Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 373

Chapter 373

Chapter 374 Ghoul rowing a boat

Viselis was really taken aback by the words of the little finger coming from afar.

In the rear headquarters of the coalition forces in Twin River City, King Robert Baratheon of the Seven Kingdoms was lying naked on the bed with a Frey daughter in his arms.

He didn't know that the green grassland above his head, a living green turtle, even his wife embraced his worst enemy before he died, and intended to bring his own child. Find another dad.

But perhaps he is gratifying that Viselis has no habit of driving a big car, and is not very interested in other people's wives. He always thinks that he is just a teenager.

The queen of the Seven Kingdoms took the initiative to climb into the bed. Although it sounds tempting, but thinking about what Cersei did, perhaps this idea was dispelled in an instant.

Although Cersei's approach is excessive, Robert has never been a fuel-efficient lamp.

He kept saying that the only woman he loves in his life is the daughter of the Stark family, Lyanna Stark who owns the blood of the wolf.

However, he stayed with an illegitimate daughter when he was in the valley, and he never went to prostitution less than once after he made the marriage contract.

Even Leona herself told her brother Ed, 'she can be sure that Robert loves her, but she can't stop Robert from falling in love with other women in the future. '

Although Robert and Cersei became kings after their marriage, they did not constrain, and went out to prostitutes every other time.

So Robert and Cersei are not very law-abiding people. It's just a matter of pedaling a few boats. Everyone is working together.

Naturally, it's no wonder that Cersei has to take the two children to prepare early and find a way out. This woman treats her children more seriously than anyone else.

The condition of King's Landing may have already smelled of danger to Cersei, regarding the investigation of Jon Ailin not long ago.

Because the winter has come, Jon Ailin did not dare to attack her, because the old prime minister still possesses a sense of reason.

and missed this opportunity Cersei has no overall view of the situation in order to protect herself, and will not consider the issue of coalition forces or aliens. She will only get rid of the opponent first.

As for why I want to embrace Viselis, because'Western Light' has a lot of confidence in his own appearance.

She has golden hair and beautiful eyes. Although she gave birth to two children, the years did not leave a trace on her body.

Someone once compared her with Leona Stark of the fascinating Prince Regga. They thought that Leona was indeed beautiful, but the "torch light" could not be compared to the "rising sun".

But in addition to her appearance, what is more important is that she can't lose her status as a queen. She already enjoys this feeling of being above ten thousand people under one person. If she loses power and the attention of the public, she will go crazy.

While Robert hugged the girl and fell asleep, he didn't know the secret conversation. Now the situation of the coalition forces is naturally going all out to deal with the upcoming third human-ghost war.

Human coalition forces against the army of dead men.

In fact, the dead army did not stop and did not attack Kalin Bay during this period.

But the land in the north is too vast. The land of a family in the north may be the sum of the other six countries. The fact that the army of the dead has captured the north is equivalent to occupying half of Westeros.

Only because of the severe cold climate and harsh environment in the north, the population in the north is not very large. It is a state of sparsely populated land. Therefore, the main economic lifeline, population and military power of the seven countries are mainly concentrated in the south of the neckze.

Humankind has experienced two fiascos, but it is still far from the point of a complete defeat.

The nobles of the Seven Kingdoms can still accumulate powerful forces to continue to fight against the dead. As Viselis said, the Seven Kingdoms is far from desperate. People will also burst out with tenacious willpower in critical moments.

Viselis hopes to become a savior-like role to come to Westeros, and he is now waiting for such an opportunity.

Because the war has already hit their noses, the nobles of the Seven Kingdoms are naturally unable to draw the water. They are preparing for the war with all their strength. A large number of strategic materials such as trebuchets, huge crossbows, kerosene and so on have arrived. The front line of Kalin Bay.

The Legion of the Dead has been continuously spreading across the vast lands of the north during this time, sweeping all castles, towns, and villages like a plague.


They rode the wind and snow aimlessly, and then picked out the lucky ones.

Although most of the people in the northern border have been evacuated, even the robbers and savages are gone.

But there are still some people who do not believe in evil, are unwilling to leave their homes, and have a fluke mentality. In the end, they all become members of the ghoul army, and become a corpse of walking corpses.

Although they are not many in number, they are still a huge number that cannot be ignored when zoomed in to the entire vast northern border.

All castles, towns and villages were slaughtered by the army of the dead. The entire northern territory has been reduced to a **** on earth in a true sense. All vitality is fading away quickly and completely turned into silence. The light of life is lost from this land. erase.

The occurrence of strange ghosts in Westeros is a big earthquake-level news for the entire Western world. Even the Dothraki people fighting with each other like crazy on the sea of grass are irrelevant.

Not only Viserys is concerned about the things of strange ghosts, but other free trade city-states are also quite concerned about this monster that has emerged from the land of eternal winter.

An expedition from Braavos departed from the old clothes seller's wharf, landed from Widow's Lookout, and then proceeded along the beach towards Fort Longmen and Horwood City.

Fortunately, they were not attacked by the dead army during the whole process, and unfortunately, they did not see any vitality along the way.

Not only humans, but even birds and beasts disappeared in the white wind and snow, and everything withered.

This is the desperate situation seen by the Braavos expedition, and it is also the foreseeable tomorrow if Westeros falls.

The brave expedition continued to march toward the deep north, but in the distant sunset of Haimingyan Bay, the white wind and snow enveloped this bay, which greatly affected the sight.

And if someone sees what is happening in front of, they will definitely scream in exclamation.

Because of a large group of delirious ghouls, some only have skeleton frames, some have unidentified liquid flowing at the corners of their mouths, and some are half-destructed, but they seem to be silently under some imperceptible guidance. Wooden boats pushed down the sea.


The waves of the sea were rolling, and the wooden boats collided together.

Then an alien ghost with a skull in ice armor and a long white beard on his chin. His eyes were burning with icy blue flames. His strode body sank into the cold water, and then he mounted the push Wooden boat going to sea.

Beside him was another ghost who was obviously female, also wearing ice armor, with a metal badge faintly pinned to his chest, but he couldn't really see it.

Behind her was a transparent ice bow and arrow, long brown hair, and a pair of dead eyes without any human color.

Then there was a piercing scream in her mouth, like a crack in the ice.

Countless ghouls on the coast began to march silently, rushing into the sea and climbing on wooden boats that were pushed into the sea.

(End of this chapter)