matter which of the descendants of Frey dared to stab at this time, they accidentally helped Steve Lun to secure the position of Patriarch Frey.

Everyone turned the corridor and soon arrived at the conference hall in Twin River City.

However, at this moment, Lord Jon Royce, who led the way in silence for a long time, suddenly spoke.

"These savages are indeed fierce, with adept bows and horses, and killing people is like commonplace for them."

He stopped outside the door, turned his head and looked at Viselis.

"But your Majesty... are you really going to use these savages to conquer the Seven Kingdoms?"