Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 250

Chapter 250

The far north.

A baby boy named Brandon Stark was born.

There is also the increasingly fierce conflict between the night watchman and the savages near the Great Wall, and the upcoming battle will not affect the scenery on the other side of the narrow sea.


The waves were still beating on the reef, and the cold wind roared from the surface.

It has been a few days since Viselis returned from Andalus, and what happened a few days ago was only a false alarm.

When His Majesty the King disappeared on the first day, everyone hadn't taken it seriously, after all, there was a dragon by his side.

However, Veselis had not returned the next day, so he was a little worried.

Jon sent soldiers out of the city to look around. At the same time, he also met with the Prince of Tattered Clothes. He hoped that the brothers from Fengshuituan could also find the whereabouts of His Majesty.

The Prince of Tattered Clothes began to squeeze a bit, but finally he had to agree when Jon was about to draw his sword.

However, after a whole day of searching the next day, Viselis was still not found.

At the time when all the forces in Pantos City were slightly thinking about it. In the middle of the night, Viselis descended from the sky on a giant dragon and returned to Pantos.

With the appearance of the young king riding the dragon again, all the restless voices and thoughts disappeared.

But Veselis returned to Pantos in a high profile, holding the letter of Bachelor Amon's request for help, but did not ask his staff for advice.

Just keeping it for the time being, he decided to wait quietly for news from the other side of the narrow sea.


A few days passed.

Weselis was dealing with some official duties, and Jon Clinton suddenly came to his room, bringing another unexpected news to Weselis.

"The Golden Group?"

On the top floor of the Palace of the Nine Towers of Pantos, the sea breeze blew in along the windowsill.

The boy with loose silver hair was slightly stunned when he heard Jon's words, then put down the pen in his hand and raised his head.


And Jon Clinton, who was sitting across from him, put his hands on his knees and spoke with a serious face.

"The current head of the Golden Group'Black Heart' Mies Toin entrusted me to convey his request to you."

Mies Thyne first contacted Illyrio, then Jon, and then asked Jon to convey this intention to Viselis.

He is still in Rees, leading the Golden Group to fulfill the contract with Rees, but he sent a cronie to deliver a message that he hopes to come to Pantos one day to meet the true dragon of the Iron Throne. Heir.

And Veserys heard Jon Clinton repeat what he had just said, confirming that he had not misheard.


The head of the Golden Group asked someone to come over to see him... which is a bit interesting.

Veserys rubbed his chin slightly and leaned on the back of the chair. He didn't speak for the first time, he just groaned for a moment, and then spoke.

"As far as I know, Jon."

"The Golden Group was founded by the noble illegitimate son of King Aegon IV."

The first head of the Golden Group was "Han Tie" Yi Ge Hewen.

Perhaps others are not familiar with this name, but Viselis knows it very clearly. It can be seen by turning over the family history of the Targaryen family or the history of the Seven Kingdoms.

Aegon calendar 196 years.

Damon Heihuo and his party members set off the first "Black Fire Rebellion". Both were illegitimate sons legalized by Aegon IV. "Han Tie" Yi Ge Hewen also participated in the Black Fire Rebellion.

And joined the side of Damon Blackfire, wanting to challenge the orthodox existence of the Targaryen family, and later fled to Essos to form the Golden Group after being suppressed by the rebellion.

Until now, the Golden Group is full of the descendants of the knights and lords who have participated in the "Black Fire Rebellion" and lost their title and fiefdom.

And the current head of the Golden Group, Mies Toyn, suddenly wanted to visit Viselis, which was intriguing enough.

"Of course I know the background of the Golden Group, Your Majesty."

Jon Clinton took a deep breath, nodded and said.

He once became Mis Toin's right hand in the Golden Group, equivalent to the identity of the deputy head.

Later, it was because of Viserys that he left the Golden Group and came to Pantos.


However, Jon Clinton had some hesitations when he said that, then he considered the language and continued to speak.

"Since its establishment, the Golden Group has been discussing life in controversial places. It is employed by the Mills, Ries or Talothians to fight endless harassment wars for them."

"But in fact, they have always dreamed of retaking the homes of their fathers and grandparents."

"They are the descendants of the exiles. They have nothing and have never been forgiven, but at the same time they are a powerful armed force."

Jon Clinton was silent again and spoke.

"Now the nobles on Westeros have also betrayed Targaryen."

"The Golden Group may want to help His Majesty regain the Iron Throne, to cleanse himself from his sins."

"At the same time, I hope to receive your majesty's forgiveness and return to the homeland of my father's generation."

Jon Clinton advised Veserys not to directly reject the request of the Golden Group.

Although he wanted to say that the Red Dragon and Black Dragon were still a family after all, he still wanted to say nothing in the end.

Because the red dragon is a dragon, and the black dragon is a 'dragon' that is not recognized by the Targaryen family.

Although they have the same blood, in the final analysis it depends on how Viselis decides.

Viserys thought slightly, but he did not agree with or refute Jon's views.

The gray-red haired man secretly observed the expression on Veserys's face, but regrettably he didn't see anything.

Then Viselis nodded and said suddenly.


"In that case, it's okay to see the previous side."

Viselis suddenly agreed to Jon Clinton and there was no big surprise.

Although Targaryen and Heihuo are unshakable enemies because of the 'Black Fire Rebellion' several times, after all, both sides have the same blood, flowing with the same blood.

'It doesn't matter whether it is red or black, the dragon is the dragon. '

Jon Clinton suddenly thought of such a sentence. UU reading www.

Moreover, the Golden Regiment has tens of thousands of elite fighters, five hundred cavalry, five hundred attendants, and one thousand archers, and even possesses terrifying war weapons like elephants.

Then Jon Clinton stayed in Weselis's room for a while. After a few conversations between the two sides, Jon stopped disturbing Weselis and stood up to say goodbye.

However, not long after Jon Clinton left, there was another knock on the door outside the house.

Visiris's room was particularly lively today.

After pushing the door and walking in was Dorne's girl, Arianne Martel.


The girl wore a simple sand-colored dress, wrapped in a tempting scent and walked in.

Very familiar, sat on the arm of Veserys's chair, then leaned down and kissed his side cheek lightly.