Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 372

Chapter 372

Chapter 373 Cersei's Sincerity

Women's sixth sense is indeed very keen. Cersei has a strong sense of crisis, and when both her husband and younger brother think that things are still under control, she became deeply anxious.

Pantos is located directly opposite King's Landing. The two giant cities are separated by a long and narrow sea. If the straight-line distance is not considered, Pantos is even closer to King's Landing than the neck is even closer to King's Landing.

The remnant of Targaryen now has more than 60,000 soldiers in Pantos, as well as war weapons like elephants, and three giant dragons, who are eyeing Westeros.

They can easily turn King's Landing and the hundreds of thousands of people here to ashes.

It just depends on whether Viserys wants to become a "King of Ashes" and lead his Burning Legion to destroy the Seven Kingdoms.

And now for the seven countries with internal and external troubles, perhaps the only thing that can prevent Viserys from leading troops across the narrow sea is his own supply.

If the army has too many supplies, it must keep up with the allocation.

The preparatory work carried out by Visiris since its return has been mainly focused on logistical supplies. Otherwise, once there is a problem with the supply of the cross-sea expedition, it may be a catastrophic consequence.

The contradiction between Targaryen and Lannister actually has nothing to do with Cersei himself in the strict sense. It was done by his father Duke Tywin and his brother "The Kingslayer".

Cersei has been a severe face control patient since she was a child, and she was overwhelmed by the appearance and temperament of Prince Rega when she was first in love, and she even had a great chance to marry each other.

However, it is a pity that the marriage contract brought by the Duke of Tywin for his daughter Cersei was rejected by King Iris II.

Even in Visiris's memory, Cersei still seems to be obsessed with her brother Rega many years later.

After she became the regent dowager in effect, she appointed Oreen Weishui, the illegitimate son of Tidehead Island, as the admiral. It was only because the other person's appearance was somewhat similar to Rega, which reminded her of the one who existed in The perfect prince in her girl's dream.

"Mediate the conflict between Targaryen and Lannister?"

Viselis sat behind the desk with his fingers crossed, the lights in the study were bright, and a pair of violet eyes slightly reflected light.

This sentence was beyond his expectation.

His gaze fell on Little Finger, he looked up and down slightly, and then he sneered and said.

"Master Belish, you should know that this is impossible."

"In front of your majesty, what kind of 'sir' do I count?"

The little finger still has a respectful smile on his face, and he speaks in a humble manner.

For Westeros' class differentiation, adult is a universal term for nobles, from the duke to the property knight, they can all be called adults, the little finger family Although the fief was small, it was also a nobleman.

Although the king is the largest nobleman in the country, he is not suitable for "adult", but has a higher-level title.

The nobles must respect the king, but this does not mean that the king can look down on the nobles who pledge allegiance to him at will.

Veselis called Petir Berishi the "littlefinger" nobleman on the Five Fingers Peninsula. Strictly speaking, it is reasonable and reasonable. This shows his excellent orthodox royal upbringing and politeness, but in this case it undoubtedly appears Somewhat ironic.

However, the silver-haired young man ignored Petyr Berish's words, but continued to speak in a cold voice.

"Lannister betrayed his king."

"The last generation of Lannister King of Kaiyan, Lauren Lannister, was defeated in the raging prairie war against Aegon. Loren knelt down in front of Aegon, begging to surrender, willing to give up his title and offer eternal allegiance to the Targaryen family. Children and grandchildren from generation to generation."

"Master Berish, what do you mean by eternal allegiance?"

Petier Belish was a little speechless when asked by Viselis.

The Baratheon family is that the usurper has betrayed his king, and these families that have helped the usurper to rebel have also violated their oath.

"Eternity. Just forever"

Little finger took a deep breath, her voice a little dry.


"Yes, eternity is forever."

"But the Lannister family betrayed the eternal vows of his ancestors."

"What's more, the Lannister family also committed unforgivable heinous crimes. My nephew Aegon, and my sister-in-law Princess Ilia Martell, dominate countless people who have been slaughtered and bloodbathed by the Lannister family."

The candlelight in the gorgeous study was shaking, and the shadow of the silver-haired youth was cast on the wall. He did not stand up, but the five fingers placed on the table gradually became fists. It seemed that the mood was affected and there was a slight fluctuation. .

But in this, whether the performance is mostly the element or the truth, only Veselis himself knows best.

"I like Lannister's widely circulated unofficial motto, 'Lannister's debt must be paid'. I'm very curious at what price Lannister wants to pay off this blood debt?"

Weselis took a deep breath and calmed his emotions, and then asked every word.

But he actually knew many years ago, except for the first people who followed him. Veselis swore to his mother, Queen Laila, when the two of them were still on Longshidao.

One day he will lead his troops to fight back to Westeros, and he must make Lannister pay his debts. The death of Kaivon Lannister in his own hands is just the beginning.

While Petir Belish faced Veselis calmly but actually looked like a knife in his eyes, cold sweat appeared on his forehead again.

Aura is often related to a person's status. Even if a beggar has a strong aura, it is difficult to deter a nobleman.

While sitting on the throne, Viselis really holds the power of life and death of Petir Bellissy. At this time, every word of his is very stressful for little finger.

"Her Majesty the Queen is willing to pay great sincerity in order to mediate the contradiction between the two families."

Then Petir Belishi said bitterly.

He already regrets taking over the job of But there is no way, this is also an extremely important step for him to plan for his future.

If you bet on the right, he will go straight to the top and become the real Belish 'sir'.


While Viserys' expression was still calm, he picked up the book that he was going to read tonight at the same time.

He told Littlefinger to save time and think clearly about what he wants to say. Now that he is impatient after so long, he doesn't think Cersei would want to give what kind of "sincerity", this is a smart little woman. .

However, afterwards, I heard Petir Berishi's voice speaking in a dry voice.

"The sincerity of Her Majesty the Queen is herself..."

"What did you say?"

While preparing to see off the guests behind closed doors, Veselis was slightly taken aback when he heard these words.

Then he raised his head and looked at his little finger with an astonishing tongue, and then heard the other party continue to speak.

"And the head of Jon Aylin, Duke of Vale, the Usurper's Royal Prime Minister."

(End of this chapter)