Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 241

Chapter 241

Soon after.

This La Casa finally reached their destination.


The Dothraki shouted obscure words, and the headed Kao turned over and got off his horse, and handed the reins to his blood guard.

And another blood guard with a mouth full of teeth grinned at the unlucky one who was tied behind the horse and ran all the way, his gorgeous clothes were ripped apart.

Then he took a stone knife out of his arms and cut the hemp rope tied to his wrist.

In the holy city of the Dothraki, it is forbidden to carry knives and bloodshed is strictly forbidden.

Therefore, it can be seen that the Dothraki people who drew their knives and slaughtered at the Sea of Dothraki, after entering Vis Dothraki, their tempers will be much reduced.

The Dothraki people are extremely superstitious, so they respectfully abide by the precepts of the Holy City.

After arriving at the destination, all the tribesmen who followed Kao into the holy city were busy with their own affairs. Some took the horses, and some were carrying the cargo.

And their destination is what they can see in front of them. This is a castle-like grass-woven mansion with a thick wooden supporting roof, which is huge and wide.

Almost every Cao has such a wooden temple in the holy city of Vis Doslak, and this is where their Jiao Cao lives.


The obscure language of the Dothraki kept ringing in his ears.

This unfortunate captive was once a member of Governor Pantos's family.

His elderly father, Governor Santos, and his brother were burned to death by Veserys with a mouthful of dragon flames, and he keenly noticed that something was wrong at the beginning of the Scarlet Night.

So he took part of his family's wealth and opened the city gate and escaped from Pantos under the protection of the guards.

They were one of the governor's families who had escaped from the **** night cleaning. After a few days after escaping from Pantos, the young Santos finally heard the news that there was still a father in the city.

His father was burned to death by a cruel tyrant with dragon flames, and all the governor families who did not react were retaliated wildly by the prince of tattered clothes. Empty.

Little Santos, who knew his hometown would not be able to return from now on, even like the prince of tattered clothes, made an oath facing the sea and vowed to retake Pantos with revenge for the family.

However, revenge is simple to say, but it also requires soldiers. It is not realistic to seek help from other trading city-states. Then he thought that his father had a good relationship with the horse kings of Dothraki.

Pantos, who was weak in the past, often confessed to the Dothraki who went out to beat the autumn wind in exchange for their protection.

However, Pantos, who loves peace and is committed to good, has been attacked by the wicked, and even combined with the mob to rob the governors of the legally acquired wealth.

Whenever he thinks of this, Governor Santos hates the itch of his teeth, so he thinks of asking for help from the Dothraki people, and then rushed to the Dothraki Sea with his family and guards.

But God's will tricks people.

They had just arrived at the Dothraki Sea and ran into the wolf's mouth, and they were attacked by a Karratha.

The other party indiscriminately killed everyone in the Santos family and plundered their wealth, only letting him go.

However, there is no unparalleled road, and then Barney Santos, who is in despair, walks on the Dothraki Sea for a few days.

Encountered another tribe that was in conflict with the Karratha not long ago, and took him in after hearing his intentions.

Then a fierce battle broke out between the two Karrathas. Little Santos was lucky. Karratha where he was staying won the war and regained his wealth.

However, it is a pity that these wealth were not returned to him, but received by the new Kao.

Then this Karratha took him to Vis Dothrack, and the channel contacted outside, not knowing what he wanted to do.

As the youngest son of the old father Santos, the young Santos, who was over 30, was already confused now.

He has lost the motivation for revenge, and now only wants to leave the Dothraki Sea alive.

But unfortunately...

The Dothraki didn't intend to let him go now, and little Santos just stood there in a daze in a daze.


Then the tall Jacoccao standing in front of the wooden hall gave him a finger, then turned and walked into the hall, and he was also pushed into it by two Dothrakis.

The main hall built by the slaves was very large, and the wall ceiling made of wood was a roof made of thick grass and soil.

The whole hall is circular like a giant tent, with a huge flame burning in the center, and torches tied to the edges of the pillars.

There was noisy noise in the hall, and most of the Dothraki people sat on the ground, not knowing what they were talking about.

And Gia Cocao sat on the throne in the middle with a grin, his slightly dark skin and strong body with dark eye sockets, his gaze swept over all the people present.

In fact, this Giacocao once also had a relationship with Viselis.

He was the leader of a group of Cass who led the tribe to escape after Zogokao was defeated by Viserys.

At the time, Giacocco merged with the other two Cass, called himself Giacocao, and appointed his own blood ally guard Margo.

He once claimed to all the Dothrakis who had escaped that Visiris had used vile blood magic to defeat the great horse warrior.

He burned Drogokao with flames.

And now Zogokao's soul has been transformed into the brightest star in the sky, and Giaco vowed to avenge Zogokao in the future and kill Viselis.


The weeping star fell from the sky.

At that time, Jacco Cao used this method to successfully conquer many of the broken parts of Zogo, and since then, Jaco Cao has never mentioned this matter again.

Through these years of mergers in the Dothraki Sea, Giaco Cao grew into a Cao with tens of thousands of riders. The expansion of Viselis's power is even more terrifying, and it is said that there are three dragons.

However, until recently.

When Jacoccao caught little Santos, he heard from his mouth that Pantos had fallen, and his heart became alive again.

He suddenly had a bold idea.

So he sent out a letter, summoning many powerful Kao to the holy city, claiming that there are very important things to discuss.

At the same time, there is a force behind him that is also helping him to complete this matter.

Therefore, these days, a large group of Karratha came to Vis Dothrak.

Scared the surrounding little Karratha fled, and many Kao gathered in the holy city.