Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 248

Chapter 248

The request of Bachelor Amon was exactly why Veselis was slightly upset.

Although Bogong Zeng did not say in his letter how much turbulence this time the resurrection of the strange ghost would cause, and whether it would break the Great Wall of Despair.

Because Amon Targaryen was just a wise old man, although he was well informed, he was not a prophet.

Ordinary people can't predict what didn't happen, he just thought of the worst possibility in advance.

If all this happens, mankind will be defeated. I hope Viselis can temporarily put aside the grudges of the family and save the destiny of the entire mankind.

That's why Aegon wrote this letter to Viselis.

Weselis had a headache sitting in the position, thinking about what kind of reply should be written to this ancestor who has become a living fossil.

In fact, he hadn't forgotten Bachelor Amon before, but was afraid that contacting Amon Targaryen would cause trouble to the other party.

After all, even if many people have forgotten the identity of the old man's orthodox Targaryen, there are still some people who have not forgotten it.

However, now that Yimeng had been dressed in black, and he was already very old, he hadn't had a few years to live, so he simply let him go, and did not liquidate the old bachelor.

And if Visiris, the exiled king who fled to the other side of the narrow sea, contacted Yimon at this time, it would probably bring death to the opponent.

Viserys thought about replying to the letter. He actually hoped to see Baratheon, Stark and the strange ghost die and lose out.

He also looked forward to how the Seven Kingdoms and the Night King's legions would fight together without splitting the heyday.

Will the Great Wall of Despair collapse? Can Robert lead the Seven Kingdoms to resist the attack of the Army of the Dead?

If the Human Legion really fails...

Veserys fell into contemplation.

And the two girls are still thinking hard about who Uncle Zeng in his mouth is, and they are counting their grandfather Jehris II with their fingers.

"Bring me pen and paper."

Then Veselis thought for a moment, and finally recovered, raised his head and said.

The servant hurriedly took a pen and paper and handed it to Viselis, but Viselis only wrote a few words before putting down the pen again.

"never mind."

"Let's write later."

Then the young king with long silver and golden hair shook his head slightly, then raised his head, glanced at Renesse and then at Daenerys with bright eyes.

"Next I will set off to return to Pantos."

Seeing that Renesse was just about to say something, Veserys slightly raised a finger to beckon her to wait for him to finish.

Then he continued to explain.

"I still have many important tasks in Pantos that I haven't finished, and I can't come back for the time being."

"But maybe it will pick you up after a while."

Veserys spoke, and then he stood up, and a girl with long brown hair and Daenerys also stood up.

Veserys hugged Renise, then bent down and rubbed Daenerys's hair.

And at this moment.

There was the exclamation of the servants outside the restaurant, and a huge shadow over the castle fell, followed by the deep roar of Bellerion.

Bellerion, who had received Visery's call for a night's rest, arrived early in the morning as scheduled, and his disobedient little brother was also taken care of by Bellerion.

"Rego should be obedient for a while at least."

"Andaloth will leave it to you next, Renice."

Viselis asked again.

"If you don't understand anything, you can ask Lord Jeffrey or Prince Oberon for advice."


Renesse nodded slightly while constricting her dress.

Then Veserys took the letter of Bachelor Amon into his arms, and left the castle in strides, while Bellerion had fallen on the campus and waited.


Viselis caught the gap between the scales and re-mounted the dragon.

Bellerion let out a low roar, his strong hind legs suddenly exerted force, and his huge wings opened.


The smoke and dust on the school field spread in all directions, and the servant guards and two girls on the ground were battered with dust.

Then the dragon rose into the air and flew into the distance under the scorching sun overhead.


A cry of a baby spread throughout Winterfell.

The hand of the old nurse was stained with blood and holding a newly born baby, a woman with red hair and pale face was lying on the hospital bed with her chest undulating and panting slightly, and there was a thin layer of cold sweat on her forehead.

"Congratulations, my lord, it's a boy."

Then the old nanny wiped the blood off her hands and opened the door to tell the people waiting outside.

Standing outside the door is a man who looks about 30 years old, with long dark brown hair, gray eyes, and a serious expression on his face.

People who don't know each other are likely to be mistaken for disdain and indifference to other people.

He heard what the old nanny said, and the expression on his face suddenly relaxed.

"Very good!"

There were two boys and a girl who accompanied the man outside the door, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

One of the red-brown haired boys flicked his fist in the air and looked very excited, then raised his head to look at his father.

"It seems that I am going to have a younger brother."

"Father, I said mother will be fine."

And another boy with dark hair and some curls looked slightly sad when he heard his words.

But the boy's personality was relatively introverted, he just pressed his lips and didn't say much.


And Ed Stark nodded slightly, but he noticed the expression on his 'little son''s face.

Then he raised his hand and rubbed Jon Snow's hair.

Although his character is delicate, he is also not good at words and can only be expressed in body language.

"Stay here and protect your mother."

The smile on the man's face only faded for a moment and then regained, and he told the three children in a low voice.

Now that he has learned the good news that his wife is safe, he is not going to continue wasting time here.

Then Ed Stark left his wife's delivery room and walked not far away.

There was a heavy snowfall outside, and there was a guard holding a horse waiting for their lord, and a thin layer of snow had accumulated on his head.

"Master Ed."

The guard was holding the reins of the horse, Ed Stark did not say much, just nodded in response.


Then he took the reins of the guard and turned on his horse.

He raised his head and took another look at the direction of the delivery room. Only then did his legs clamp the horse's belly, urging the horse to leave here.

On the castle.

The three children watched their father leave, and the only girl among them pursed a little bit of dissatisfaction.

"Huh, my mother just gave birth to Brandon."

"Father should be with his mother at this time!"

"Could it be that he has it again..."

The girl's tone was a little while she was talking, she also glanced at her special 'brother'.

And the boy who started talking glanced at his sister, then shook his head and said with a serious face.

"Sansa, don't talk nonsense."

"Don't remember what my father always said? Now winter is coming. This is the biggest test for our Stark family."

"And I accidentally heard Master Lu Wen say..."

The boy named Robb glanced inside the room.

There is only one man in the delivery room and that is Master Lu Wen, and every child of the Stark family is delivered by him.

"Father wrote a letter to King's Landing. King Robert's army is now on its way."