Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 309

Chapter 309

Mia is the one who thinks this is an opportunity to make a fortune, so she joins an expedition going to Valyria. When the expedition was open for an open recruitment, Viselis also volunteered to join it.

The silver-haired young man had a handsome face and good skills. He took down the mercenary named 'Butcher' in twos or twos and won the favor of the boss who organized the expedition this time.

So Veserys joined the expedition under the pseudonym "Imon".

Viselis only learned that the scale of the action this time was very large after joining the expedition, and the 'boss' behind the scenes was even more noble.

He is one of the three consuls of Valantis, Maragio Meguya of the Tiger Party.

He organized twenty ships of various sizes, approaching an expedition of thousands of people, most of whom were slaves.

There are many mercenaries with dreams like Mia and Viselis.

"Of course it's for What else can there be other than this purpose?"

Mia heard Visiris's question, glanced at him strangely, and then spoke as expected.

"if not?"

"What do you want to do, Yimon."

"Of course I am also for the money."

Veserys leaned back and pressed against the back of the chair behind.

"Is it?"

And Mia looked at Veselis suspiciously.

"But I don't think you are a person who lacks money."

Mia's gaze fell on Viselis's dress, although the clothes Viselis wore were very ordinary and did not shine.

But I don't know why'Imon''s behavior and impression on her are like a noble person and a high-ranking person all year round, with a special feeling in every word and deed.

"You think too much."

And Veselis only shrugged his shoulders slightly when facing Mia's questioning eyes, and spoke naturally.

"I'm just not that poor anymore."

"And like to take risks, I want to see what the ruins of Valyria look like."