Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 20

Chapter 20

Aegon calendar 283 years.

Winterfell Duke Ed Stark led an army to break the siege of Wind's Breath.

After that, he only made a short stop in Wind's Breath. The northern cavalry continued to go south and crossed the border of the river bay, and the soldiers approached Donn.

There are only three roads to enter Dorn from the south, the bone road closest to the Fortress of Wind, the Prince's Pass, and the pass on the Crimson Mountains on the east side of the old town.

The army in the north was mostly cavalry, so they did not choose to take the hard bone road, but straightly pointed towards the Prince's Pass in the middle.

The Duke of Winterfell sent his army south, and Dorne was naturally very nervous to prepare for the battle.

But then a raven flew to solve the misunderstanding, Ed Stark stood by the honor and placed the army outside the Prince's Pass.

Just took the six people Ethan Glover, Martin Kelso, Theo Woll, Holland Reid, William Dustin, Mark Leswell, with Don's consent, passed through The border went deep into the territory of Dorne, searching for the trace of his younger sister Lyanna Stark.

Then Ed and his team found Leanna and the three Royal Forest Guards who had disappeared in the Bliss Tower near the vulture's nest.

A fierce battle broke out in seven-on-three between the two sides, but the course of the battle was not known to anyone except the ten people who participated in the battle.

What people know is that the Duke of Winterfell is the victor, but he also suffered heavy losses. Only one of his companions and himself survived.

Then Ed went to Fallen Star City and returned the magic weapon "Dawn" of Arthur Dane, the sword of dawn, and then left Dorn with the body of his sister and the surviving companion, Holland Lid.

This war of the Usurpers, which began in 281 years of the Aegon calendar to 283 years of the Aegon calendar, finally came to an end with the Battle of the Tower of Bliss.

The Targaryen family was completely driven off the Iron Throne. Except for a few members who survived, almost all of the family members were slaughtered.

The leader of the rebel army, Robert finally ascended to the Iron Throne, completed the coronation ceremony in St. Belle's Cathedral, smeared holy oil, and recited the oath. He was crowned as the king of the Andals, Roinas and ancestors, ruler of the Seven Kingdoms and guardian of the whole territory, Robert Baratheon I.

The seven countries on the continent of Westeros, with the exception of Dorne, were finally reunited under the name of the new king.

The ringing of bells melodiously spread throughout King's Landing.

The new king stood at the top of the towering stairs of St. Belle's Cathedral. The tall figure shrouded like a mountain. The officials under the stairs all knelt on one knee to congratulate the new king on his coronation.

"Dear Lord Jon Allyn!"

The young and powerful king with black hair opened his mouth, and his voice was not inferior to the melodious bells from the outside world, and it echoed repeatedly throughout the church.

"I will appoint you as Prime Minister of the King's Hand."

Then the new king Robert personally put on his adoptive father, Jon Allyn, Duke of Eagle's Nest, the emblem of the'King's Hand'.

"Your Majesty, I am afraid that my ability is not enough to take on this job."

The old duke, who was about to sixty years old, had gray hair, slightly possessed himself and wanted to kneel down on one knee to refuse, but he was supported by King Robert with a big laugh.

"Hahahaha, the seven gods are on top."

"Master Ai Lin!"

The young king's voice is Ruohongzhong, and his laughter is bold and contagious.

"If your ability is not enough to be the hand of the king, I am afraid there will be no more suitable person in these seven countries."

However, even though he was laughing, talking about the Seven Kingdoms, the smile on Robert Baratheon's face was slightly reduced.

Now the Seven Kingdoms are not completely unified, Donne has not actively surrendered because of the change of the Iron Throne, but Donne is still extremely difficult to crack.

This has also become a big concern for Robert Baratheon. If Donne insists on supporting Targaryen, I am afraid that the entire Westeros will be in chaos in the next few decades.


The first task after the new imperial prime minister Jon Aylin took office was to go to the Dorn peace talks at the southernmost tip of Westeros and try to extinguish Dorn's deaths caused by the deaths of Prince Levin and Princess Ilia Martai. anger.

"I will do my best."

St. Belle Lecture Hall.

Under the gaze of the seven gods, the old duke coughed violently, and finally nodded and agreed.

At the coronation ceremony of the new king, Robert's brother Stannis naturally appeared on the scene.

The hairline of young people under thirty has gradually begun to make people sad. At this moment, Stannis's face is still the same seriousness, and his lips are tight.

His Wind's Breath Fort fleet has not been formed yet, and it takes time to build the battleship and train the soldiers.

However, Robert has no patience to continue waiting. He was in a good mood. However, when he saw his brother, who was smelly and hard like a stone in the toilet, the smile on his face narrowed.

At the same time, he couldn't stand it for a moment and there was still the 'evil species of evil dragon' breathing.

So the new king also ordered the newly surrendered Paxter Redwin, the Earl of Qingting Island, to lead the fleet to attack Dragon Stone Island at the same time at the coronation ceremony.

Conquered March 284 in the calendar.

Time flies quickly, and in a blink of an eye, Viselis has spent more than six months on Longshi Island.

Queen Layla's belly is getting bigger and bigger, and the servants in the Longshidao castle have begun to speculate whether this will be a new prince or a new and Veselis followed along during this period. He practiced swordsmanship with William instructor, and on the other side was also following the old bachelor to improve his knowledge.

However, accidents always appear so unexpectedly.

Illness comes like a mountain.

Bachelor Daniel, who is over eighty years old, suddenly fell ill when he was about to pass this winter. In this age of underdeveloped medical care, he can live to this age and he is already considered advanced age.

The old bachelor's body was unable to withstand the torment of this serious illness, his face was as pale as paper, and skinny, and finally made a final request on the bed, and then took Visiris's hand and swallowed his last breath. .

The lights in the ward were shaking, and it was pitch black outside.

The night is deep.

Queen Leila wept bitterly. This was another blow she suffered after the successive deaths of her eldest son and husband. The depression in her heart, who was already sick and pregnant, once again accumulated a floor.

Sir David Shad, who was the steward in chief, also stood in the ward, his eyes flashed slightly, and beside him was the Red Fort coach who had recovered from his injuries.

Although William Derry's injury has healed, it still leaves hidden dangers. After all, he was injured too badly at that time, and he was put on horseback for a long time in the case of serious injuries. Already very satisfied.

This winter he had a hard time, and the attack of old injuries made him sore.

Veserys, who was held by the old bachelor's hands, stood in front of the sickbed. He watched the old bachelor take his last breath and remained silent throughout the whole process.

And at this moment.

Long Shidao lighthouse suddenly heard a long alarm bell, which spread far away in the silent night.