Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 402

Chapter 402

Visiris also turned over from the horse and jumped off.


The saber chain made a sound, he was not wearing armor, but just like the surrounding Dothraki warriors, only wearing a thick animal skin cloak.

In fact, the Dothrakis were extremely disgusted with wearing armor, but the north was too **** cold, and the Dothrakis, who had never seen such a big scene before, were cold enough, their faces were pale and even walking straight. Shivering.

But fortunately, Jon Clinton had the foresight. He had been the imperial head of the Seven Kingdoms and naturally understood the situation in the North.

At that time, when the royal army planned to attack the northern border, it hoarded a large amount of fur and cotton in order to prepare winter clothes for the soldiers who went to the northern border to counter the rebellion.

However, it is a pity that the royalist army was defeated on all fronts before reaching the northern border, and these hoarded materials were useless. Later, it should have been snatched away by Lannister's army when King's Landing was breached.

Now that the winter has come, the northern border must be a **** on earth with ice and snow.

As the former prime minister, Jon Clinton asked the Dothraki people to wear fur and armor, but he encountered strong opposition from Kargo, because this was the tradition of destroying the Dothraki people, and he even asked his own Kaor to file a complaint.

But Jon didn't quarrel with Kargo, he had already thought that this would be the result.

The Dothraki refused to refuse, and then he seized the time to prepare enough furs and asked tailors and craftsmen to customize them into animal skin cloaks. The vest was lined with boiled leather armor, and some key parts were Equipped with a metal plate for protection, it is a set of enhanced scale armor.

Then these warm skin and scale armors were taken to Baigang with the ship.

Visiris knew about this, but he did not ignore the tradition of the Dothraki, forcing the soldiers of Karratha to wear armor.

However, after half a day did not pass, Kargo, on behalf of the vast number of compatriots, came to the door on their own initiative, and cautiously asked Kao whether he could wear something warm?

Although the Dothraki are savage, they are not steel. They live in the warm sea all year round. Where have they ever seen this cold weather?

Therefore, these Dothraki warriors have voluntarily put on the fur armor customized for them by Jon Clinton, and they are reluctant to take it off as a treasure.

For the first time, the Dothraki realized the benefits of armor.

The cold wind rustled in the river, and although there was no snow, the body temperature was quite cold and very low.

Veselis is dressed in black, with a metal dragon head medal on his chest, a black and red cloak, a gray wolfskin cloak on his shoulders, fine hairs fluttering slightly in the wind, and a long sword hanging from his waist. , On the other side is a Valyrian steel dagger.

The giant king Marg was ready, raised his huge head and looked at the little guy in front of him.

Standing in front of the giant, Viselis was equally fearless, and his pair of lavender eyes seemed very calm. He had even seen the Night King, let alone being a giant.

Then he smiled slightly and nodded.

"bring it on."

Veserys spoke in the old saying.

And when he said his words, the giant Marg was taken aback for a moment, as if he didn't expect that he would have mastered the old saying in just a few days.

But then he didn't think much about this, now is the key opportunity for him to escape, and then he rushed forward with a roar.


The giant king is four meters tall, almost two and a half taller than Viselis. The huge size brings a very strong sense of oppression.

However, Veselis stayed with Bellerion, who was tens of meters in length, and didn't feel any discomfort in the face of giants.


Marg slammed it down with a fist, but Viserys swiftly avoided it. The fist hit the ground and immediately lifted up dust.

"He is huge, but his movements are not slow at all."

Veselis was slightly surprised.

The surrounding Dothraki people formed a huge circle.

They saw that their Kao had no fear in the face of the giant, and they immediately raised their scimitars and let out cheers.

The giant king Marg was angry. He changed his taciturn personality not long ago. He hammered his chest angrily, and then immediately rushed to this little fellow who was as slippery as a loach.

However, the silver-haired young man was very flexible, almost playing around with the big guy in front of him, dodged once again.

The cheers of the Dothraki were louder, and the savage translator and the gentle Edda of the female giant were almost dumbfounded. They never imagined that Magog would one day be played around by a weak human being.

The giant king desperately tried to grab the opponent but in vain, then Visiris did not draw his sword but drew out the Valyrian steel dagger from his waist, and directly rolled and stabbed him in the knee.

Margot let out a deafening roar, fell to his knees with a crash, but then violently opened her arms and hugged Visiris.

However, the silver-haired young man rolled around and dodged again on the spot, and then the dagger pierced his waist again.

The blood of the giant spilled over the earth, and when the Dothraki saw that Kao had the upper hand, they were hunting this big guy, and the howling became even more frenzied.

"kill him!"

"kill him!"

"Cut off his head! Scalp off his scalp!"

They look forward to seeing even more **** scenes, seeing their Kao personally hunt and kill a huge savage, demonstrating his bravery.

However, it is a pity that Viselis stepped on the shoulder of the giant Mag, and the sharp Longsteel dagger had been placed on the back of his neck.

Just a little bit of force can kill the giant in front of him, but his hand stopped in the sound of Marg's heavy and rapid breathing.

"You lost, Margot."

The silver-haired youth spoke to the Giant King in an old saying.


Then Viselis put the dagger in the scabbard, but jumped off Mag's shoulder.

This giant is so tall that Veselis can't reach the opponent's throat on one knee.

When Margot saw that Viselis didn't kill him, the heavy breathing suddenly relaxed slightly. Viselis jumped off his body. He clenched his fist and seemed to want to take this opportunity to punch him. The dead person. the end Margot loosened his fist.

"I lost, human."

There was blood flowing on Marg's body, and her voice was as low as muffled thunder, and then she stood trembling from the ground.

But he couldn't stand firmly and then fell to the ground on one knee again, lowered his head slightly towards Viselis, expressing surrender.

Aegon calendar 283 years.

The mighty Dothraki army rushed to the battlefield, allowing the coalition soldiers to see the terrifying barbarian tribe for the first time.

After a period of rest, the strange ghost walked out of his neck once again.