Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 308

Chapter 308

Viserys listened patiently to Master Tob's chatter and didn't say much, just shook his head.

Everyone has their own ambitions.

Gendry is not willing to strike iron, that is his own will.

Veserys didn't want this poor child to come here either.

However, he came to Andalus by accident, and Viselis would not be involved in persecuting each other because of his father.

He wouldn't do such abusive things.

So let Gendley grow up freely as an 'ignorant' person.

But speaking of it, the Prime Minister.

After returning to Andalus, Old Earl Jeffrey, the hand of the king who stayed here to preside over the overall situation, took the initiative to find Viserys.

The old man asked him to resign from the current position of the king and devote himself to the construction of the Longshidao navy.

Earl Jeffrey's reason for resigning from the King's hand is very simple. Although Visiris trusted him so much that he even regarded him as a foster father and gave him such a high position, the old man did have some intentions. Powerless.

He wanted to do everything well, so he held the power of the country when Viselis was young, and then gradually delegated power when Viselis grew older.

But Jeffrey's ability to govern is indeed not good. He was forced to flee the family from the age of sixteen because he killed the heir of a hostile family, and began to wander around the world as a mercenary and a sailor.

If he was asked to kill people, he could be unambiguous. As the commander-in-chief of the Dragon Stone Island fleet for so many years, he was also experienced in commanding naval battles, but only letting him preside over political affairs as the hand of the king made a mess.

This has been the case since Viselis was young, and many things have been messed up by the old man.

Even after so many years, Jeffrey is still a layman in handling government affairs, and he has not made much progress.

In addition, he is getting older and older now, and his energy is gradually unable to keep up with the rhythm of young people.

His strategic overall view is very good, knowing that the next goal of the kingdom must be to attack Westeros and regain the Iron Throne.

He even more hoped that he could shine on the battlefield and burn his own aftermath, so the old earl learned from the pain and decided to take the initiative to abandon the position of former royal prime minister and return the power to Viselis.

Let him find another suitable candidate.

And I concentrate all my energy on training new naval forces.

After all, new warships have gradually been put in place. With the help of Pantos' powerful shipbuilding industry, the scale of the Dragon Stone Island fleet is even far greater than that of its peak.

And since the kingdom's next goal is to attack Westeros, the navy will inevitably undertake an extremely important task.

Earl Jeffrey also didn't want the troops he brought out to pull his hips on the battlefield, leading to the defeat of the war.

And Viselis had just received the old earl's resignation and there was some confusion.

The old man has been working for the king for so many years, and Viselis has become accustomed to having such a big butler, but he did not expect him to resign suddenly at this time.

But the old man's reasons are also very good. He said that he is not the king's hand. He hopes to return to his job to train the navy for the kingdom.

Since Veselis understood the other party's ideas, he didn't go to play the drama of three petitions and three resignations.

People in this world value honor more directly. If Viselis refuses the old Earl's resignation, the other party may think Viselis really needs him as the hand of the king.

Then even if I feel uncomfortable, I have to hold on to this position.

Veserys accepted the resignation of the old earl, allowing him to become the sea minister of the kingdom again and also the commander-in-chief of the Dragon Stone Island fleet.

The medal of the King's Hand was not recovered, and was given to the old earl as a souvenir.

When the position of the former prime minister is vacant, a person with a matching identity and ability is needed to replace it.

Who do you choose?

The gray-haired old man proposed a choice for his successor.

But in fact, this candidate didn't have to be proposed by Jeffrey, Viselis had already thought of it.

That is Oberon Martell, Prince of Dorne.

Dorn, as Targaryen's most important ally, is not even one of them. Prince Doran has always been a great help to Weselis. Oberon has stayed in Essos for so many years and has not even returned home, so naturally he also contributed. a lot of.

And Oberon once obtained six bachelor's links in Xuecheng. If he concentrates on the bachelor's path, he may have become the youngest doctor in Xuecheng.

His mentor was also very sorry when he left the school.

These are enough to show that Oberon's mind is very flexible and very knowledgeable.

As Jeffrey's successor, he has identity, status, merits, and brains. The best candidate for the position of Hand of the King is Oberon.

Now that the candidate has been finalized.

A few days later, that is now, after installing the equipment for the dragon, Veselis set off for the barren mountain camp.

But Viselis did not take the connecting flight this time and flew over.

Oberon's second legion station was very close to Andalus, and he could even arrive on horseback in less than half a day.

Veserys just took a few guards, and rode a quick horse to the barren mountain camp.

This is located in the narrow path in the center of the two mountains. From the map, it seems to be a narrow path, but in reality it is also a wide plain.

This is an ancient road in Valyria, from here along the Upper Lorne River you can directly lead to Rollas Bay, where you can take a boat out to the sea directly to Rollas. It is the main commercial road between Rollas and Andalos.

And continue along this ancient road as far as you can reach Tomahawk Point, if you turn into the road in the mountains halfway, you can reach Novos.

Therefore, the geographical position here is extremely important. Almost stuck at this gate, no army can attack Andaloth from here, which is regarded as the facade to protect Andalus.

Since the construction of this camp was approved, Viselis has come to the site once, and the specific location Viselis was handed over to Oberon to choose.

This semi-permanent camp is almost equivalent to a castle and can be stationed for a long time.

Veserys's sudden visit made Oberon something unexpected.

Then Veselis understood his intention and Oberon hesitated.

Then, unexpectedly, Oberon politely refused. He didn't want to be the former prime minister.

"Your Majesty, I am not fit to be the hand of the king."

The king's hand is the king's right-hand man, and it is the face of the country. Oberon believes that people like himself are not suitable for such an important position.

But he also heard Visiris's thoughts, and the silver-haired young man decided to travel for a while.

Oberon also promised to temporarily take over the role of the king during the period of Viserys's departure.

He will personally rush to Pantos to help assist his niece, Renice, in the affairs of the country.

And the Legion is left here to Sir Evan.

Then Viselis and Oberon returned to Andalus, boarded the dragon and flew to Pantos.

That night.

Veserys summoned the imperial council in the city of Pantos and explained the whole matter. He stated that he would be away for a period of time, but he didn't specify where he was going.

And during this time, the eldest princess Renice was under the supervision of the country, and her uncle Oberon temporarily took over the position of the king and assisted the princess as the regent.

Then, a few days later.

Veserys got on the dragon and disappeared above the sea of clouds.