Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 21

Chapter 21

Earl Paxter Redwin's fleet came and attacked silently in the dark.


The warship split the waves, and the night was quiet. All the warships turned off their lights and approached the direction of Longshidao silently.

The sea breeze howls.

The soldiers of the fleet are all holding their weapons, standing on the deck in a panic, waiting for fate to come.

Because no one can guarantee that he will survive the next war.

However, Redwin's sneak attack strategy worked well, but there were still problems in the execution stage.

The sneak attack was still noticed by the side of Longshidao.

A long patrol boat spotted the silent Qingting Island fleet on the sea in time, and then quickly issued a warning to remind the distant lighthouse, and finally alarmed the entire Longshi Island defenders.


The next moment, the earth-shaking battle drum sounded.

The last fleet still loyal to Targaryen took the initiative to respond under the command of the commander Sir Jeffrey, and the two sides launched a confrontation over the sea.

The alarm bell of Longshidao Lighthouse rang, warning everyone on the island to be vigilant and guard against enemy attacks.

Queen Leila was pregnant and depressed and could no longer be stimulated, so she was quickly transferred to the castle to rest.

And the steward Shad and the coach and a group of people ran to the beach, stepping on the soft sand and looking into the distance.

Weisai came to Lisbon and wanted to go with him, to see the real war scene with his own eyes, but was ruthlessly rejected.

As the only boy in the Targaryen family today, Viserys's safety does not only represent him.

The silver-haired boy was helplessly sent into the castle by a maid, and at the special request of the teacher, two guards were stationed to 'protect' him outside the bedroom door.

The heavy brown wooden door of the bedroom was closed tightly, and the door was plugged in.

Two heavily armed guards guarded both sides of the gate to prevent Viserys from sneaking out unrest.

Viserys was locked in the room alone, restricting his personal freedom. The boy sat on the soft big bed for a while, grabbing the slightly curled silver hair.

Finally, he sighed helplessly.

"Really are"

Compared to half a year ago.

Vesselis now has more items in his bedroom on Longshi Island.

An old low bedside table, a half-burned candle is emitting light, and a book with bookmarks is placed on the table. This is a book about the continent of Essos. What the traveler saw and heard.

Veserys is very interested in this kind of book and reads it for a while before going to bed every day.

On the other side is a bookcase, which is also full of various books. In fact, without the old bachelor's reminder, Veselis naturally knew the importance of learning.

He was only shocked by the attack at that time, and at the same time he was worried about the future, so he practiced swordsmanship hard to protect himself.

But now he also understands that swordsmanship is not something that can be done quickly in a day or two.

Then Veselis looked at a brown wooden box in the corner of the wall, then jumped off the bed and walked to the wooden box.


The sound of the horn outside the window is still melodious, the sound of war drums vibrates, and the sound of killing is faintly heard.

The silver-haired boy can feel that his heart in his chest is beating continuously with the rumbling sound, and the hot blood is quickly flowing out of his body.

Veserys put a hand on his chest, feeling his heart beating faster.

He doesn't know why he feels this way, and this feeling is giving him fearless courage.

Even if he is just a seven-year-old child.

"Blood and fire are of the same origin."

The boy didn't know why he suddenly recited the Targaryen family's motto, and then opened the wooden box in the corner to reveal the contents.

A set of tailor-made small leather armor is neatly arranged, and there is also a short sword that is also tailor-made for him, and it has already opened up.

The sharpness of this sword cannot be said to be as sharp as iron, but at least in daily practice Viselis can use this 'short sword' to cut off the head of the grass man.

Then Veselis put on his leather armor neatly and put on his short sword.

Then the boy moved over to a small bench, stepped on the small bench and reached the edge of the narrow window on the wall, poking out his head and looking down.


The sea breeze at night blew the boy's long silver and golden hair and gently swept it on his white forehead.

A pair of lavender eyes are as clear as water, looking at the battlefield where the sound of violent killing is heard in the distance under the dark night.

"I hope everything goes well."

then closed his eyes and prayed softly.

He is not a bear kid who likes to make trouble, of course he will not escape from the window on his own terms.

Then... fell to death.

Veserys' bedroom is located in the high tower on the edge of the castle. There are rocks all over the windows. He wants to jump from here almost a dead end.

And he was not ready to escape, but he was a little panicked in the face of the war for the first time, but he didn't know who to share this panic with.

Put on your own little equipment to give yourself a little psychological comfort. UU reading

while in the distance.

In the darkness beyond the reach of Veserys's eyes.

Above the rough seas, the two fleets even have close to a hundred warships of different sizes.

The long and desolate horn sounded.


The clear-cut Qingting Island fleet was lined up. Under the cover of countless long ships, three more massive and higher tonnage paddle warships were killed as the main ships in the direction of the Dragon Stone Island fleet.

The Dragon Stone Island fleet seemed to be a little bit inadequate, and hurried out of the port, even facing the attack of the Earl Redwing fleet before it even formed a formation.

However, their response is equally outstanding.

The sea breeze howls.


The horn sounded continuously from all directions, trembling on the eardrum, making people involuntarily excited about it.

Paxter Redwin, the former Admiral of Iris II of the Targaryen dynasty and also Minister of Maritime Affairs, is now wearing a blue-and-white wool coat and embroidered with a blue-bottomed dark purple grapes coat of arms on his chest.

He was standing on the largest of the three rowing warships of Qingting Island fleet, holding the railing in front of him tightly with both hands, and leaning out slightly to look at the dragon stone ahead. The formation of the island fleet.

This general with rich experience in naval warfare is actually not majestic in appearance, on the contrary, he is a thin, middle-aged man who looks a bit wretched.

The shoulders drooped slightly, and the sparse orange-yellow hair on top of the head was struggling in the sea breeze.

The horn sounded in the direction of Longshi Island in the distance, and the melodious and low bells rang.